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PC help needed Please.

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  • #16
    Understood thank you !


    • #17
      I just got a new computer and its bl00dy great.Acer all in one job,touch screen,I5 and windows 7 and its a 23" monitor and cordless keyboard and mouse.
      Up till nearly a year agao i used AVG but i then went over to McAfee and its been good so far


      • #18

        throw it in the bin - buy a macbook - problems permanently solved


        • #19
          Pc Fu**ed I would like to have 5 mins in the ring with thoses low life scum bags tha cause me all this greive !


          • #20
            Can you start in safe mode? If so, go to system restore and go back to before the problem began, I had to do this recently on our pc with vista on it, seems to have done the trick
            What have I told you about thinking Erroll


            • #21
              Originally posted by Webbo View Post
              Thanks Guys all else seems to be failing so as Rob said I am running Rootkill, then maybe download some decent free antivirus to get it back into life the shoot the hard drive with my .243 !!! Apart from shooting the hard drive does this seem the right way Si ? get it into state where it will run download all important files which are only pictures and my itunes library . Bear with I am not the worlds best on issues with Pcs but we live and learn...Thanks.And glad I've got the Wifes Laptop.
              it really sounds too far gone, get hold of a windows disc, format the hard drive and reinstall windows... if you want to save anything first and your having difficulty booting up windows, repeatadly press F8 as soon as you turn it on until a menu pops up. scroll down to 'safe mode' which will only boots you the essentials giving you access to your pics etc to save first then flatten your hard drive and resinstall windows, download 'Avast' and your set!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Webbo View Post
                Hi just powered my pc up and my screen save has been replaced with a message in large red and white letters that my pc has been infected.
                In varios way.
                I ran Norton for the first two years and have been running AVG ever sinc with no issues, is there a trusted product for free or I can buy and download to kill this of my pc, btw I am running Vista....Many thanks in advance..
                Hi David personally I've run Avast for 5-6 years with no probs can't fault it n best thing is its "free"
                Good Luck

                "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                Buncefield Burner


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                  Hi David personally I've run Avast for 5-6 years with no probs can't fault it n best thing is its "free"
                  Good Luck

                  "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                  man knows what hes talking about cant fault 'AVAST'


                  • #24
                    Thanks John, I will try that now, limited time as back to sodding woek today !!!Thanks everybody.


                    • #25
                      its a hack they hold your computuer to ransome
                      wanting payment to get it off you commy
                      you need to be in safe mode to get rid of it
                      its in windows/document and settings/registy
                      its file name is a list of numbers
                      google it mate
                      its very common
                      and macs get it too so dont listen to them eather

                      its call something doctor is it not pc doctor?
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

