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Thinking the cold has finally killed off the Surf's batteries??

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  • #16
    Checked the levels inside the battery, on one I can see the workings, metal things.. I'm assuming they should be covered ?

    I need to put in distilled water right? I seem to remember my old dad just adding cooled boiled water, is that the same thing?

    Charging both batteries now, so we shall see how if she starts in a bit..

    Yes, both batteries I've just noticed are different, and to be honest they do look fairly new, I think the dealer I bought it from must have put them on. God only knows what make they are though?
    Love me Love my Surf!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Adarsha & The Beast View Post
      Checked the levels inside the battery, on one I can see the workings, metal things.. I'm assuming they should be covered ?
      You assume correctly.

      There's usually a 'step' inside the fill hole which is where it should be filled to. Boiled water still has calcerous minerals in it. Pure water goes off as steam. Thats the stuff to use if you can get the steam into your battery... . Better using distilled water if you are keeping the batteries any length of time.

      Did the metal bits (plates) look reasonably clean, or were they furry like the inside of an old kettle? Also, if they are warped it indicates the battery is toast.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #18
        Originally posted by Apache View Post
        You assume correctly.

        Did the metal bits (plates) look reasonably clean, or were they furry like the inside of an old kettle? Also, if they are warped it indicates the battery is toast.
        Bit black and furry in parts.. not white?
        Love me Love my Surf!


        • #19

          Well twice, I charged the batteries, it turns for like 30 seconds to a minute and then.......... rur rur ruuur ruuuuur ruuuuuuuur ruuuuuuuuuuuuuur ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeer DEAD!

          So the batteries are dead right?

          Can I swear, can I ? can a lady swear on here and get away with it!

          ok b*ll*cks Sh*t Fk*c in any combination you like. Just when I need the damn thing most, i.e. to go and play in the snow it sh*ts itself on batteries !
          Love me Love my Surf!


          • #20
            Yes if you charged the batteries properly and they lose charge that quickly, they are likely fubared, but if you need to crank that long without the engine firing you have other issues.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #21
              Only need to crank for a while in the very cold weather, usually it's fine. But.. I'm now considering parting company again. Being a woman, can't do stuff to it myself, maybe it's time to be practical and realistic.. Damn!

              Glo plugs are fine, that I do know had them checked. ho hum.. here we go..
              Love me Love my Surf!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Adarsha & The Beast View Post
                Only need to crank for a while in the very cold weather, usually it's fine. But.. I'm now considering parting company again. Being a woman, can't do stuff to it myself, maybe it's time to be practical and realistic.. Damn!

                Glo plugs are fine, that I do know had them checked. ho hum.. here we go..

                If the glow plugs are fine, and the engine turns over fast enough then it should fire up.
                When was the last time the fuel filter was changed?
                Are you using veg oil?

                I have a battery here you can have, it's the driver's side one.


                • #23
                  Hi Bushwacker, just been to my local guys and they are going to put two new batteries on for me. These just don't hold a charge at all when charged up.

                  The glo plugs are ok. I don't use veggie oil and the filters have all been changed in Sept. She runs like a dream when up and going... lol..

                  I need it back on the road for a photo shoot I'm doing in the Black Mountains, slightly off road.. and my deadline to get the work in is looming. So thought it best to just get it organised.

                  Thanks for the offer of a battery, very kind of you, as usual you're always happy to help others. My garage guy will come and fit these for me at home now, so apart from the err hum.. cash... it should all be fine. Fingers crossed.
                  Love me Love my Surf!


                  • #24
                    No worries.
                    If you're ever over this way and you've got truck problems, just give me a shout.


                    • #25
                      Man from garage came, two new batteries, started straight away.. Yey!

                      And... Bushwacker, would love to say hi sometime. And likewise if you're ever down this way.

                      Just been up the mountain in the 4x4 and boy it's slippy up there, did a nice little twirl on the snow and ice ! lol Made me twitch.. not going to do it again in the dark anytime soon! EEeek!
                      Love me Love my Surf!

