Wife.."Can I take the Surf into town?"
(there is a foot of snow on the ground)
Me.. "Course you can, only it's not like your other 4 wheel drives"
Wife.. "What do you mean?"
Me.. "when it's slippery engage 4 wheel drive, where the road is clear, back into 2 wheel drive" I then gave a detailed speech on axle wind up blah blah, finishing with, "when you take it out of 4 wheel drive, the light sometimes stays on for a while"
Wife.. "OK, I'm not stupid"
I just had a phone call... "Why does the 'overdrive off' light go on and off while I'm driving"

(there is a foot of snow on the ground)
Me.. "Course you can, only it's not like your other 4 wheel drives"
Wife.. "What do you mean?"
Me.. "when it's slippery engage 4 wheel drive, where the road is clear, back into 2 wheel drive" I then gave a detailed speech on axle wind up blah blah, finishing with, "when you take it out of 4 wheel drive, the light sometimes stays on for a while"
Wife.. "OK, I'm not stupid"
I just had a phone call... "Why does the 'overdrive off' light go on and off while I'm driving"
