I attended a pay n play day today, hosted by the 4x4 without a club guys in aldermaston nr reading
had a really good day, well impressed with what the truck can cope with and even more so the course there..
nicely laid out, plenty of tracks to suit all levels, loads of space - it was busy but was never really an issue
my mate managed to break his truck within 10 mins of being there -had to be rescued by a series of land rovers which made it even worse...
his front wishbones seemed to have collapsed, i was riding shotgun at the time just having a reccie round the site..
the organisers all rallied round, made a few bodged repairs and managed to get it back on all 4 wheels an drag him out - then we sorted a low loader and took him off to Tony N to sort
what a great organisations - even tho we did get banter about 'jap crap' etc
i went up a steep incline to be met with a steep drop the other side, had tehtruck balanced on the rear left and front right rocking in the air - quite a scarey feeling - then bang - something went pop - so that ended my days fun..
got it home and popped up on the ramps and had a look underneath - turns out i had only snapped the rear anti roll bar clamp.. so not too bad..
anyway - here's a couple of pics
the rescue

and then back home
really like this pic...

more here pics
now i know this isnt much compared to what soem of you guys have do/done but this was my first pay day and i thoroughly enjoyed it
next up - lift!!!!
had a really good day, well impressed with what the truck can cope with and even more so the course there..
nicely laid out, plenty of tracks to suit all levels, loads of space - it was busy but was never really an issue
my mate managed to break his truck within 10 mins of being there -had to be rescued by a series of land rovers which made it even worse...
his front wishbones seemed to have collapsed, i was riding shotgun at the time just having a reccie round the site..
the organisers all rallied round, made a few bodged repairs and managed to get it back on all 4 wheels an drag him out - then we sorted a low loader and took him off to Tony N to sort
what a great organisations - even tho we did get banter about 'jap crap' etc
i went up a steep incline to be met with a steep drop the other side, had tehtruck balanced on the rear left and front right rocking in the air - quite a scarey feeling - then bang - something went pop - so that ended my days fun..
got it home and popped up on the ramps and had a look underneath - turns out i had only snapped the rear anti roll bar clamp.. so not too bad..
anyway - here's a couple of pics
the rescue

and then back home
really like this pic...

more here pics
now i know this isnt much compared to what soem of you guys have do/done but this was my first pay day and i thoroughly enjoyed it
next up - lift!!!!