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been kicked out

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  • been kicked out

    i have not been online for a while coz
    the wifes changed all the house about so i had no inter net for a few days
    and she started on me about smoking in the house
    ok it ruins the house feks up the paint work and stinks
    and then
    the wifes kicked me out in to the conservatory
    its freezing in here
    sat with mi coat on and a russain hatno its not tin foil
    stinking the conservatory out with mi smoke
    i have only just sat down she's been cracking the whip all month
    worst thing is its not over yet
    she keeps bugging about the kitchen
    but i just got my self online so i think its rock music all day tomorrow and lots of this
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Welcome back Jud and your unique prose...
    Just look forward to that V8. Back it up to the house and wait for a frosty morn...
    ...open your front door and start her up with your foot flat to the floor.
    She'll never mention a whif of ciggy smoke again as a litre of burnt petrol vapour rockets into your hall!
    "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


    • #3
      its the only reason iam putting up with all this
      i spent a fair bit getting this place has she likes it
      i even smoke in the conservatory now

      tiz only coz when i send mi surf to bushwhacker
      she can not morn about me spending on my car
      theres extras i have not told her about
      bushwhacker wants to try something new and he can do what he likes to my surf and i'll cover the costs
      he can have mi surf for has long has he wants too

      coz it gives me time to biuld my shed and the rest of my gear for my project
      iam buzzing coz by the end of next year my whole life will be changed
      everything will come together at once
      and a nice unique 4ltr v8 to do my new project in
      the lexsurf will be the cherry on the cake tho
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Stop letting a woman run your life and grow a set.

        or buy one of these.

        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          its about letting them think they run your life
          its how i get my own way
          plenty of things going off next year she dont know about
          but what can she say now
          i have done the house out before my shed or surf
          witch aint me
          garden and car come first for me
          i dont have kids so only me to worry about
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

