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Spare Wheel problem

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  • Spare Wheel problem

    Hi! ......I'm too old for this ... so you lot 'wheel' have to help!

    I've taken a couple of photos of the spare tyre linkage that I now realise I have!

    Have grabbed axle lever and managed to locate it into socket but obviously the whole lot jammed! So please, which way to turn the wheel down? And can I hope to free by unwinding or do I have to go above the spare wheel and oil the linkage there?
    As I don't know what I'm up against I'd appreciate some help.

    THanks, Stewart
    Attached Files

  • #2
    There is usually a sticker on the bumper by the
    hole showing which way it goes .
    it's linked to a chain mechanisum that lower the spare,
    proberly a bit rusted up , like you have done spray
    with WD40 and try to unwind it, if I remember
    right it was anti clock to lower and clock to raise it .



    • #3
      Clockwise = up
      Anti clockwise = down.

      It's attacted to a steel cable, and comes down like like the weight on the end of a crane.

      Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



      • #4
        A specialist penetrating (ooer!) dismantling oil is better than WD40. If you get your hands on something like PlusGas it'll work a treat. And hit things with a hammer too. The impact will help to free up seized bits too.

        (Don't forget to put a piece of wood in the way to save denting anything valuable!)

        As a last resort you can always try heating things too but I'm not too sure that lying next to the fuel tank firing a blow torch at stuff is something I'd be that keen to do!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pelicanbill View Post
          Hi! ......I'm too old for this ... so you lot 'wheel' have to help!

          I've taken a couple of photos of the spare tyre linkage that I now realise I have!

          Have grabbed axle lever and managed to locate it into socket but obviously the whole lot jammed! So please, which way to turn the wheel down? And can I hope to free by unwinding or do I have to go above the spare wheel and oil the linkage there?
          As I don't know what I'm up against I'd appreciate some help.

          THanks, Stewart
          Just Make sure when ya lower the wheel n before winding up (relocate the peg in the wheel) see pic


          "Cos short cuts cost more in the long run"
          Attached Files
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Thanks .. so it's squirt then twist then put a plug in it .... ta, I think I got it (Just got to make sure I do it anti-clockwise .....) eek!

