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Any of you shoot?

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  • #16
    God save the foxes and the racial minorities is wot I say - you all need to chill - there's not enough wildlife about without you lot shooting it to bits to get off.

    Please don't tell me I'm out of touch with you elevated country folk - I spend most of my time working with the farming community who aren't all pro hunt by the way and I've got my own small holding - I could say I was a black hippy immigrant lesbian female bet you'd hate that.

    anti hunting and proud (two sides to every story I'm afraid)



    • #17
      Originally posted by silvtr1000
      I'm a drug lord and I need to pop a cap in some guy's ass cos he's muscling in on my turf. Where's my gun? Oh! Better not forget my licence...

      If you are going to shoot someone, then having a licence is the least of your problems - you be going to jail if you get caught anyway. What's a little licence infringement going to your life sentance anyway.



      • #18
        LIVE AND LET LIVE.....

        or shoot it... or chase it on a horse, or drink it, or smoke it

        or not....

        Allowed to choose... a basic right, surely....

        You makes your choice, you pays the consequences if need be...
        Had enough... going to live in Spain....


        • #19
          Originally posted by bionicterrapin
          God save the foxes and the racial minorities is wot I say - you all need to chill - there's not enough wildlife about without you lot shooting it to bits to get off.

          Please don't tell me I'm out of touch with you elevated country folk - I spend most of my time working with the farming community who aren't all pro hunt by the way and I've got my own small holding - I could say I was a black hippy immigrant lesbian female bet you'd hate that.

          anti hunting and proud (two sides to every story I'm afraid)

          Hi Julie
          Fox hunting is a very expensive sport in its purest form. To hunt three or four times a week requires at least two mounts. Hunt membership can be very expensive and the best hunts usually only invite a few new members each year. Landowners getting priority. While I see no virtue in hounds tearing a fox to pieces. The ritual of beautifully turned out riders on immaculately groomed horses trotting out on a frosty Boxing Day morning is a wonderful sight that all should see at least once before they die.
          Still rolling and waving


          • #20
            Originally posted by bionicterrapin
            God save the foxes and the racial minorities is wot I say - you all need to chill - there's not enough wildlife about without you lot shooting it to bits to get off.

            Please don't tell me I'm out of touch with you elevated country folk - I spend most of my time working with the farming community who aren't all pro hunt by the way and I've got my own small holding - I could say I was a black hippy immigrant lesbian female bet you'd hate that.

            anti hunting and proud (two sides to every story I'm afraid)

            Can't say I'm pro-hunting myself but then a lot of recreational shooting has nothing to do with killing anything - personally I love clay pidgeon shooting (poor clays I hear someone shout).

            I just seems that these laws do nothing to stop the things that they are supposed to, just further erode our liberties.

            I'm also not pro the american way of rights to bear arms for everyone, there has to be some control, however it seems like all things in this country, the government just go too far in the wrong direction and end up not helping the situation.

            Rant over


            • #21
              EACH TO THERE OWN

              now there’s a saying we all know but some don’t like.

              i know lot of people do not like shooting and hunting and that’s fine but its mine ( our ) choice to like and enjoy it.

              i also own a fishery and have had HATE MAIL form certain sickos telling me fish have feelings ! feel pain ! and i should stop running this sort of business !

              maybe its time me and others alike started on the veggies, and do gooders, an the oh so perfect government officials that do everything right and nothing bad !!!
              3RD GEN 3.0TD 1996 SSR-X BLUE OVER SILVER


              • #22
                Blunkett and co

                I've got 2 soon to be banned Longdogs and shoot so i am fully in favour of the views expressed but bear this in mind- They also want to tax 4x4s at a higher rate and are likely to ban them from citys as Paris has done.Ask your local parties of all political leanings what their plans are then use your vote wisely. I dont know their policies are but it may be worth noting that UKIP did very well in rural areas!
                DON'T VOTE- DON'T MOAN!
                A positive attitude wont solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!

