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There really is no hope for this country is there?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
    i uderstand your post more than you could imagine

    but severe depression is just a state of mind
    i know its easy to just think are fek it what do they know
    but beleave me your not on your own
    even sat in an empty room your not alone

    what ever you think gave you severe depression
    i can bet you have not become the same has you was fetched up
    well job done then
    if you had a bad up bringing and you turn out very different or even hateing the types of people that fetched you up wrong
    that your job done then
    abuse can come in many forms some people reseeve a form of abuse and hold it in there heads for the rest of there lives
    why its the human phyci its how it works
    its one reson why abuse affects every one who has reseaved it
    80% of the abused grow up to be the abuser
    if you have not grown into an abusive person than you did a good job

    if you have then just remember what it felt like when it was happening to you then get your head sorted out properly hold it up and say
    the chain stops here
    because if not you are just going to pass the abuse on down the family
    abuse is a hard thing the deal with no matter what form of abuse is used
    the affect abuse has is unreal its not the act of abuse that leave people damaged
    its the world the abuser keeps the abused in so they can carry on they own abuse for what ever reason

    i was learnt that at reform school it was part of understanding why i was such a bastrad
    so buck up mate i bet theres a lot of people that had it bad has a kid
    but i can tell you theres more people out there that wont admit that abuse was part of there up bringing
    brave in one way sad in another
    I agree with all you say Judwalk. I constantly remind myself that there are many others out there who have had it a lot worse than me, which helps me cope. With me, it wasn't so much the never ending beatings I got, but the mental abuse which affected me the most. It scars you for life.
    I have never had kids because of my fear that I might treat them in the same way I was. That's difficult to deal with as I've always wanted some.

    To this day, I have to control how I react & behave around people. Fortunately, it has got easier to do this as the years have passed. So long as people don't push me, I'm fine. The rage is always there though, lurking in the background, itching to get out! You know how that feels right?
    It's good to know that other's on this forum really understand these things.

    Anyway...enough of this depressive morbidity...let's get back to Surfdom!

    Regards & thanks


    • #47
      i channel mine to hurt the right ones i hate been feared but with some people nasty people they need to see what i hide every day my self
      channel it use it to help others and stop the hurtfull people of this world
      if every one did thid this world would be a better place
      i was kept in a world that was not real untill i was 13 or so
      then i learnt how i live was not how others lived you only know what you are learnt in my case no one should have to live like that
      but iam sure they still do and in some cases evern worse
      its one reason i could never read or write i was not learnt them things

      iam the same now battle every day with my temper too
      i have not hit no one for about 6 years now i have thrown a few about for my dad in the pubs and thats me who is ill
      before i was ill i was well a lot worse
      and the people i have hit are the ones who need a good knocking back to earth
      so i basicly stick up for any one who needs it even if i dont know them
      animals just dont hurt anything in front of me because i will do the same to you
      gets me into a lot of shit but hey thats life i still have no criminal record tho
      wich liveing around here at my aged is very good on its own
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #48
        Good Darts Dude! the helping others i mean,

        Some people need help and there's a few on this Forum, me included !!


        • #49
          Originally posted by western uk View Post
          Good Darts Dude! the helping others i mean,

          Some people need help and there's a few on this Forum, me included !!
          theres more people that dont admit it than there is that do
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #50
            Fuc me hide all the guns. Mind it too cold up here to go running around shooting folks, so na long bus trips before you all flip.

