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earth magnets

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  • Originally posted by Apache View Post
    And the significance of 11:11 can never be underestimated. gotta go. Tooth fairy's here with my crystals...

    Ah yes, Tooth fairy crystals.

    I use them for the Lexurf's crystallic fusion reactor, much cleaner than a fossil fuel generator.
    Terillium Carbolic alloy has gotten expensive recently too.
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 14 February 2011, 10:31.


    • Dilithium is reasonable if you go for the Chinese slave labour mined stuff.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • Originally posted by Apache View Post
        Dilithium is reasonable if you go for the Chinese slave labour mined stuff.

        I've tried that, but it's molecular formula is Li2 , I need Li6.


        • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          I've tried that, but it's molecular formula is Li2 , I need Li6.
          Ohhhh... sexlithium.

          Bit unstable, particularly when aroused.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • Originally posted by MonsterSurf View Post
            What an awesome thread!! i just got totally hooked into reading the whole thing lol!!
            And George, that magnetic rock you got is Hematite im pretty sure.. ive got a lump of it i found down on the river dart, its seriously heavy stuff!! if polished its beautiful, and the other heavy silver rock is almost certainly Galena -the chief ore of Lead with Silver as a very important by product (Galena often containing up to 1% silver) and a VERY dense mineral.
            I recon there must be some serious magnetic fields around where you live.. and magnetic fields can have a huge effect on the human body... you can end up doing all sorts of crazy stuff.. do you get birds flying round in circles? they're very sensitive to magnetic fields.. generally men are more susceptible and better at direction than women because they have more magnetite in their brains..
            Also magnetic fields can be very healing esp if they are pulsating in a band from 0-1000 hertz and generated from sawtooth rather than sine wave, the same as nature generates..
            Anyways good luck with your project, i hope it all works out for you
            iam glad you like it
            iam even more glad your intrested
            thanks dude
            i will keep this updated
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • been reading on Hematite online has its not in my book

              MonsterSurf is geology your thing and mineralogy?
              has its what iam learning about at the moment
              its taken me a few months but iam getting to grips with it

              iam also looking in to paleontology too

              well i switch from one to the other has i can get board

              i took some pictures the other day for someone to look at
              so i'll pop them on here
              i have not taken any pictures of the small stuff i have found
              most of witch is translucent and in a lot of different coulors

              the above is my knapping stone i found it sits in the hand perfect

              the above was found near the knapping stone

              i found them with in spitting distance from the knapping stone (knapping is what you call when cave men knock shapes out of flint just in case ya did not know)

              the above siderite the type i can not spell or get the spelling
              iam planning on makeing that into a polished door stop

              thats fossil wood theres a name for it but i cant spell that too
              quite hard to find but i know were there are lumps the size of trees well they are trees

              the above is flounderabouts terrys chocolate orange

              any light that you can throw on them i will love it

              iam ok with the fossils
              its the rock type and minarals they are made of that iam learning about at the mo

              iam, even learning about the temps they are made at and what pressure they are under
              all part of my earth magnet project
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • Try looking up 'Haematite' - I think 'Hematite' might be an American #######isation of the word.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • it looks the same sort of stuff

                  its this stuff

                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    And the significance of 11:11 can never be underestimated. gotta go. Tooth fairy's here with my crystals...
                    Pulsating electro magnetism IS real tho :P
                    The same system was used to keep astronauts in space, Every process in the human body requires a frequency to work, from ionic transportation to cell walls opening, and alot of the frequencies our own electromagnetic sphere doesn't generate and we require the loan of the frequencies that the Earth generates kinda like Induction.. They realised this when they first started sending people into space, and they got ''space sickness'' (yeah i know a few peeps who've got that lol) So they put billions of roubles and dollars into finding out why, and then replicating the earth's magnetic field (i have one of these replicators) This is why people can today stay in space for extended periods of time without getting sick, because they have replicated the Earth's Magnetic Field
                    This technology was then taken into the public domain (mainly in use by private hospitals) as they found that it had remarkable healing properties, as it dealt with CELLS rather than illnesses, and a healthy body is made up of healthy cells seee.... And a healthy Cell can me measured and has a electrical potential (depending on cell type anything from around 50 - 110 millivolts) and unhealthy cells are considerably lower, and pulsating electro magnetism along with the right minerals in micro-colloidal form can help restore unhealthy cells back to their healthy potential and correct operation.
                    And there's another interesting and useless bit of information to go with all the other useless information im sure youve accumulated over the years

                    And yeah i was into rocks for many years and precious stones and silversmithing (amongst welding/fabrication/building/landscaping/locksmithing and travelling the planet!) ... If its a kind of golden colour then its iron pyrite and if its silver then almost certainly galena and the heavy iron stuff is really iron ore or Haematite or Hematite but not Hermatite that stuff was designed to be spread all over your head prior to refitting hahaha (not)
                    I'll hava closer look at the pics and get back to you as i gotta split now, but i do recognise alot of the stuff And weirdly i got exactly the same thing i found somewhere that looks like some sort of tooth (the white enamel thing) maybe a horse tooth or summut?
                    Ez bud


                    • cheers MonsterSurf thats realy great stuff mate
                      and its very usefull to me
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • Originally posted by MonsterSurf View Post
                        Pulsating electro magnetism IS real tho :P
                        Course it is. I can produce it in the lab here all day, from sub-audible, through to near-light frequencies. You seem to attach some magical, ethereal meaning to it though.

                        Originally posted by MonsterSurf View Post
                        The same system was used to keep astronauts in space, Every process in the human body requires a frequency to work, from ionic transportation to cell walls opening,
                        Explain 'a frequency to work'?

                        Originally posted by MonsterSurf View Post
                        and alot of the frequencies our own electromagnetic sphere doesn't generate and we require the loan of the frequencies that the Earth generates kinda like Induction.. They realised this when they first started sending people into space, and they got ''space sickness''
                        So space sickness is nothing to do with simple lack of gravity not keeping ones internal organs / fluids where they are accustomed to be then?

                        You can 'replicate gravity' in space through rotation providing centripetal force.

                        They do rotate spacecraft, but for entirely different reasons than providing gravity simulation. Space sickness tends to pass, as does sea, air and other forms of motion sickness after the body adapts.

                        I'm unaware of any magnetic field generating systems on spacecraft purporting to 'create gravity effects'. References?

                        Your writing on electromagnetics does come across as pseudoscientific hippy claptrap if you'll excuse me. Cant argue with your rock stuff though, I know nowt about geology
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • i think theres truth in it my self
                          has for MonsterSurf being a hippy i bet your right
                          iam hippyfied too
                          i also turn on
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                            i also turn on
                            Tune in? Drop out?

                            All well and good 'believing' in nice stuff, but as someone who's spent 25+ years working in industries which live or die on the rigorousness of the science I tend to get the spectrum analyser out rather than sniff daisies and pray to Ra.
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • i do like to see hard proof tho
                              facts are wicked things
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                              • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                                Tune in? Drop out?

                                All well and good 'believing' in nice stuff, but as someone who's spent 25+ years working in industries which live or die on the rigorousness of the science I tend to get the spectrum analyser out rather than sniff daisies and pray to Ra.
                                Or; 47 muscles to smile
                                17 to frown
                                3 for a perfect trigger squeeze

                                I always thought the Moral high ground was where you placed your artillery ?
                                Death rides a Black Horse

