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Surf Dimentions

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  • #16
    I did get moaned at once on a Dover/Calais crossing for having a roof box.
    For that reason. They were putting all the cars on a liftable section with a 2m Max.
    It was SeaFrance, they were moaning in French, and stuck me with the Lorries.

    (And, Sorry Bob. I wasn't having a dig. I read the post too fast.)
    Last edited by slobodan; 24 January 2010, 13:50.
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #17
      I wanted to make sure as said above some ferry's do state when you book that if the dimensions are wrong you may not get on and if you do you will be charged extra at the current ticket price not the online price when you book.


      • #18
        Originally posted by slobodan View Post

        (And, Sorry Bob. I wasn't having a dig. I read the post too fast.)

        No probs - it's just the pedant in me coming out again ...

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #19
          There's nothing wrong with pedantism, I am a reguar practitioner!
          It's only kinky the first time...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Twisted Instigator View Post
            There's nothing wrong with pedantism, I am a reguar practitioner!
            But you spelled your name wrong first go!
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #21
              UK Government owned Ferry Companies will measure. CalMac do it regularly if the Ferries are busy.
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #22
                Lose 3 inches by letting your tyres down!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by thom5r View Post
                  Lose 3 inches by letting your tyres down!
                  Or bathing in cold water.
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by rbaz View Post
                    Does anybody know the dimensions of a 1994 Surf including the rear wheel and an A bar? Also has a roof rack but that can come off if needed.
                    Have to book a ferry and the limits for a car are 5m in length 1.85m high.
                    Got a ferry loads of times with mine and you are well within the limits they state so have no worries!!
                    HELEN xx

