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mac or pc

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  • mac or pc

    Ok guy's its time I got a new computer, not sure what to go for mac or pc
    I have never had a mac always had a pc since windows 3.1 I remember getting windows 95 and thought I had gone through a time warp and landed in the future
    So what are your views guy's n gals.........

  • #2
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      I have Macs. Faster, easier, more reliable. But, more expensive, less software, harder to adjust the settings and prone to obsolescence.

      It's horses for courses. If you have the money and just want internet, photo and music, it's a Mac. If you want something more or better value, go for a PC.


      • #4
        mac every time - miles ahead of windows and doesnt get bugs


        • #5
          Originally posted by gary-r View Post
          and doesnt get bugs
          Only because it's not as popular as Windoze.

          PC/Laptop and *nix, no contest.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Get a Toshiba from Tesco.

            I mend em for a living. I don't see any Toshiba's for repair. See loads of Packard Bell, Advent, Sony and Dells tho.
            If you are used to Windows and still want the flexibility and massive scope of software, stick with it. W7 is fantastic. If you are into graphics, then go for a MAC.


            • #7
              Oh, and when MACs go wrong, they have you by the balls.


              • #8
                what ever computer you buy format it and put Linux on, its the only way forward
                Show me where the trench is at or can i make one!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dixie.t View Post
                  what ever computer you buy format it and put Linux on, its the only way forward
                  Then spend a lifetime looking for drivers to get it to work.


                  • #10
                    I know the macs are more stable & reliable and having seen the 27" iMac in
                    Currys (£1300)..gorgeous.!

                    But saying that W7 with the touch screen interface is pretty cool..but not in the same league in terms of quality, even the Sony machine looked a bit naff next to the iMac.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Neil.a View Post
                      Then spend a lifetime looking for drivers to get it to work.
                      Nope, that's rubbish. My Toshiba worked without installing any additional drivers. Everything I had on it (and all my peripherals) was supported from within my chosen *nix OS.
                      Last edited by Albannach; 21 October 2010, 09:49.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dixie.t View Post
                        what ever computer you buy format it and put Linux on, its the only way forward
                        Even though Mac OS is *nix based, I don't think it's possible to run a Mac with *nix.
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          ya can i reads about it the other day
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Nope, that's rubbish. My Toshiba worked without installing any additional drivers. Everything I had on it (and all my peripherals) was supported from within my chosen *nix OS.
                            I get this all the time. One instance, does not make a rule. Unless someone out there has written a driver for an obsolete/obscure bit of kit, such as a USB WiFi adapter; its not going to work.
                            If you are fairly handy around O/S's, then Linux will be fine. However the average bod wont be. The user friendliness and support, due to the sheer amount of users of Windows; cant really be beaten for novices.


                            • #15
                              Depends what you want it for.

                              Music, video editing, graphics, Internet etc go for mac.
                              Auto-cad, ,matlab, Ansys etc go for windows as there are too many issues with mac for these.
                              I have not got much experience with Linux but it's not novice friendly in my opinion.

                              The video editing stuff on mac is miles better than anything windows based.

                              So what do you want / need it for ?
                              If it can be broken it can be fixed

