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  • #16
    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
    The A686 to Alston from Penrith, then the B6277 Alston to Barny road
    I used to regularly ride the bike over that road (come snow, rain or shine) when I used to live on Tyneside (it was the shortest route to go and visit where my folks lived). It gets interesting in this sort of weather!

    Looks similar to when I lived in a caravan just outside Newcastle too. I was parked up in a field next to the road. Snow plough/blower thing drove past several times and the pile of snow next to the caravan was about 12 foot high! I was going to leave for Newcastle (on the bike!) took one look at it and turned back into the caravan, put the fire on and crawled into a sleeping bag to stay warm! Happy days...!

