Does anyone know what it costs in the UK to recover lost data, My hard drive crashed, it happened to be the computer with all me pics and vids on (nothing arrestable
I have been quoted stupid money, per megabyte here.
I don't know what happened to the drive, I wasn't home, the wife called and said the comp is just flashing with a blank screen.
I got someone to lob a new hard drive in, but it's the old data That i would like to get back.
I have most backed up, not all though.

I have been quoted stupid money, per megabyte here.
I don't know what happened to the drive, I wasn't home, the wife called and said the comp is just flashing with a blank screen.
I got someone to lob a new hard drive in, but it's the old data That i would like to get back.
I have most backed up, not all though.