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3rd Gen 3.0l

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  • 3rd Gen 3.0l

    Hi Guys,

    I am new here and was just recently fortunate enough to pick up a 3rd gen Surf in great condition. However I have had some battery / electrical problems.

    I have been reading a lot of threads on this forum so far and it seems there are a few people with similar problems. Surf01 had an issue where his truck wouldn't start, but as soon as he jumped it he had no issues until he left it over night again.

    I basically have the same issue, the truck turns over just about but not enough to get the engine chugging. However as soon as I hook it up to a car or a battery pack it fires up with out to much hassle. It has the winter pack dual batteries, just about everything on this vehicle is electrical.

    I tried to work out what was draining my batteries, I have ammerter'ed all the fuses I can find. I also put the ammeter inline with the battery to see what kind of parasitic draw was happening with the engine off. It was only 0.240amps. At that low draw it would take a huuuuuggggeeeee amount of time to drain 2 x 70amp batteries.

    I metered the batteries with the engine running to see if the alternator was topping up properly. My understanding is that there should be around 13.9v whith the engine turning and the alternator charging the battery. However I had more like 12 - 12.4v with the alternator charging.

    Anyway, sorry that was such a huge essay but thought I would give you the background story. Right now I am charging the batteries one at a time with a proper black and decker charger 20amps (not cheap). I will be putting both batteries back in once they are at full charge, meter with the alternator again and I am hoping for higher voltage.

    However If I don't get the voltage, does any one have any suggestions? Check the fan belt? Replace the alternator...?

    Appreciate your time.



  • #2
    Hi and welcome, please let the inmates have there fun or else they get restless and start chewing the furniture

    Your problem could be your alternator or a bad earth some where. I'm sure one of our more technically minded wonderful forum members will be along with a bit more help.
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #3
      I'd whip the alternator off and have it tested.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Mine was a sluggish starter till i tightend the belt up, went for a good long run & its been fine ever since.

        Oh & hello.
        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • #5

          If the alternator's putting out 14.4V then I'd be more inclined to suspect that one of the batteries is knackered and dragging down the other one. Get them both tested and if one is knacked replace BOTH of them or your likely to have the same problem in a year or so

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

            If the alternator's putting out 14.4V then I'd be more inclined to suspect that one of the batteries is knackered and dragging down the other one. Get them both tested and if one is knacked replace BOTH of them or your likely to have the same problem in a year or so

            He said 12-12.4 with alternator.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #7

              Derrrrr - I really must read ALL of the words ...

              But there's still a possibility that a battery is knacked and dragging down the alternator output

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                Derrrrr - I really must read ALL of the words ...

                But there's still a possibility that a battery is knacked and dragging down the alternator output

                Yeah, what he said!

                Seperate the batteries before testing them, they are linked together.


                • #9
                  Have you checked everything with the hairdryer and both sets of tongs disconnected?
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    Hi Guys,

                    Thanks for all the replies. This forum really is a great and valuable resource for any one with a surf.

                    I think I have the problem sussed, I gave my batteries a full charge with a proper charger. They were low and only metering 11.9v!!!

                    Just for anyone in the future who has a similar issue, I believe this was caused by a really old battery dragging the other battery down. I replaced the ancient Jap batter with a nice new one, then because the other battery was dragged down to less than 25% charge the Alternator couldn't bring it back form the dead. Consiquently that battery dragged my new battery down again. (Bad times)

                    I put the batteries back in last night, I then metered the batteries with the alternator running again. A very nice 14.2v at idle.

                    This morning, no problems at all. Started up without even thinking about it. Which was great because I was at a mates house and had a bit of a hang over!

                    Now the one thing I would like to ask you guys, is what draw should my truck / is your trucks taking with the engine turned off...? Ignition off, nothing running my truck meters 0.60amps from the battery. I believe if I left my truck for 10+ days it would bring my batteries back down to a problematic level again.

                    Anyway, glad to be a part of the forum. You will have to excuse me for any stupid questions I ask as I am a bit of a Noob, but I am loving getting my hands dirty.




                    • #11
                      Rob, you will find if you pose your query's in a sensible manner you will generally get a sensible response. Your right, this forum has excellent help available.
                      Good luck with the truck and happy surfin.

                      As from draw from batteries I haven't a clue.

                      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                      • #12
                        Mine can flatten the batts in a few days, 3-5, I put it down to the immobiliser as all earths and other connections are good, then again it hasen't flattened them since I replaced a battery connector which had cracked last summer, looks like I fixed the problem. Other, bigger issues to sort now though. H

