What a ruddy week! Eldest daughter is getting married next week over in the Lakes. So the wife and I thought well we will drag our caravan over and make a week of it. On Tuesday noticed horrible scraping noise from the front brakes, sod it need new pads. Bought new pads and on wednesday tried to fit them. Problem 1. found that 2 of the wheel nuts had crossed threads, ok! Problem 2. could I hell get the bottom retaining pin to move, tapped it, hit it, swore at it but no joy. Put it all back together again and take to garage who ended up having to grind the end off to remove it. Well got the pads done anyway. Wednesday night noticed that our old dog (Butch) was having problems walking, Thursday morning poor old sod couldnt stand very well let alone walk, make appointment at the vets. Thursday evening took Butch to vets, 'very sorry but he has a large growth on his liver'. So after about 16 years we had to say goodby to him. We brought him home and burried him in the back garden, gonna plant a lavender next to him that we can stroke to remember him. Friday evening daughter is trying on wedding dress when one of the loops on the back came away when they were lacing her into it. Panic sets in! Saturday take dress back to shop and hope that they can fix it. Meanwhile I am trying to wash caravan and the truck, entertain my grandson, watch daughters 2 dogs and console wife who is devestated at the loss of Butch. Tomorow got to get the caravan ready to go away on Monday, after Ive been to collect the flowers and the wedding cake. Hell I miss that dog.