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my rear brakes

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  • my rear brakes

    After the absoulute nightmare I had yesterday with my brakes, I decided to check the rear brakes, to my amazment they are fine!! Got a very slight weap from both wheel cylinders, and there is a tiny lip on both drums, I dont have the tools the remove the lip (idealy a lathe and de-burrer), but I might know someone who has, but im no rush to do it. Just wanted peace of mind, glad they are all ok.

    Both sides look the same-

    Keep On Truckin!

  • #2
    Bet that was a relief Rich

    I'm still feeling the after effects of yesterday now


    • #3
      Originally posted by yogigypsy View Post
      After the absoulute nightmare I had yesterday with my brakes, I decided to check the rear brakes, to my amazment they are fine!! Got a very slight weap from both wheel cylinders,
      I don't want to bug your happiness; but if your wheel cylinders are leaking, your brakes aren't fine...
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Originally posted by Albannach View Post
        I don't want to bug your happiness; but if your wheel cylinders are leaking, your brakes aren't fine...
        You seen what his front's were like yet Andy ??


        • #5
          Originally posted by Growler View Post
          You seen what his front's were like yet Andy ??
          Sorry Andy, I forgot to call you back. I've no calipers, mine went to BigBobE.

          Just saw the other thread, I'll say nothing!
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            I don't want to bug your happiness; but if your wheel cylinders are leaking, your brakes aren't fine...
            to me, a weap, is not a leak, a leak is when they are p155ing out fluid and have contaminated the shoes.

            but thats just my opinion.
            Last edited by ronsarrox; 26 May 2010, 17:36.
            Keep On Truckin!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Growler View Post
              Bet that was a relief Rich

              I'm still feeling the after effects of yesterday now
              I bet you are andy. cant help but think thatb you did a bit more than what you have should have done, but hey, live for today, thats my motto!!

              I woke up today a bit achy, managed to get 2 blisters, 1 on a thumb the other on a finger, not quite sure how they occurd as I was wearing gloves!!!

              It was a massive sigh of relief!!
              Keep On Truckin!


              • #8
                Originally posted by yogigypsy View Post
                but thats just my opinion.
                Ah well, you'll not get mine again.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                  Ah well, you'll not get mine again.
                  Theres no need to be childish!!

                  I was merely stating that my opinion differs from yours!!

                  If it makes you feel better, I shall be replacing them soon, im slightly out of pocket at the minute as I wasnt expecting to replace both the front calipers.

                  One mans opinion is not necessarily the same as another mans, thats the beauty of life, if we all shared the same thoughts and views the world would be a very very boring monotonous place to live!! Could you imagine if we all had the same job, all had the same vehicle, the same house, the same TV etc etc, I certainly wouldnt enjoy life as much as I do.
                  Keep On Truckin!


                  • #10
                    Errr....we pretty much do all have the same vehicle.
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                      Sorry Andy, I forgot to call you back. I've no calipers, mine went to BigBobE.

                      Just saw the other thread, I'll say nothing!
                      No worries Andy, I've got it covered now


                      • #12
                        Am i going gaga or has the post about the front discs dissapeared?
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yogigypsy View Post
                          to me, a weap, is not a leak, a leak is when they are p155ing out fluid and have contaminated the shoes.

                          but thats just my opinion.
                          Hi mate,

                          A weeping wheel cylinder is not fine, it could be a press away
                          from killing someone, change them ASAP. That's my opinion.

                          If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                            Am i going gaga or has the post about the front discs dissapeared?
                            Nope not disappeared it's here


                            I'll let you decide the answer to the 1st part of the question


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
                              Hi mate,

                              A weeping wheel cylinder is not fine, it could be a press away
                              from killing someone, change them ASAP. That's my opinion.

                              Absolutely - all it takes is a bit of air to go the other way to the "weep" and you're in brown trouser land... (or much MUCH worse)

