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PS3 - Wish I Hadn't Bothered

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  • PS3 - Wish I Hadn't Bothered

    I bought a PS3 to while away the cold winter months and not wanting to spend excessive amounts on retail games I also bought a Minimus jailbreaker dongle and a 1TB hard drive with over 100 PS3 games on it.

    Guess what? They're all virtually the same game! Walk / run around, hide, punch, kick, shoot, blow up, hack at enimies with various sharp / blunt / rusty weapons.

    Maybe I should have researched a bit more before spending my hard earned cash. Or maybe I'm just no good at playing these sort of games.

    Wish I'd used the money to buy a set of General Grabber AT2's instead, they would have given me far more pleasure!
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Or an xbox, much better.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      Little Big Planet if you want something a bit different. May not be 'grown up' enough for you though...


      • #4
        Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
        Or an xbox, much better.
        Got one of those as well Alan. Bought it for the grandson to play on when he stays with us.

        I can't get away with that either, guess I'm just not 'gaming gifted'!
        'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


        • #5
          I have the same issue. I use it mostly for the Blu Ray and to watch iPlayer.


          • #6
            Bought one in October and have played it about 6 or 7 times since. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was good though, thoroughly enjoyed that.
            En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


            • #7
              i must admit ive been having probs with playstation network with mine with updates and signing in i got that black ops and its pants modern warfare 2 is a lot better. however i only realy ever stay on one game which is alien vs predator but thats been having loads of online probs at the min aswell


              • #8
                I prefer reality to games, sot the tyres would have won hands down.

                I've never got into the whole 'gamer' thing, can't see what the lure is. But unfortunately that's just my opinion, which isn't allowed at the moment
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Games now and again on the pc are better and free, but yea generally they all the same, hack and slash unless you get driving games, altho you can still hack and slash with some of them too (GTA) ...hehe.
                  I usually play MMORPG games to pass the time, bit of thinking to do on them rather than just hack and slash all the time.


                  • #10
                    Andy, too old mate.

                    Like you were saying the other night, the tech is nice but I'm a generation too late for the current crop and dont 'get' the attraction. I'd much rather be up on the Malverns on my bike.

                    The missus keeps threatening me with a new phone - and my stock answer is 'the one I've got works'. I was in PC World yesterday returning something and was looking around at stuff.

                    iPhone, mmm, looks nice. iPad - oooh shiny gadget. All in one PC thingy... ooohhh... looks nice. Was I even slightly tempted to part with my hard earned? Was I fcuk! My chrimbo money will be going on as yet undecided bits for the truck and the bike.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Aye, I know. But I did concede to the iPhone hype (and at least us oldies use the correct syntax when we type iPhone ).
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                        I prefer reality to games, so the tyres would have won hands down.

                        I've never got into the whole 'gamer' thing, can't see what the lure is. But unfortunately that's just my opinion, which isn't allowed at the moment
                        I've always valued your opinion mate, although I don't always agree with it!

                        I bought the PS3 etc before I bought the 3rd gen, otherwise the money would have been spent more wisely. I thought the games console would pass away a few hours of entertainment during these long winter days.

                        I've found I get more satisfaction from wrapping up warm and taking the dog for a walk in the local woods. (Not at night though as it's far too spooky!)
                        'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                        • #13
                          As a slight aside, have you ever noticed that younger folk dont even put their phones in their pockets? They remain tightly gripped in their hands all of the time, seemingly no matter what else they are doing? They seem to be in near constant contact with somebody - or everybody! Are people becoming 'hive' creatures?

                          Personally I REALLY dont get that! I absolutely despise being bothered constantly by the phone, and like nothing more than being quiet with my own thoughts, but it seems that the generation after me cant cope with being 'unplugged'.

                          IMO that is the C change that technology has wrought. Time will tell if its a good or bad thing. Personally, I think on a superficial level, it will be looked on as a good thing (hey, you can contact anyone, or get info any time) but on a human level I think its hugely detrimental.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            IMO that is the C change that technology has wrought. Time will tell if its a good or bad thing. Personally, I think on a superficial level, it will be looked on as a good thing (hey, you can contact anyone, or get info any time) but on a human level I think its hugely detrimental

                            i would agree with ya mate, me i do try to keep up with the latest tech but then im intrested in the subject however my step son who has just turned 14 from getting up is on xbox360 till he goes to bed the only time he leaves his room is for the loo or feeding, what i have noticed is he is a bit withdrawn now when people come around as he has lost his communication skills, ive noticed this in the short time he moved in with his mum, but trying to get him to go places is a nightmare. the prob i got is my hands are tied as we dont realy know each other that well and the mum is trying to get him to do things. its a bit of a fragile situation at the min with him but hey ho,


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Apache View Post
                              Andy, too old mate.
                              I'm older than the both of you, and I can't get enough of computer games.
                              COD is permanently on in our house.

                              As for new technology... we have just got a microwave.
                              Sent from the iPad you "lost"

