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Any of you shoot?

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  • Any of you shoot?

    Well if you do you better go and have a look at http://www.basc.org.uk/content/respo...firearms_consu and write in. You can write to you MP and the comittee by e-mail if you wish just scroll down the page.

    Essentially Blunket is going mental again and trying to ban everything - and if we are apathetic it WILL happen.

    For you that don't shoot this won't mean a great deal but some of the proposal are:

    (Oh for those that don't get on with country sports and will take offence to this, sorry. Remeber a lot of this applies to target and clay shooters who don't kill stuff)

    Ban all semi auto shotguns
    Ban all 22 rimfire which are semi auto
    Ban all pump actions

    Make you produce "just cause" to get or renew your shotgun certificate, essentially making it as difficult to get a FAC for a rifle. So if you could not get a Licence for a .243 centerfire rifle and you have a shotgun you might as well think about what you will do without your shotgun.

    The other brilliant idea is make it illegal to use a freinds or borrowed "club" gun. So if you want to have a go a shooting a few clay pigeons, well tough! You won't be allowed too unless you have a shotgun certificate. How stupid is that.

    These are designed to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns. Now seeing as most gun crimes use hand guns and legal gun owners have not been allowed to own these for years it does make you wonder!? I see customs stopped load of UZI's coming in to the country the other day at Dover so you have to assume that a great deal more get through. Legislating sensibe gun owners is going to have bugger all effect on this.

    Write in, Ban it Blunkett makes no sence.

  • #2
    What a load of balloney. As the villains will still carry guns.


    • #3
      Well exactly. Anyhow as the Newcastle police comissioner is well aware, Blunket will do what ever he damn well pleases.

      Please send in an email to them if you think its stupid as it is. the email to send too is firearmscontrolsconsultation@h omeoffice.gsi.gov.uk and you can send your local MP an emai lby going here: http://www.locata.co.uk/commons/

      FYI, struggling for stuff to put in the email?

      This is what my wife wrote, good girl such that she is:

      Dear Sir or Madam

      Please accept this as my strong objections to increased legislation over legal gun ownership

      This comittee's remit is to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns and use them. How is legislating against legal gun ownership going to effect this?

      How also is legislating against the use of semi automatic shotguns going to cut down on illegal gun crime. Being quite a small lady I have to shoot a semi automatic shotgun to be able to deal with the recoil as this is greatly redued in these actions.

      Semi automatics in .22 Rimfire are also the ideal tool for vermin, especially rabbit control. They are safe and effective.

      A great deal of gun crimes seem to use hand guns or other illegally possesed weapons and not legally owned ones.

      As a great proportion of gun crimes also use hand guns and legal gun owners have not been allowed to own these for years does this not prove that extra legislation at the easy targets of legal gun owners does not effect criminal gun activities?

      I see also customs stopped load of UZI's coming in from France at Dover so I have to assume that a great deal more get through. Legislating sensibe gun owners is going to have no effect on this at all.


      • #4
        Yea They made it more difficult just after the Hungerford Incident. They made all semi auto owners have them altered on the magazine capacity. As far as I could see all that done was stoped you walking around a field with as many cartridges at the ready.
        At the end of the day the crims will still get the weapons and all it will do is !!!! off the law abiding shooter.
        Its just another way of saying look what we are doing to reduce gun crime.
        F all.
        Rant over.
        Rubblebags (Geoff).


        • #5
          So you going to send 2 emails then?


          • #6
            Originally posted by westy
            Well if you do you better go and have a look at http://www.basc.org.uk/content/respo...firearms_consu and write in. You can write to you MP and the comittee by e-mail if you wish just scroll down the page.

            Essentially Blunket is going mental again and trying to ban everything - and if we are apathetic it WILL happen.

            For you that don't shoot this won't mean a great deal but some of the proposal are:

            (Oh for those that don't get on with country sports and will take offence to this, sorry. Remeber a lot of this applies to target and clay shooters who don't kill stuff)

            Ban all semi auto shotguns
            Ban all 22 rimfire which are semi auto
            Ban all pump actions

            Make you produce "just cause" to get or renew your shotgun certificate, essentially making it as difficult to get a FAC for a rifle. So if you could not get a Licence for a .243 centerfire rifle and you have a shotgun you might as well think about what you will do without your shotgun.

            The other brilliant idea is make it illegal to use a freinds or borrowed "club" gun. So if you want to have a go a shooting a few clay pigeons, well tough! You won't be allowed too unless you have a shotgun certificate. How stupid is that.

            These are designed to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns. Now seeing as most gun crimes use hand guns and legal gun owners have not been allowed to own these for years it does make you wonder!? I see customs stopped load of UZI's coming in to the country the other day at Dover so you have to assume that a great deal more get through. Legislating sensibe gun owners is going to have bugger all effect on this.

            Write in, Ban it Blunkett makes no sence.
            Uzi for Sale,offers over £500.00
            Powered by ????


            • #7
              YES. Without a shade of a doubt.
              Rubblebags (Geoff).


              • #8
                Originally posted by RobD
                Uzi for Sale,offers over £500.00
                One carefull owner.
                Used once only.
                Now a no longer needed item.

                Mo thegrass
                Rubblebags (Geoff).


                • #9
                  Good man. Make sure you pass this info on to freinds.

                  Oh he wants to ban replica and deactivated stuff too. The man is a looney. Should be great for the UK film industry. Imagine the remake of the the "great escape" post Blunket.

                  Oh yeah, and the other suggested stuff is to Black out gunshop windows and make it illegal for under 18's to enter plus a minimum age under which it will be illegal to handle (yes handle, not shoot) a gun of any kind.
                  Last edited by westy; 8 July 2004, 18:33.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by westy
                    Good man. Make sure you pass this info on to freinds.

                    Oh he wants to ban replica and deactivated stuff too. The man is a looney. Should be great for the UK film industry. Imagine the remake of the the "great escape" post Blunket.

                    Oh yeah, and the other suggested stuff is to Black out gunshop windows and make it illegal for under 18's to enter plus a minimum age under which it will be illegal to handle (yes handle, not shoot) a gun of any kind.
                    Lets face it the film industry is not exactly the top of his list is it.
                    Rubblebags (Geoff).


                    • #11
                      Hi Westy
                      I have been involved in shooting for a little while now. When I bought my first shot gun licence from the post office when I was 16 it cost 5 shillings. I was asked if I would like a game licence which cost another 5 shillings I declined.
                      Mr Policeman was not at all interested. When I grew older and richer I applied for a licence for a rook rifle. Mr plod only needed a note from a farmer to say I had permission to shoot vermin on his land.
                      All through the war father kept his service rifle and ammunition in the kitchen. My sister and I were told not to touch the rifle or the ammunition, we never did. As a sixteen year old I would ask permission from farmers to shoot rabbits. The times I was refused permission were few. Sometimes I was invited to go roost shooting wood pigeons in February and rooks in the warmer months. Young rooks that were newly fledged were the quarry. Later on I was called up to do my National Service. After 3 months training we were sent home on leave carrying all our army kit including a rifle. I remembering struggling with all my kit and that blooming rifle across London on the underground and cursing the kitbag and rifle
                      Since those days the country has changed. Children do what they like; Old people get mugged for a few miserable quid. Anyone who wants to come to Britain comes and our present population have many different ideas of what is right and what is wrong. When my semi auto rifles were banned after Hungerford I was annoyed but thankful my pistols were still safe. Then came Dunblaine. My wife, who was shooting Standard Pistol and Precision Centre-fire pistol at that time, stopped shooting. The thought of the three year olds being gunned down was too much.
                      Now an old gentleman has been shot with SG shot at his door.
                      I will still march in London if required, lobby my MP once more and be a vociferous supporter of shooting for the rest of my life. However we must all remember Governments react to statistics and if gun crime is on the increase the non-shooting public will demand some form of action, even if the action will do little to stop the illegal guns proliferating in certain sections of our communities.
                      Still rolling and waving


                      • #12
                        Blood Boiling

                        MAD MAD MAD

                        I like others have been shooting both clay and game for over 20 years now and am sick and tired of being persecuted by some mindless, know it all ( know nothing ) p*i*ks

                        Its my hobby and my sport not there’s!

                        i don’t tell them what to and not to do.
                        even marching when we do it is WRONG, got to be on a Sunday between such and such a time, minimal press coverage - surprise surprise.
                        look how many we were and how little trouble there was.

                        ban fox and dog hunting up here in Scotland, don’t worry about rural life.

                        i work on, run and organise shoots and its !!!!!! hard work for little gain at times but at least i know my bit for conservation is a billion times more than there’s !

                        ok it might sound like im really angry and yes i am but I along with tons of others have a right ( our right ) to be !!!!!! angry – maybe it’s a case of do unto others as they do unto you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        3RD GEN 3.0TD 1996 SSR-X BLUE OVER SILVER


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rubblebags
                          Lets face it the film industry is not exactly the top of his list is it.
                          Not less they have Feela -a - Film.... I see DB in the office a bit (he doesn't see me!) Sorry.... I like his dog

                          Dear Mr Blunkett,

                          Please can we have our country back....

                          Let them shoot, grow strawberries in polly tunnels, smack bad kids. Where does it stop... I don't wanna stay in this country anymore....

                          I don't shoot, but do support you, good luck
                          Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                          • #14
                            Don't worry as you will not be able to reach your outdoor shoots because they will have taxed you out of your 4x4's!

                            When did democracy die, what heppened to common sense, free will, freedom of speech....... I no longer live in a free country.

                            No wonder so many people leave the UK at the first opportunity they have.

                            Can someone please look after us, I am not a criminal, nor am I an angel , I smoke, I drive, I drink, not all at the same time and I swear.

                            Soon I will not be allowed to leave my own home!! Grrrrrrr

                            Whilst I am not into shooting, my uncle is and I spent my time in the armed services, and actually enjoyed the range days etc. I agree this is another stupid backlash law that will not effect the real criminals.


                            • #15
                              I'm a drug lord and I need to pop a cap in some guy's ass cos he's muscling in on my turf. Where's my gun? Oh! Better not forget my licence...

