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Surf from MALTA

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  • #16
    I did see one thing that made me chuckle was some graffiti on a garage which said English go home! Are you into drag racing at all? Aparently that is big out there too!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #17
      I WAS BIG TIME! Had my own Top Fuel bike, until I went bankrupt! But that's been just over 10 years ago now and I never set foot back in there since! Kinda miss it and my heart skips a beat when I hear them talking about the ridiculously low E.T.s they're getting and makes me want to start racing again, but then I get back to my senses and down to planet earth and guide my way out of the gutter again! Yeah, it is a big thing here!


      • #18
        Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
        I did see one thing that made me chuckle was some graffiti on a garage which said English go home!
        Aye, quite right.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          welcome dude
          keep trying to get mi dad to go to malta
          he is into old lorrys and they keep better over there dont they
          If you're here, there's a lot of v-e-r-y o-l-d lorries to see and admire!

          Just let me know if you're popping over!


          • #20
            I've always missed the Drag Racing, went to the horses once when I was over.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #21
              Hello and welcome. My Wife was born in Valletta, we were over there last year and loved the place.....Lucky ole you.


              • #22
                The older vehicles thing is a legacy from old government restrictions. Back in the 90s, I used to sell lots of truck spares to Maltese hauliers when they came here.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #23
                  Drag Racing's on every Saturday! Then the competitions are usually every month or so ...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by skydso View Post
                    Drag Racing's on every Saturday! Then the competitions are usually every month or so ...
                    I had a calendar from one of them wee ticket shops. It only showed one meeting every few weks. I didn't realise they were weekly. I'll definitely go next time we're there.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #25
                      and if you're on the bike you can join ... !


                      • #26
                        BTW, at the mo I ride a TL1000S, the elder brother to your bike! And yes, just like my Toyota, mine's the only S on the island. There are 2 R's though, but neither of them is ever seen on the roads here! They're both prractically still brand new and up for grabs!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by skydso View Post
                          I WAS BIG TIME! Had my own Top Fuel bike, until I went bankrupt! But that's been just over 10 years ago now and I never set foot back in there since! Kinda miss it and my heart skips a beat when I hear them talking about the ridiculously low E.T.s they're getting and makes me want to start racing again, but then I get back to my senses and down to planet earth and guide my way out of the gutter again! Yeah, it is a big thing here!
                          Hi , my older brother is the current European top fuel bike champion , awesome machines , this is his web site if you are intersted www.kingracing.com. He has been doing the racing for a good few years now pro stock , funny bikes etc and decided to take the plunge into top fuel. He has been quite fortunate with sponsers and mechanics etc as prize money is minimal in this sport but has managed to keep going and bought a company that builds drag components called PUMA Engineering ,he has just come back from Canada where he has bought the rights to the moulds for specialist billet
                          heads so as he can diversify a bit more in the drag bike scene.

                          Have been to Malta a couple of times but not to stop , my sister in law has a place on Gozo so only really travel through Malta , but did stop at the water park once on the way.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Slugger View Post
                            Hi , my older brother is the current European top fuel bike champion , awesome machines , this is his web site if you are intersted www.kingracing.com. He has been doing the racing for a good few years now pro stock , funny bikes etc and decided to take the plunge into top fuel. He has been quite fortunate with sponsers and mechanics etc as prize money is minimal in this sport but has managed to keep going and bought a company that builds drag components called PUMA Engineering ,he has just come back from Canada where he has bought the rights to the moulds for specialist billet
                            heads so as he can diversify a bit more in the drag bike scene.

                            Have been to Malta a couple of times but not to stop , my sister in law has a place on Gozo so only really travel through Malta , but did stop at the water park once on the way.

                            Make sure you gissa shout when you're over next, yeah?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by skydso View Post
                              What do you mean? Location? Down south, Birzebbugia is the village. Do you know it/ever been here?
                              HEY! My mums mum and dad live in Birzebbugia. Mums dad makes lots of the fire works for the Festas.

                              Ohh how I would love to spend 6 weeks in the sun their right now!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by sparkyaj View Post
                                HEY! My mums mum and dad live in Birzebbugia. Mums dad makes lots of the fire works for the Festas.

                                Ohh how I would love to spend 6 weeks in the sun their right now!!

                                Fireworks???!!! ME SCARE!!! Nutcase as I am on the bike, fireworks scare the crap outta me! Mind you, I love watching them but I never fool around with them!

                                Who are your grans? Any idea of their family nickname? If they're from here I might know them, or at least my mum would! You know it's a tiny place here and families all know each other!

