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mac or pc

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  • #16
    Just don't get Dell, they used to be great, but now they are cr#p. I had the xt1 and im now on the xt2 which is slightly better but still unreliable compared to there old latitude stuff.
    Naff customer service and tech support too.

    I like the look of the iPad myself. Hopefully the iPad 2 will be more usable for my needs
    If it can be broken it can be fixed


    • #17
      Originally posted by mckirdy-services View Post
      I have not got much experience with Linux but it's not novice friendly in my opinion.
      If you've not had much experience with it, how can you conclude that it's not user friendly?

      Modern *nix GUIs are as intuative as any Windoze or MAC GUI. And the very reason people slate *nix is the main thing that keeps it secure. It won't install anything, bar core applications, without Root's authorisation.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #18
        Originally posted by Neil.a View Post
        Unless someone out there has written a driver for an obsolete/obscure bit of kit, such as a USB WiFi adapter; its not going to work.
        What's the difference between what you're saying is a fault in *nix and what happens when M$ 'Updates' their OS, but a manufacturer decides not to update their drivers?

        There's far more chance of finding a, working, generic driver for obscure kit that will work in *nix than there is of finding one for Windoze.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          What's the difference between what you're saying is a fault in *nix and what happens when M$ 'Updates' their OS, but a manufacturer decides not to update their drivers?

          There's far more chance of finding a, working, generic driver for obscure kit that will work in *nix than there is of finding one for Windoze.
          Ok mate.


          • #20
            Horses for courses - what are you going to use it for?
            I run Macs 'cos of the pro audio things like Pro Tools & Logic that I'm involved with. PC's are cr@p at that kind of thing, largely due to Windoze O/S based software.
            My son is a Mac systems tech for some big names, he works a lot of cross platform stuff & doesn't rate PC for audio, video or graphic rendering capabilities - the pro's in these fields all run Mac.
            However my bro, an electronic hardware & software designer wouldn't, or couldn't, use Mac, simply because many of the proggys he uses, such as VHDL, are not available for Mac. Windoze/OS10 partitioning is not a practical option for that level of design stuff apparently.


            • #21
              I'll be giving unbuntu a trial soon, as for Mac os I did have it running on my PC at one time, got a lot of info from http://www.osx86project.org/ and managed to get it running was a little wonkey though.

              The computer that suits you, is the one that suits you; try a Mac out or give *inx a go Unbuntu looks like a great option, at work the epos system runs in fedora core and is extreamley stable, just whatever you do don't buy a PC with vista/windoze7 starter on it

              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



              • #22
                I'm a Mac person but I'v heard good things about linux..no experience thou, will have a look at unbuntu..


                PC's - cheaper hardware but all the delights of windows ..although windows 7 seems ok

                Mac - more expensive but premium hardware and OS, if you know little about computers its pretty much idiot proof really easy to use and very rarely bombs..no virus/trojans... not because of a lack of trying by some...

                Linux..dont know whats out there application wise

                Back in the day Baby


                • #23
                  Originally posted by an1mal_69 View Post
                  I know the macs are more stable & reliable and having seen the 27" iMac in
                  Currys (£1300)..gorgeous.!

                  But saying that W7 with the touch screen interface is pretty cool..but not in the same league in terms of quality, even the Sony machine looked a bit naff next to the iMac.
                  thanks for every ones input we have ordered the mac as qouted above 27" imac
                  the wifes a nurse and they have this scheme where you rent for three years during that three years you get full warrenty and software fixes/online support and after three years it then becomes yours and the best bit is its salary sacrifice so you don't pay tax on the money that pays for it and its not much more than £1300
                  Last edited by garry; 21 October 2010, 23:00.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                    Linux..dont know whats out there application wise
                    Everything you can get for a PC or a Mac, sometimes better, almost always free.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #25
                      Worth a look then.... I have a dig..

                      Back in the day Baby


                      • #26
                        go for a pc


                        • #27
                          I have to agree with Albannach on this one, I installed Ubuntu a couple of weeks ago, I've only ever used windows and dos. I wasn't 100% sure how I'd get on with it so I put it on in dual boot with windows but have only booted up windows once since doing so and that was for a CAD package I wanted to use.
                          I had Ubuntu installed and setup with email all peripherals and everything in about 50 minutes and this is coming from a person that had never even seen a linux system of any kind running before, windows used to take a couple of hours for a reinstall by the time I got everything sorted out that goes with it, email ect.
                          Considering the only thing it cost me was just under an hour of my time (because it's free), it's more secure and makes windows look like a slug, I think it was time well spent.


                          • #28
                            I spoke to my son & I stand corrected re multiple O/S on Mac, but only for Intel based Macs.
                            He has his work MacBook partitioned with Linux, OS10 & Windoze7 & uses the lot on a daily basis on installs & service.


                            • #29
                              I run my own laptop/comp repair company....I have a macbook pro and 2 laptops and 2 PCs.

                              Windows 7.....better than Vista (only just) but cannot beat XP. All my Windows are now running on XP pro and I have next to no problems. Windows 7 is supposed to make your PC run faster....it don't...and it will randomly block webpages and you have no clue how to get them back (not even Microsoft can answer this)

                              The Mac has been given to my in-laws as it was never used and I hated it.

                              Linux and Ubuntu are good programs to use....but they will never be main stream so software will always be an issue.

                              Software for Macs is so expensive its nuts....and the myth they don't get Virus's is rubbish. I have fixed macs that have had them. They just don't them as much. The problem is a standard harddrive is useless once it has been used in a Mac....so anything happens and its a new hardrive as standard, something to do with 'tagging' the HD, you cannot even format them....I have one left at home 160gb and you cannot even get a PC or Mac to recognice it as even being a HD.

                              And with laptops and PCs being so cheap....the comparrison to a Mac is pointless. you could buy 2 laptops or PCs for what it would cost for a decent mac.

                              My quad core Intel, 6 gig of RAM, 2 Tb hardrive with windows 7 (not now) and a 1gig Graphics card was only £440.....can't get that with a Mac

                              Macs are great if you a graphic designer etc....but home use I would always go for PC even over a laptop.

                              Sorry just my 2p worth



                              • #30
                                and for those who are interested Windows 7 is actually still Vista just slightly updated. Same Program

                                I have a programme that runs on my PC when I still had Windows 7 on it and when loading in....it ran checks on the hardware and software for compatability....and it still show the OS has being Vista 7.02 or something like that!

                                Just Microsoft ripping people off again....like them pulling all sales of XP so you have to get Vista or 7


