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New owner - first thoughts

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  • New owner - first thoughts

    Hi all.

    I've just subscribed as I'm the new owner of a 3rd gen 1996 3.0 auto. Silver and blue. It's the first surf I've owner. Actually, the first 4x4 I've owned.

    Overall I'm delighted with it, but two things are apparent straight away. Getting the key out of the ignition involves black magic. Sometimes it moves around to 'lock' like a greased whippet and I'm out of the car and off. Sometimes I'm there for 10 minutes swearing and twisting and pushing and putting it into gear and out again. Is this normal ? If not, is it likely to be the barrel at fault, or some switch on the gear selector ?

    The second thing is the brakes are 'lumpy'. I don't know whether this is 1996 ABS but I can feel movement in the brake pedal even putting slight pressure on the pedal. Pressing hard causes some judder in the steering wheel, although it does stop well. Any thoughts ?

    I'll be looking for a garage to sort these out pretty quickly ( I'm thinking Windisor in Chertsey as I'm near Guildford ) and then I intend to start doing some work myself. I'm not 'handy' and I haven't worked on cars before so there'll be questions, questions, questions on here. After searching the forums first of course.

    Also, I'll need to tidy up the interior before Mrs New Surf will step foot in it. It must have been sitting around for a while as it smells like old people. Are the recaro seats I've seen in some surfs specific to the Surf ? Can I get them new anywhere or are they only available from breakers ?

    Thanks for reading this far.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Surf Assylum ! Good Choice Sir !...now where's me straight jacket ??
    Death rides a Black Horse


    • #3
      TonyN is in Basingstoke and is the surf Doctor here.Give him a shout and he will sort the truck for you
      Hi and welcome by the way


      • #4
        The lumpy pedal is probably warped front brake discs.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5
          Key problem - there's an electrical interlock between the gear selector 'Park' position and the ignition switch. If it isn't perfect it will prevent you removing the key immediately.

          When it happens again try 'nudging' (tapping with the heel of your hand) the gear selector sharply forward and it should allow you to remove the key.

          I'm sure more experienced members will tell yoou exactly what the problem requires to fix it.

          Last edited by georgecarnell; 25 March 2010, 18:12.


          • #6
            Hope its not my old Surf you bought as i take exception to being called old people, Lol !!!!!!!
            Still Searching,
            Dick Whittington


            • #7
              welcome dude
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                Ello and welcome

                Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Philip View Post
                  Hope its not my old Surf you bought as i take exception to being called old people, Lol !!!!!!!
                  No your just middle aged... hey Philip

                  "Cos short cuts cost more in the long term"
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10

                    Thanks for the replies everyone.

                    Warped discs sounds about right. I didn't know whether is could be a 'feature' of the drum brakes at the back. Out of interest, has anyone had the drums replaced with discs ?

                    I'm getting the hang of the key issue, but it's annoying and it's definitely not right, so it needs fixing. 4x4toys ( TonyN ) looks like he's not doing any surf work at the minute according to his website. Any other recommendations in the area ?

                    I'm tackling the old person smell myself this weekend. If I pull the cup holder out it has mould on it, so I think it's been sitting around damp somewhere, rather than have an actual old person wee themselves in it

                    From the silence on the Recaro's I guess they're some kind of mythical part that only become available once in a blue moon. I've searched, and I can't find any. I'm thinking there are other seats that could go in, but they'd need the fitting brace and sliders to be reworked.



                    • #11
                      Recaros do seem to be quite rare. I have them, but they ain't all that.
                      Non intercooled nothing.

