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Heavy snow

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
    With absolute Chaos happening all around today in (Hemel Hempstead) due to our 40 minute Snow Blizzard my Trusty Truck n her new GG AT2's performed absolutely Brilliant

    Removed a L*******r from a steep hill n Disposed of a Audi in the way on the same hill only to have to shift a Toyota Yaris still on the way down n then had to Tow a Toyota people carrier 3/4 of a mile up a hill that was straddling n blocking both lanes n that was just on me way home ....

    All made comments like "wanna swap vehicles", obviously I declined n even turned down a offer to purchase my ole Gal ..
    However I did comment to the yota drivers that they have the wrong model !!
    Sorry no Pics, I didn't have time !!
    Happy Days n only took me 2 hours to get home some 3 miles away

    Surf 10/10
    GG AT2's 10/10

    "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
    My good deed for the day was going to the shop for a couple of packs of ciggys and ended up delivering the milk to two shops. The delivery wagon made it to merthyr from Hereford but failed a quarter mile from the first shop. He gave me a crate of milk for my help so the fridge now looks like a cow has laid eggs. Mmmm lots of milkshakes and Strongbow.....

    Still not sure on wether to use low ratio 4WD as it seems a very slow way to get from A to B, even in snow. Any advice anyone ??
    Last edited by nigel129; 18 December 2010, 07:10.
    Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


    • #32
      if using it in high works then no need I've not had to use 4 low either this year or last even on steep hills where others had abandoned cars this one just plodded through. H


      • #33
        Originally posted by nigel129 View Post
        can u tell me how i attach thumbnails, thanks

        ...when you are writing your post there are a number of symbols at the top of the message box you type your text into.
        Its starts off Fonts Sizes after "" smiley face symbol there is a paperclip symbol.
        You click on this to attach a picture, when you do so another box appears, use the "browse" button in this new box to navigate to where your picture is and then hit upload...

        done just post..... be aware if your image is too big it will not post

        Back in the day Baby


        • #34
          snow in the bay

          As we never get snow in the bay it was a joy to wake up this morning and play. No bus service moving in the area, no gritters just the trusty surfs going were no man or woman can get to........we love you SURFS
          Attached Files
          so long and thanks for all the mud


          • #35
            trying to add pic

            Originally posted by Vultch View Post
            ...when you are writing your post there are a number of symbols at the top of the message box you type your text into.
            Its starts off Fonts Sizes after "" smiley face symbol there is a paperclip symbol.
            You click on this to attach a picture, when you do so another box appears, use the "browse" button in this new box to navigate to where your picture is and then hit upload...

            done just post..... be aware if your image is too big [ATTACH]29895[/ATTACH]it will not post
            Attached Files
            Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


            • #36
              Originally posted by nigel129 View Post
              Ahhh ha done it, but that paper clip is a bit dark, would never have seen it,not sure if its my monitor, or the boards color scheme.
              anyway thanks for the excelent instructions

              Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


              • #37
                Well got in from work this morning at 04:30 and no snow. Got up 09:30 and nothing is moving!! As usual the council did themselves proud with heavy gritting Oh what a plonker, I forgot, they were caught out cos we had no idea this would be hitting us unexpectedly!!!

                Cheers, Nick
                "The force will be with you, always!"


                • #38
                  Originally posted by nigel129 View Post
                  You got hit as hard as we did...

                  Back in the day Baby


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                    And it froze up at tunbridge wells and nutley al...it was just a sheet of ice. I lost count after I counted 50 or so accidents.
                    Hi Graham..Was in that mess that went from forest row to nutley....drove half a mile in an hour...gave up turned round and took an hour to get to grinstead....a lorry was side ways on nutley hill.

                    .... Which was nice.


                    • #40
                      Hi ya peeps! I am back. Sorry not been on for ages.

                      Yesterday was definitely fun driving home from work in Kings Langley in this snow. I didn't see anyone in trouble on the roadside thankfully, but I would have stopped to see if there was anything I could do to help if I did.

                      We've got more snow coming down pretty heavy again now too. It's gonna be even more fun out there today!

                      Hope your all keeping well & staying safe on those roads!

                      It's only kinky the first time...


                      • #41
                        Off out to see how bad the ice is under the snow that's coming down heavy now.....got my nappy on!!
                        .... Which was nice.


                        • #42
                          We finally got about between 3 and 4 inches overnight. bit of a bugger as crutches don't come with a/t bottoms
                          I'M ALWAYS IN THE SH'T, IT'S ONLY THE DEPTH THAT VARIES!!!!!!!!


                          • #43
                            Just had thunder and lightning during the snow...weird!
                            Non intercooled nothing.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                              Just had thunder and lightning during the snow...weird!
                              Just going for beer.


                              • #45
                                just back from taking next door neighbour into town (police lady) who commented that it was a shame the force didnt have surfs........!
                                Checked up on aged Aunty, after explaining who my husband was for the third time, tucked her up in the warm.
                                On the way home first in a que of 3 vehicals waiting for oncoming traffic to come down the hill an unparented van driver saw fit to overtake us in the path of oncoming traffic and rip of the wing mirrors of the cars parked....what a tool !!
                                There ends my day of excitement...i hope.
                                so long and thanks for all the mud

