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Refreshing to hear this kind of talk....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
    I knew it. I've long had a theory that there is no online political discussion tinged with xenophobia/racism which can't be immeasurably improved by a picture of some fluffy ducklings.
    If Hitler had ducklings things would've turned out very different!
    “Do or do not... there is no try.”


    • #32

      Do it now!


      • #33
        Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
        If Hitler had ducklings things would've turned out very different!
        Beware my quack twoops!


        • #34
          Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
          Beware my quack twoops!
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #35
            Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
            Beware my quack twoops!
            Sounds like Monty python's Life of Brian

            "Woderwick the Wobber"
            “Do or do not... there is no try.”


            • #36
              Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
              If Hitler had ducklings things would've turned out very different!
              And there is a statistic proven that every political thread at some point will mention hilter
              Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


              • #37
                I go to work 5/6 days a week, I also go out till 2am-ish 9 nights a month I work a second job,playing in a band (ok that's a job you can love, but it's still a job, work 11 hours on a Saturday then go right off to gig and load in play load out and drive home) but there are people that come into my work who are on benifits that are better off than me.

                I have a few friends that claim sickenss benifit and do a little stone masonary on the side, ####es me off but I'm not a grass.

                People I think will always play the system, it's human nature, the same nature that always looks for an easier option like "hey lads rather than spending all day chasing all these cows and maybe catching one of them, lets build a fence round a few and get one when we need it?" for example. Or "hey why not plant the seeds of the crop we eat in one place rather than looking all the place for it?"

                I think the people that do well on benifits are why we see imigrants comming here to work the jobs they won't take, why because in their country they can't get benifits you work or you go hungery that simple.

                I speak to some polish people at work and outside school when I take my kids; some of them work 4 jobs all for pretty cack wages, but they are happy to be working and putting bread on the table decent honest hard working men and women.

                I find it funny to hear the word imigrant in Britain, every one of us is an imigrant really or at least the decendant of one, how many times have we been invaded? seriously romans, vikings French etc etc

                If your sick in Thai Land and you don't have money, then your not going to get treatment.

                As for Cameron, well I don't think his head is as quite in the clouds as most polotitcians; his father was a cripple that worked hard to do the best for him; he himself has gone through the heart break of seeing your own child die.
                If he can live with these things and still have his head up his arse then he's a moron or a monster I don't belive he's either.

                Anyway ramble ramble, melienum hand and fish flibble.

                I liked the ducks.

                Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                • #38
                  i've been following this thread with some interest in what people actually think, i don't think that everyone who is on benefits should be labeled as all being the same, there are a few that would rather be working than being stuck in the situation they are faced with being abused in the media and by personal remarks from other people who do not know the personal circumstances of the individual. not all claimants are no good layabouts i for one was hard working and did my best for my family working what hours i could i've done some really cr@p jobs including shoveling sh@t after livestock. i had an accident and have been left disabled because of one person my whole life got turned on its head and i am now living off these benefits and i'm ashamed to go out and have people judge me because of something out of my control. i understand that there will always be the type to play the system but not everybody abuses the system for the few that are legitimately claiming the sytem chews them up and they get penalised for having to claim and yes it does get frustrating when benefits are payed to people who are just bone idle layabouts who prefer to scrounge than earn a living honestly, anyhow this rants over
                  have nice day y'all


                  • #39
                    Here is a cracker for you all.

                    I was in a meeting the other day when the subject of state dependant came up.

                    If your a Junkie, you get;

                    1. Incapacity benefit {doesn't matter how your incapacity was caused}
                    2. Whoever cares for you gets Carers allowance. {because your incapacitated}


                    Two Junkies living together are entitled to BOTH carers and incapacity benifits. EACH!
                    Currently this is nearly £600 a week, rent is also free.

                    Now that annoys me.


                    • #40
                      It's about as stupid as giving Alcoholics extra money because they have a debilitating illness!
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                        Here is a cracker for you all.

                        I was in a meeting the other day when the subject of state dependant came up.

                        If your a Junkie, you get;

                        1. Incapacity benefit {doesn't matter how your incapacity was caused}
                        2. Whoever cares for you gets Carers allowance. {because your incapacitated}


                        Two Junkies living together are entitled to BOTH carers and incapacity benifits. EACH!
                        Currently this is nearly £600 a week, rent is also free.

                        Now that annoys me.
                        Hi Yoshie, way out on your figures, carers allowance is 53 quid a week and incapacity is 93 quid a week, i would love to know where the othere 450 comes from,?.


                        • #42
                          These reforms will not have any effect on scroungers, because, as they've been doing it for years, they know exactly how to play the system.

                          It will only effect the likes of you and I, we don't know how the system works, we don't know what we're supposed to get, how much it is and why we're due it. We just trust them to give us the right benefits, should we be unfortunate enough to need it. Because we don't understand the system, we can't fight it. Because we can't fight it, we have no defence. And because we have no defence, we're easy meat for their 'streamlining' figures.

                          The understaffed benefits agency won't have time to go after the difficult cases. And if you think that's rubbish, just look at the CSA. They only ever went after easy targets, the harder ones were never assessed...
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #43
                            I think some people miss the point as usual.

                            The social security system IS there to support those with disabilities (and by that, I dont count junkies and the like - thats a choice they made) and if people are allowed free reign to scrounge because they would rather not work, it reduces the support available to those who genuinely need it. (My day has had MS for 15 years, I speak from experience!)

                            As far as I'm concerned, those who claim benefits and work on the sly should be shamed and punished, not ignored. It's MY taxes that fund them! Why the feck should I keep schtum?? They are selfish scum. Simple.

                            The reason jobs are available for eastern europeans is because it is too easy for our own layabouts to avoid taking those jobs. It shouldn't be a choice! A basic wage, and no choice. You do it or you get nowt. It's not my fault that they p1ssed around at school and don't have the smarts for a decent job. Learn from it. Make sure your kids go to school and work hard rather than just showing them that there's a council house and a cheque at the post office if they drop a few themselves when they hit 16.

                            Sorry, but this country needs a damn good kick up the ar5e if we want to be able to support our disabled, our pensioners, our forces etc etc and create a society where EVERYONE pulls their weight. If you can contribute and you choose not to, you get nowt out. End of.
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #44
                              I agree whole-heartedly Andy. The only caveat I would make is that whilst being kicked up the arse, it would be nice for people to be educated in how to get themselves out of the place they've ended up in.

                              That's the problem we always have - Labour give layabout scum the money to lay about, the Tories take all their money away so they just go and nick it off everyone else. If you've been entrenched in that kind of culture for your whole life, it helps to be shown that there's another way.

                              And whoever blamed the Poles, I won't bother abusing, but they don't get first priority on Council houses, they only do those jobs because no-one else is, and if it wasn't for them, we may well be having this argument in German.

                              Unlike others, I can also see why junkies and alcoholics may be considered disabled (just look at all the people off work with 'stress') but giving them money is insane. Give them shelter, food and counselling but don't give them cash. Surely?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Calos View Post
                                I have a few friends that claim sickenss benifit and do a little stone masonary on the side, ####es me off but I'm not a grass.
                                Not really friends then, they're cheating you well as the rest of us.

                                I would report them, and I believe everyone that works for a living should do to, then the benefit system wouldn't be in such a mess.

                                I'd happily work for the benefit fraud department, as an undercover surveillance operative, for free to eliminate the cheats. (as long as they pay for my fuel)

