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Nearly got caught out green lanin'
Originally posted by slobodan View PostGeorge, I like that link to the formidable hairy northern wood ant.
Apparently, it talks funny, wears cap sleeve shirts and smokes 'tabs'
i have only ever seen one hairy ant and it still sold me a cheap dvdam not die lex sick its you that cant read mate
I am pretty sure no animals, trees or bushes were hurt during the making of my mistake....
There was no criminal damage. No ants lost their homes, nor did I bend, snap or cut anything to gain passage...
I merely drove down an unpaved road, which reduced in size. I turned round and came back.
No wheel spinning, no revving of engine, no nothing. It was a very slow and considered drive.
Unfortunately I didn't consider how to get back before I set off!
Lesson learnt, and hope my public flogging is of benefit to others so they too can make sure they don't accidently crush the last breeding ground of the lesser spotted terd warbler."B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."
No worries, I'll take the cr@p driver comment on the chin, 'twas a silly mistake. I'm now wiser and a day older."B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."
At the end of the day you have learnt a lesson doing less damage than others .
My advice would be to find others in your area who share your interest in doing it legally , if you are unable to find anyone on here Try the Mudclub as they have a strict off-roading code , Mainly in land rovers. Or local off road clubs.
So now you have been in front of the wall and survived the firing squad get some maps and try again .
Also check you local council website as they have a rights of way department which will also inform you of any TRO's .............' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'
LOL, George is right, the bobble hats scour websites for proof of 4x4's putting a wheel off the legal track and blowing it out of proportion.
The 'fecking horse rider' was right, and didn't give you any shit, you should be thankful and show him a little more respect than you did in the orginal post.
I ride spooky horses, the last thing you want is a car squeezing past you, especially if they are somewhere they shouldn't be, it just extra hassle and worry you don't need.
TBH, nothing wrong with going out on your own on many byways, but like Bio says, make sure you are 100% sure where you should be.
Don't let it put you off. But don't expect much sympathy from all the people fighting hard to keep the limited byways open for vehicles, when you get caught in the wrong place, innocently or not.
4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...
Originally posted by VidaMusic View PostJeez this thread is like being at school in detention or somethin!!
Its a serious subject, and not to be taken lighty.
Wolfracer is ok, now this thread needs to show newbies how easy it is to go wrong, and how big a deal it is.4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...
Originally posted by VidaMusic View Poststudy the latest OS map, if it says you can go, then pretty much you can go?
Not Technically correct, Byways are marked on os maps, The NERC act has transformed some byways into Restricted byways which you are not allowed to drive also some RUPPs (roads used as public paths lost there status and are now not driveable . O/S maps do not show this ......
To finish off TRO's (transport restriction orders ) are posted at the ends of byways and can be removed by idiots so they can drive them .....As I said before If you have any doubts check with the rights of way office at your local county council.
This place needs a rights of way section to teach some people the laws, Map reading and their responsibilities when off roading.
WALKS OFF SHAKING HEAD' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'