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Insurance advice please

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  • Insurance advice please

    Hi, been asking alot of questions recently but hopefully this'll be the last one.
    My wife has recently bought a small car for herself. We purchased it from a friend who is moving house tomorrow and no longer needs a car. She is moving tomorrow and the car needs to be taken away before she moves.

    So on Sunday night we took out insurance with Tesco online. The car has a disabled tax disk so we went online to tax it with a normal disk but we couldn't and were told we had to go to the DVLA office in Nottingham.

    We don't have any insurance documents yet and the DVLA want to see them, normally i've obtained and printed out a tempory insurance cover note to obtain tax. This feature doesn't seem to be available online with Tesco so we rang them and asked if they could email us one.

    The say they can't email us a copy of our cover note because it breaks their confidentiality agreement, so we ask if they'd be able to fax a copy of it to us and they agreed.

    So we rang the DVLA to ask if we could go to the offices and have Tesco fax a copy of the insurance cover note to them and they said that was fine.

    So we drove to DVLA and waited, finally to be told that Tesco can't fax the DVLA directly because it breaks the DVLAs confidentiality code. Apparently they can't recieve your details even if you give them permission.

    So we got Tesco to fax us a copy of the cover note to my wifes parents house and two hours later it's turned up. It's a hand written note outlining the policy, with a bit at the end that says 'not to be used for obtaining tax'.

    So i've got till tomorrow to find a solution otherwise the car will be taxless and on the road
    Any suggestions are as always, appreciated.

  • #2
    This any good !!

    "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      thanks but I don't think it would work, we are already insured on this one but we don't have any paper work to change the tax status. We can't drive this one as it's on a disabled tax disk at the moment.


      • #4
        Your title asks for Insurance advice, but it appears to me that it is properly insured by your grocer. Is it the tax thats a problem because its a zero rated disabled VED? If its still valid, then I dont see a problem. Just drive it away and park it at your own place and let the grocer and the DVLA take their course with documents and VED discs. If the VED is expired and the car is SORN, get it trailered or towed home and park it up till you can unSORN it

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        • #5
          Originally posted by Bogus View Post
          Is it the tax thats a problem because its a zero rated disabled VED?
          Yes, the DVLA have told us that this needs to be changed to a normal tax disk otherwise it can't be kept on the road. We have a garage but at present the surf is in bits in there and can't be moved yet


          • #6
            I suppose before selling , the vendor should have put a proper tax disc on it, but since that never happened I just cant see the issue with you parking it in the street for a few days ( couple of weeks tops) while you get your docs together and retax it. Youre not cheating anyone, and as it is currently taxed ( albeit at Zero rate) who is going to nick you? You will have your insurance docs and the new VED disc before DVLA have processed the V5. In fact you can make sure of this by telling your friends not to be in too big a rush to post the owner change notification form to them. I like to think of myself as law abiding, but I certainly would not lose any sleep over doing just that.

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            • #7
              why cant the dvla check the insurance database to see if the car is insured just like they do if you buy it on line
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #8
                just park it up and when docs come get it taxed.
                My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by charvell View Post
                  why cant the dvla check the insurance database to see if the car is insured just like they do if you buy it on line
                  I think it's possibly because they're a bunch of muppets

                  Thanks for the advice we will just park it up and leave it, hopefully the proper documents will arrive quickly before we go on holiday, thanks everybody.

