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2 stroke oil additive

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  • #31
    Originally posted by western uk View Post
    Delving into the Roughtrax website to get a few bits and saw the " Forte Diesel fuel treatment. This looks like a great product if it does what it says in the spec' ?

    Do you Guy's use this or a similar product regularly on service intervals? If so is there a lot of difference in Fuel consumption , Preformance etc?

    I see in the spec that it does lubricate various parts of the engine, so i guess it must be an oil based product with cleaning additives ???
    Whenever I service the girl I always prefill the fuel filter with fuel cleaner (imho there is very little difference between them) and pour the rest in the tank. It hasn't noticably inmproved the girl over the years, then again it hasn't done any harm either.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #32
      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
      I'd have to search for it, and to be honest, I can't be arsed doing that for someone else. The information is on here, go find it.
      Never realised you are so laid back
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #33
        Hi Maverick,
        Interesting that you didn't notice much improvement. I have never used any additives what so ever in the last 6 years of servicing. Not even bothered with changing the fuel filter.

        I do realise I've neglected the motor for a while and that's why I'm here on this site trying to learn how to do it all myself .

        Thank for your reply, Cheers


        • #34
          Originally posted by western uk View Post
          Hi Maverick,
          Interesting that you didn't notice much improvement. I have never used any additives what so ever in the last 6 years of servicing. Not even bothered with changing the fuel filter.

          I do realise I've neglected the motor for a while and that's why I'm here on this site trying to learn how to do it all myself .

          Thank for your reply, Cheers
          You've not changed the fuel filter in 6 years and now you're bothered about fuel additives??????

          One step at a time son
          私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


          • #35
            Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
            You've not changed the fuel filter in 6 years and now you're bothered about fuel additives??????

            One step at a time son
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #36
              I'm just interested in them because I've not used any before and will probably use them in the future.
              Last edited by western uk; 2 October 2010, 16:16.


              • #37
                just thought that I would add my 2 penneth,
                I have been doing this for about a year now,
                the 2 stroke is red but not a dye so does not show as a marker in the fuel, it is very rarely dipped now anyway as they use a sort of breathyliser over the tail pipe to detect the chemical marker that is used in red diesel.
                both my surfs are 2.4 ln130,s one always tended to smoke more than the other but seems to smoke less if I add 1/2 litre to a tankfull.
                they seem to start more readily in a morning and when I presented one for test in july it flew through on emissions as they where right down.
                I think it does make them pull a little bit better but without comparing on a dynometer with or without 2 stroke you can never really make that as a statement of fact.
                this year i was working up at hull so I thried the run with and without 2 stroke.
                without it I could get as far as goole then I would have to put fuel in,
                with it i could just a bout make it to patrington where I was staying before the fuel light came on.
                I tried this a couple of times amd got the same result both times.
                the route I took was straight up through mid wales from pembroke then staight across the m62.
                the theory behind this is that 2stroke is designed to burn hot so burns more fuel being injected therefore developing more power and less emissions and more efficiency.
                these are only my experiences on this and no doubt someone will be a long to shoot me down on this but i think its definately worth doing and cant do any harm, I hope this helps


                • #38
                  Hi cfrizzy,
                  At last a positive comment, thanks very much.

                  So it cleaned the emissions up and gave you some extra Mpg. I understood that the fuel manufacturers had taken something out of the diesel in this country. Can't remember what it was, I'll have to look it up again. Yes apparently they have removed a lot of the surfel which lubricates the injectors, reducing mpg. I've read that the more you use 2 stoke in desiel the better it gets, within reason off course.


                  P.S. Yeah it's bound to get shot down but they'll run out of ammo soon
                  Last edited by western uk; 2 October 2010, 16:41.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by western uk View Post
                    Hi cfrizzy,
                    At last a positive comment, thanks very much.

                    So it cleaned the emissions up and gave you some extra Mpg. I understood that the fuel manufacturers had taken something out of the diesel in this country. Can't remember what it was, I'll have to look it up again.


                    P.S. Yeah it's bound to get shot down but they'll run out of ammo soon
                    good place to start is to get your fuel filter changed, I find the ones from milners tend to starve the fuel so use the roughtrax ones as they are better.
                    there was a lad on a pipeline project I was on last year running an izusu trooper and he was putting cheap fuel filters on and was having this trouble with it starving of fuel, when he put a better quality one on it cured it and it went well after that.


                    • #40
                      Yeah, I've had one for a while now and not fitted it. It's a WIX wf8061 if that means anything to you.

                      I think i might get all my servicing stuff from Roughtrax including the Oil from now on, The savings on the oil alone will pay for the delivery !


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by western uk View Post
                        Yeah, I've had one for a while now and not fitted it. It's a WIX wf8061 if that means anything to you.

                        I think i might get all my servicing stuff from Roughtrax including the Oil from now on, The savings on the oil alone will pay for the delivery !
                        I get my filters from rt but buy my oil from a contractor/tractor dealer works out at about £40 for 20ltr texaco 15/40


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by western uk View Post
                          Hi cfrizzy,
                          At last a positive comment, thanks very much.
                          The point is that you asked whether it would help and everyone gave their opinion. Why ask for opinions if you just want people to tell you it's a good idea. As stated already, injector cleaners are good for your engine, will make it run cleaner and will help MPG a bit. BUT it's not cheap and you need to balance the slight benefit in MPG against the cost of putting the stuff in.

                          2 Stroke may well be a cheaper alternative to mainstream injector cleaners, as is ATF, but it isn't any kind of silver bullet.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by western uk View Post
                            Anybody using 2 stroke oil as an additive for better fuel performance etc in their 130 knz engines. Any idea of the pro's and con's of trying this ?

                            I did hear something about the Fuel manufacturers taking the lubricating agents etc out of diesel, and that the addition of the two stroke oil not only lengthens the life of the engine but also gives an increased MPG.

                            Is it pie in the sky buggering up your engine or would it be a good idea
                            Yes Sancho , as you can see above i did ask for the Pro's and Con's of using two stoke oil as an additive for better fuel performance.

                            Thanks for your input ! I wasn't trying to sell the product just get a sensible answer.

