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Refreshing to hear this kind of talk....

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  • Refreshing to hear this kind of talk....

    ...or is it 'just talk'?
    I personally think it'll be great if it happens like he says it will.

    Cameron heralds 'radical' welfare reform

    Prime minister confirms coalition will radically overhaul benefit system while speaking on BBC's Andrew Marr Show
    David Cameron this morning confirmed that the coalition plans to scrap many existing welfare benefits and replace them with a single benefit. The prime minister told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show that, although the reform would cost money upfront, it would save public funds in the long run.
    The Tory leader, whose party conference begins today in Birmingham, described the reforms as an example of his "bold and radical" government. "What we are putting forward is the most radical reform of the welfare state for 60 years ... It will have a transformative effect for people in work and people on benefits."
    Cameron said: "We spend billions of pounds on welfare, yet millions are trapped on welfare. It's not worth their while going into work."
    He said the reform was a "big, bold change. It does cost some money upfront," and some cuts to the welfare bill to pay for it would be announced in the 20 October spending review, but in time the reform would make great savings for the Treasury. "Over time it has the capacity to save huge amounts of money, because it will end a lot of the fraud, a lot of the error, a lot of the waste, and because it is always worth people going into work."
    Under the new plans, "if you can work and if you're offered a job and you don't take it, you cannot continue to claim benefits. It will be extremely tough," he said.
    Would it be in place by this time next year? "I believe that is the case, but this is going to take a long time to bring this whole change in, because you are migrating people off a whole range of benefits and tax credits ... on to one single universal credit system."
    He denied there would be substantial numbers of losers from the reform.
    The shape and cost of the new welfare reforms had been the subject of dispute between George Osborne, the chancellor, and Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary, but Duncan Smith appears to have got his way.
    Cameron also gave a strong hint that universal benefits such as child benefit could become means-tested under coalition plans. Such spending was no longer "affordable", the prime minister said. "On the one hand we have got to ask, are there some areas of universal benefits that are no longer affordable? But on the other hand let us look at the issue of dependency where we have trapped people in poverty through the extent of welfare that they have."
    He went on: "I think it is very important that there are universal benefits. We pay into this system, that is why I want a really good state pension system. We are the first government in a long time to link the pension back to earnings."
    Asked if he was against means-testing on principle, Cameron said: "What we basically need is a system that has universal and fair elements that are part of a decent and civilised society, like a good strong pension provision, and then in terms of the work-related benefits you need a system that means you are always better off in work and working hard."
    It has been estimated that setting the limit for receipt of child benefit at age 16 rather than 19 would save £2bn a year, and means-testing could produce more savings. But means-testing is criticised for introducing complexity into the system and threatening takeup for lower earners.
    Yvette Cooper, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said: "The government is clearly planning a massive assault on families. Cutting child benefit for 16-year-olds will hit hard-working parents who badly want their children to stay on at school. This is an attack on aspiration and on overstretched families who want their teenagers to do well.
    "The government is already cutting £3bn from tax credits and support for children. Introducing means-testing for child benefit as well would put many low- and middle-income families off claiming the support they badly need."
    Asked about the row over planned defence cuts sparked by the leak of a letter from Liam Fox, the defence secretary, Cameron said: "All these things are ongoing discussions we've got to get right. These are huge decisions but what you've got to do is look at the threats we face today ... We need, in many cases, to make our armed forces more flexible, more adaptable." He said the UK currently had tanks and planes built to fight the USSR. "That's not what you need today ... Of all the things I've inherited as prime minister, this is the biggest mess."
    Asked if the government would take a decision on the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent within this parliament, or delay it as some Lib Dems want, Cameron said: "There'll be a stream of decisions, some before, some after."
    Asked about the new Labour leader, Ed Miliband, the prime minister told the programme: "The big test for him is the deficit. This is the big issue of British politics. They [Labour] don't seem to have an answer at all."
    Earlier he had said of the deficit and the budget cuts proposed to deal with it: "Britain's budget deficit is something we can't get away from dealing with. It's like a family's credit card because it gets bigger the more you leave it." He said that when the coalition took power the UK was "being linked with Greece and Portugal", and action had to be taken.
    Cameron was also asked about the comments by the justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke, suggesting the UK might fall back into recession. He said: "I look at the forecasts, the forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility, the CBI and others, they forecast growth. But yes, it will be a choppy period that we'll go through."
    Would that mean the coalition's planned cuts might be amended if the economy went into a double-dip recession? "I don't believe in positing all these conditional questions about the future," said Cameron.
    Asked what he had to say to critics in his own party who felt he was too close to his coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, and not close enough to them, Cameron listed the "referendum lock" stopping powers being transferred to Brussels without a vote and the planned cap on immigration as policies that would appeal to the Tory right.

  • #2
    Vince, if he pushes that lot through, I will happily vote for him forever!

    I'd love to see the work-shy in work and paying tax rather than sitting on their fat nylon tracky clad arse in front of their tax payer funded 50" telly all day, and our fantastic undervalued forces geared up with the proper gear (which is ready and available I might add) to fight the fight they are asked to fight now.

    I pray that he's got the balls to see it through.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      The bit about telling Brussels to feck off sounds good too!


      • #4
        Yeah Right on fellas,
        Tell that load of Muppet's to Balance their books and feck off !!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Lot of merit in some of those plans, but as always there are flaws. Question Where are all these jobs coming from that people are going to be forced to take? Answer, they dont exist. So nothing much will change, unless this government can create those jobs, or at least create a climate which allows others to do so. Can you see that happening? I can,t. They will make changes to the benefits system. Benefits in general will probably be cut, but those who are institutionalised by the system will continue to do ok out of it and the bloke who has just been laid off after years in the refinery, factory, building site will be the one to suffer as he goes from wage earner to scrounger overnight. He will enter a benefits system which gives him, the newbie, nothing, while the long term club members will still be doing OK. I sincerely hope Im wrong, but I just cant see all those jobs that people are going to be forced to take. They simply dont exist. Still its a fine speech and ought to keep the daily mail reader happy for a while

          Last edited by Bogus; 4 October 2010, 02:07. Reason: spelling by Judwak
          Сви можемо


          • #6
            Personally i think he will sort it out, and I'm sure this Island will again be Great. The manufacturing industry is one avenue that must be made strong again. Don't ask me how , but I think he's the man for the job


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by western uk View Post
                Personally i think he will sort it out, and I'm sure this Island will again be Great. The manufacturing industry is one avenue that must be made strong again. Don't ask me how , but I think he's the man for the job
                Your suffering delusions, it was the Tories who shut down manufacturing in this country in the first place, and how you reckon the right man for the job is someone who has led a very privileged life, went through public school/uni then had one job with a TV company, probably directly attributed to his old school tie, through to his second career through the same system, is now going to boost manufacturing, come off it.

                One of the first decisions was to withdraw funding from Sheffield forgemasters, would this be the kind of support UK industry needs, and as far as Europe is concerned, within days of the coalition taking the wheel, a question in parliament regarding whether there'd be a referendum on our european inclusion continuing was pretty much dismissed without any thought, so much for years of promises.

                Great, is a word which won't be coupled with Britain ever again, we are returning to Victorian type values of the super rich exploiting the poor, (read you and I) without the industrial ability to create the wealth this country needs, I'm sorry but pushing pens in London offices is not about to get this country into employment, regardless what a bunch of silver spoon fed to$$ers are telling you, Bogus hit the nail square on the head, there are simply very few jobs where they're needed, fact, and those they keep spouting off about simply don't pay enough without benefits to prop them up, so there'll be no takers.

                What I can see happening is crime figures rising as meagre benefits are reduced further, leaving those who are already on the breadline with no other option but to help themselves, this country will never see full employment till employers are forced to pay a decent living wage to all workers, I'm 55 and can promise you this won't be happening in my lifetime and definitely not under a Tory led coalition. H


                • #9
                  Cos the last 13 years of labour have Been ace. We've got more sick people than any other country, our countrycredit card is maxed out...yeah they were ace.
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    Theres no jobs or council housing because all the polish took them all, kick the polish and all other immigrants out of this country and there will be plenty jobs and houses for us all.


                    • #11
                      Nothing like politics to get you going hey ?

                      Most of our problems have been caused by Lying, cheating , Champagne Socialists with their immigration policies. That were so blazay thinking the more they let in , the more votes they would get at the next election.

                      The Labour government was as absolute joke, talk about a pi$$ up in a brewery.

                      Lots of there dodgy dealings are still being investigated, and you probably wont hear the last of it for quite a while !

                      Any way keep the red flag flying Chaps


                      • #12
                        I would imagine they will have some sort of announcement about promoting growth and encouraging new businesses at some point this week..
                        You would have to be some sort of high level idiot to think this is all the tories are going to do over the next 4 years, that or gullible enough to believe what all the shadow (thats failed and ex-) cabinet have said over the last few years and will continue to say as they slide inexorably into oblivion.
                        Aren't politics threads great?
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #13

                          The Tory government consists of a bunch of privileged and wealthy power-whores who will say precisely what they think you want to hear in order to best promote their chances of being re-elected. None of them has any experience of the real world whatsoever. Nor do they have the slightest interest in the good of the country or mankind in general. Every last thing they do and say is about self-interest. If the country improves in any way, it will be despite them, not because of them.

                          The Labour shadow government meanwhile consists of a bunch of privileged and wealthy power-whores who will say precisely what they think you want to hear in order to best promote their chances of being elected. None of them has any experience of the real world whatsoever. Nor do they have the slightest interest in the good of the country or mankind in general. Every last thing they do and say is about self-interest. If the country improves in any way, it will be despite them, not because of them.

                          The Liberals are irrelevant.


                          • #14
                            I have a friend in Sicily who reminded me of the quote that "Every country gets the government it deserves."
                            Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chainsawdude View Post
                              Theres no jobs or council housing because all the polish took them all, kick the polish and all other immigrants out of this country and there will be plenty jobs and houses for us all.
                              Yeah, England would have won the world cup if we weren't overly-reliant on foreigners.

                              'Cos before the foreigners, we won every one. Golden era for English football, the 70s and 80s.

                              Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™

