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Fuel economy

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  • #16
    April next year is likely, or just before. Thats the sort of time we're planning on moving house y'see.

    Need room to keep the GT-Four in pampered, heated luxury as its a bit of a poofter.

    The Surf can live outside, away from the GT cos it'll probably beat the sh1t out of it cos it doesn't like gays.

    I might liken the Surf to an animal either like a Donkey (slow but get there) or an Ox. The GT is more like a whippet (nervous, a bit metal, frighteningly fast)

    Anyway, been DIYing like crazy the last few weekends to get the house perfect (a way to go yet!) so when we see something we like the look of we can get the ball rolling.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      Such patience and dedication !
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #18
        Means I get to keep cars at both ends of the spectrum

        Just need a Westfield then...
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          not a Caterham then ?
          Death rides a Black Horse


          • #20
            I'm not made of money!

            Would quite like to build one. Will have to see how much garage space our budget will run to next year
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #21
              I had a vectra that I used to clear our alotment with when we got it, 34 trips to the tip later it had a large spider population, but the only way it went faster was that afterward it went like stink, because it did.

              I doubt very much putting magnets on fuel lines would make any difference, good and regular servicing and more careful driving will help MPG the most I believe.

              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



              • #22
                Originally posted by Apache View Post
                As an antidote to the flippant replies, I would say you will NEVER make the Surf economical, and there are a lot of snakeoil sellers out there who will promise you things like 20% increases in fuel economy. Thats just daft. It weighs 2 tonnes, is as aerodynamic as Chaka Khan, and the engine design predates WW2 (possibly)

                Pump your tyres up (road tyres if you're a bit of a girl and value mpg above all else), service the truck properly with quality bits and grin and bear 25mpg.
                Ok, thanks - hopefully be getting dipping my girly toes in the Hilux market this week ........25 mpg it is then!! Luckily I don't do too many miles :
                Just kidding. But not really.


                • #23
                  welcome dude
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #24
                    so your saying that this wont work? :http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/F1-Z-TURBINE-3...ht_6987wt_939:
                    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                    • #25
                      Chaka Khan


                      • #26
                        Everybody Chaka Khan
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                          so your saying that this wont work? :http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/F1-Z-TURBINE-3...ht_6987wt_939:

                          Has all the hallmarks of snake oil

                          1) Saves UP TO 30% of fuel (0% is 'up to' 30%)

                          2) Designed by F1 engineer (similar to 'used by spitfire pilots')

                          3) Spins up the air - and this is good why?

                          4) Looks like a jet engine - yes fine. Why should that help an internal combustion engine?

                          etc etc

                          Nice go, but basically its a restiction in the inlet. Electric turbos have been done before. Its the wrong type of compressor for starters. Good for velocity, crap for static pressure, and the electric motor powerful enough to produce meaningful boost would be as big as a big alternator.

                          Gotta love them though! Where else would Barry Boys get turbos for their Corsas from?
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                            Everybody Chaka Khan
                            She can 'move it' for a big lass though!
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world

