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A stupid question from an idiot

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  • #16
    How will you explain your moniker when you've been here a while and aren't a newbie? Shorten it to Numpty?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      Yep, cos even when I'm not new, I'll still be a numpty

      Like I said, I can drive the bleeding things but anything under the bonnet is a total mystery to me I'm quite happy living in blissful ignorance

      Anyway, the alternator has been changed and it does now seem to run, although still concerned the batteries aren't charging up properly. Going to keep checking them and see how they go, then replace if they're still not charging properly once I've done a few long(ish) runs.

      Gives me a good excuse to go and waste some diesel


      • #18
        Just measure across em when the engine's running (with the idle-up button pressed). You should see 14v 'ish'. Too much less than that and they wont be charging properly.

        Worth checking the battery grounds are nice and tight and free from corrosion where they bolt to the body.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          Thank you, that's very helpful. Will pass instructions onto slightly more technical minded other half

