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  • #31
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    Just because technology exists that makes it possible doesn't make it essential.

    Andy, we're old farts who used to manage to do things without 'an app to do that'. Dont get me wrong, I think the iPad is a nice toy, but its no more 'useful' than stuff that already exists.
    Not only is it no more useful than what's there, it doesn't even know what it is.

    [Delete]Massive big rant about moronic youth and the death of proper engineering[/Delete]

    I'll no doubt buy an iPad, because I can, not because I need it.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #32
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      ....and other assorted works of fiction. There must have been easier ways to explain away a leg over out of wedlock. And all they had were fruit stones to tally with.
      and a snake, you cant forget the snake !
      If it can be broken it can be fixed


      • #33
        Originally posted by Vultch View Post
        if some company comes out with better machine and software then I'm off to it...at the moment its Apple... for me anyhow... thou I keep hearing good things about windows 7
        Better at what??

        Lets face it, you CAN do what you do with current tech - and whatever it is you do was once done with much older technology, just as well. The latest flashy bit of kit wont enable you to 'work smarter' as the blurb goes. It will however keep the IT industry going, and enable you to own the latest bit of bling.

        Dont get me wrong. I am a big fan of technology, but technology with a purpose is much more impressive than a new phone which takes slightly better photos than another phone. Technology also doesn't replace skills. What it can do is make tasks that skilled people used to do really well, easy for ordinary people to do half-assed.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #34
          Well when I walk in to a client and can switch on the device in 2 sec and show the project I working on straight away it works for me. Its it size, battery duration ease of use... I was about to get a fairly decent laptop but not at the moment...

          Its the whole cloud computing thing, why carry something wit ha hard drive / battery consumption etc.... now its only for work i have seen people out socially with these iPads ,I'd only lose it / smash it etc..

          Back in the day Baby


          • #35
            I'm getting just over 1mb up and download on 3G max of 1.2mb

            It's quick enough for most stuff only hd video emailing and very large photos take a few seconds more
            If it can be broken it can be fixed


            • #36
              just as long as you dont want to run any Flash applications....
              the machine dosent support it

              its like one of those multi remote controls you buy from Argos
              you already have hardware that does all the things that the ipad does, its just packaged better with the pad.

              and yes
              I will probably buy one, but then again i also wear clothes thats branded with other peoples names on it
              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


              • #37
                Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                just as long as you dont want to run any Flash applications....
                the machine dosent support it

                its like one of those multi remote controls you buy from Argos
                you already have hardware that does all the things that the ipad does, its just packaged better with the pad.

                I can't really comment as I've not owned an apple device before. I'm more of a Linux / Windows person (i.e. free software and making the most of open source and devs).

                Vultch, what allows you to show projects you are working on?
                Tell me I'm wrong, but it just seems that with Apple, they make a device (iPhone, iPad) and then tell people what they need it for. People then associate those reasons and think they need that item.
                I read study books, I can also read the same book in PDF form. So an iPad would suit me well. But then so would one of the portable book readers that don't use any power displaying a page and can do thousands of page turns on a single charge.
                The iPhone has spawned an app market that Blackberry and Android have immitated. I use an HTC

                Microsoft will be along soon with some sort of copy, but they'll probably work licensing into it somehow
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I still reckon that 90% of tasks were quicker before the paperless office came along to 'speed things up'. You spend so much time fighting with the I.T. trying to make it do what you want it to do that a job that would have taken an hour for a smart guy and a calculator now takes a day.

                  It's like that bullshit about being able to carry 20'000 books with you. Why? I read one at a time! Take 500'000 songs with you? Why??? Are you away from home for 15 years?

                  Just because technology exists that makes it possible doesn't make it essential.

                  Andy, we're old farts who used to manage to do things without 'an app to do that'. Dont get me wrong, I think the iPad is a nice toy, but its no more 'useful' than stuff that already exists.
                  It's a cold night, your stood in the garage working under a single bulb, trying to get your beloved truck ready for the big weekend coming.....problem....how the hell do you check the fault codes you have been getting..the Haynes manual is so dirty it's hard to read.....AHA! 1KZTE manual is on my iPad....THANK GOD I never listened to all the nay sayers and actually bought one.

                  yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                    It's a cold night, your stood in the garage working under a single bulb, trying to get your beloved truck ready for the big weekend coming.....problem....how the hell do you check the fault codes you have been getting..the Haynes manual is so dirty it's hard to read.....AHA! 1KZTE manual is on my iPad....THANK GOD I never listened to all the nay sayers and actually bought one.
                    Cold night? Manual labour? You have me confused with someone else Alan

                    It's SUCH a struggle to take my old laptop out there, and NOT get the screen covered in oily fingerprints isn't it?

                    iPad... its like a laptop, just a little bit pointless.

                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Cold night? Manual labour? You have me confused with someone else Alan

                      It's SUCH a struggle to take my old laptop out there, and NOT get the screen covered in oily fingerprints isn't it?

                      iPad... its like a laptop, just a little bit pointless.

                      Yeh but it's not exactly like a laptop is it, thats the point!

                      I don't have one but if anyone wants to buy me one to give it a thorough test then I'll be happy to give it a a go.

                      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                      • #41
                        Anyhoo...if people had said "Why do I need a mobile phone?" then this behemoth would be sitting beside the Sinclair C5 in the 'TECHNOLOGY THAT WAS AHEAD OF IT'S TIME' collection in Kidderminster.
                        Attached Files

                        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                        • #42
                          iam ok with mi zx 81
                          i have a zx spectrum 81 too with printer what more do you need
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #43
                            The Stuff I do is video and visual effects...

                            Its one of the few applications that really eats processing power, last week my machine took 6 hours to render/calculate 30 seconds of video.
                            For me the Apple platform is fast, stable and has all the tools I need.
                            I use FCP/Motion&shake, but I keep an eye on After effects and premiere.. But the Apple stuff (at the moment) is my weapon of choice.
                            If microsoft or someone else came out with something better and faster...I'm off

                            What I like about the iPad, is its size a great big screen, good battery life. i can switch it on in 2 seconds and show example of work or how a project is coming along.
                            I appreciate iPad is not for everyone and I'm amazed when I see someone out using it as an mp3 music player... a tad too big...

                            I do buy stuff thats not Apple the last smartphone was a Nokia N95 and I was very disappointed, a great phone....but nothing else ..

                            Back in the day Baby


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                              The Stuff I do is video and visual effects...

                              Its one of the few applications that really eats processing power, last week my machine took 6 hours to render/calculate 30 seconds of video.
                              For me the Apple platform is fast, stable and has all the tools I need.
                              I use FCP/Motion&shake, but I keep an eye on After effects and premiere.. But the Apple stuff (at the moment) is my weapon of choice.
                              If microsoft or someone else came out with something better and faster...I'm off

                              What I like about the iPad, is its size a great big screen, good battery life. i can switch it on in 2 seconds and show example of work or how a project is coming along...I'll use it for notes, books, maps, surfing (not the 4 wheel variety) what ever...
                              I appreciate iPad is not for everyone and I'm amazed when I see someone out using it as an mp3 music player... a tad too big...

                              I do buy stuff thats not Apple the last smartphone was a Nokia N95 and I was very disappointed, a great phone....but nothing else ..
                              Anyhow I think iPad will be Apples greatest moment..
                              Cloud computing is a term thrown around a bit , but until you start to really think what advantages it can offer and what you have in your hands..

                              I know of one major major company who's research lab who sent staff in to buy iphones and iPads en mass (why the cloak and dagger stuff - god knows) They are hacking away as we speak.

                              Back in the day Baby


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                                Anyhoo...if people had said "Why do I need a mobile phone?" then this behemoth would be sitting beside the Sinclair C5 in the 'TECHNOLOGY THAT WAS AHEAD OF IT'S TIME' collection in Kidderminster.
                                I suppose thats partially my point.

                                I have a mobile phone. Do I need one? No, absolutely not. I survived without one, I still could. In fact, I very rarely take it out with me. I'm not so important that a phone call cant wait til I'm home again. Very few other people are that important either, but that doesn't stop some folk going everywhere with one glued to their head.
                                Cutting steps in the roof of the world

