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Fuel Boycott May 1st

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  • #16
    The oil companys make very little from a lt of fuel, somewhere in the region of 20p, the forcourt owner gets around 5p and the rest is tax, i admit i'm not well informed on the finer points of wholesale/retail but i aint daft either if the demand (long term boycott) for fuel just like any other product falls, it will in time force the price down, it wont (without a fight or them finding some other sourse of tax) make the government drop the tax, BUT it would make them think twice about raising it, like i said it would take people sticking together which would not happen, stuff is only the price it is because people are prepaired to pay,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #17
      Nothing like that Ian, maybe 2ppl at most. Remember, what the oil company 'gets' for a litre of fuel is not what it makes from a litre of fuel. If the proper oil companies could get away with it, they wouldn't sell low value fuels like Diesel and Petrol at all.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #18
        your major oil companies only make a fraction of their total revenue from fuel sales to the general pubic, its the industrial buyers of fuel, lube oils and other petrol chemicals that pay the bills. Like Albannach says its almost more hassel that its worth selling to plebs on the street!!


        • #19
          Im not sure its quite that simple. Its the retailer who makes 2p per/litre. The government has 67p per litre ( all this is considering a pump price of 110 per litre) Theres still 41p in there for the wholesaler.

          The oil companies are producers, refiners, wholesalers, transporters and retailers and theres money for them at every step. I honestly dont know what comes out as pure profit for the oil companies on every litre of fuel sold as they obviously have costs at each step as well, but I just cant beleive its as low as 2p per/litre. Currently they are selling their oil at around $ 85 per barrel to themselves and depending where in the world its being produced ( onshore/offshore/third world/deep water/ shallow water ) it could be costing as little as $1 per barrel to produce and certainly no more than $20. Its too complicated for me to understand, but Im not having it the big 5 are only making 2p per litre of fuel sold. The only thing thats abundantly clear however is that its governments who make the most

          Сви можемо


          • #20
            Us 'normal' motorists wont impact the government having little protests. We need the lorry drivers on side. I cant understand why they have not put a protest forward from themselves. I know two lorry driver/owners who have given up the trade this year due to running costs!


            • #21
              Some truckers did try it a while back and as usual not enough others stood by them plus the government manipulated press made them out to be nutters, same thing with farmers,
              i'm inclined to think the oil companys make more than 2ppl or at least more than they admit to, if it aint profietable they wouldn't do it,
              anyway whichever the government takes too bl00dy much tax of us in one way or another,
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #22
                Hijacking the thread... on gov spending.. Is Trident necessary

                Just for discussion... It was a cold war tool

                If a group planted a dirty device in London say the Taliban I can't see Trident ever been wheeled out or ever used...

                e.g. when American was attacked 9/11 I really thought ...this is it I could see the gyros in the missiles being spun up and the things launched...

                Back in the day Baby


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                  Hijacking the thread... on gov spending.. Is Trident necessary
                  I wouldn't get on one myself.
                  Airbus is better IMHO.

                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #24
                    Don't start me see a great TV program on the Trident aircraft and how management forced the design to be compromised against the engineers advice...

                    Back in the day Baby


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                      Im not sure its quite that simple. Its the retailer who makes 2p per/litre. The government has 67p per litre ( all this is considering a pump price of 110 per litre) Theres still 41p in there for the wholesaler.
                      I think the pure taxation level is greater than 67ppl, iirc it's nearer 85ppl. Then there's the levies on production, refining, transportation etc.... Windfall tax numbers would make your toes curl!

                      The spot price per bbl is a basket price, so the differences in actual production costs are taken into consideration. Only a small amount of production goes into road fuels anyway, so the cost of a bbl is not really relevant to this argument.

                      If anyone is truly interested, I can ask. I don't think it's a secret.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #26
                        I'm doing my bit, I don't buy diesel from anywhere anymore.


                        • #27
                          got it from here

                          United Kingdom
                          Main article: Hydrocarbon oil duty

                          From 2007-10-01 the main road fuel (petrol and diesel) duty rate in the UK was GB£0.5035 per litre (GB£2.2890/imperial gal or GB£1.9059/US gal). The rate for biodiesel and bioethanol was £0.3035/L (GB£1.3797/imperial gal or GB£1.1489/US gal).[3] Value Added Tax (VAT), 15% from 2008-12-01 to 2009-12-31, is also charged on the price of the fuel and on the duty. At a pump price of 90.0p/litre (typical for petrol in mid December 2008), this would put the combined tax at 62.09p/litre, or approximately USD$3.49 per US gallon. Thus without tax, the retail price would be 27.91p per litre, making a combined tax rate of 222%.

                          The latest increase – to GB£0.5619 per litre on unleaded petrol – came into force on 2009-09-01 and is planned to increase "on 1 April from 2010 to 2013 by 1 ppl above indexation in each year."[4]

                          Diesel for use by farmers and construction vehicles is coloured red and has a much reduced tax.

                          Jet fuel used for international aviation attracts no duty, and no VAT.

                          and for those that realy want to

                          and if ya want to work it all out

                          and a report that we pay more than any one else


                          oh and here is the car benafit rules if anyone needs to know
                          coz they are changing
                          Last edited by JUDWAK; 1 May 2010, 02:49.
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #28

                            Is that an out of date link? It say fuel cost 95p per litre!!!!

                            In west wales its more like 125p per litre +


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by smurfL6 View Post

                              Is that an out of date link? It say fuel cost 95p per litre!!!!

                              In west wales its more like 125p per litre +
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

