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  • Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
    apache,see end of point 4
    Andy, doing what you're doing - the airbrushing thing - I'm sort of surprised that you seem to think having a half ar5ed attitude to presentation is ok.

    Just a wee 'for instance'. If I looked at an advert for your work, or your website or such, and it was impenetrable due to lack of presentation skill, poor grammar etc, I (and lots of others I know) would just walk away because it is easy to make the connection between 'doesn't give a monkeys about whether I can understand him' and 'probably doesn't care aout the quality of his work'
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • Originally posted by Apache View Post
      Andy, doing what you're doing - the airbrushing thing - I'm sort of surprised that you seem to think having a half ar5ed attitude to presentation is ok.

      Just a wee 'for instance'. If I looked at an advert for your work, or your website or such, and it was impenetrable due to lack of presentation skill, poor grammar etc, I (and lots of others I know) would just walk away because it is easy to make the connection between 'doesn't give a monkeys about whether I can understand him' and 'probably doesn't care aout the quality of his work'
      not sure what that was for exactly,but anyway thankyou,i'm doing just fine,from the amp that people here wern't to keen on it looks like i may be doing one of their demo cars and the celica is going to be magazine featured,but thanks anyway,btw i simply pointing out that you didn't need to post on a thread if you didn't want to


      • ps to those who seem to/want to goad me into any argument by all means try your best,i don't think ive ever been happier,but hey ho fire away
        Last edited by darkdezigns; 25 November 2009, 10:26.


        • Originally posted by MattF View Post
          If people expect help and can't be arsed to write to the best of, (or even something resembling), their abilities, why should we be bothered to try helping and have to read that crap in the process? I'm sorry, but I personally disagree on that point. If someone wants help, they can at least have the courtesy to make half an effort not to make their post something akin to being stabbed in the eye with a sharp stick. Very occasionally, someone does have a valid excuse for writing unintelligible crap. There may well also be no reason for it other than complete idleness, however.
          Matt i think your looking at it wrong mate. its not that some guys cant be "ased to make the effort" to type properly.......its very common these days accross the internet, forums and texting to use what they call "text chat/typing".
          e.g. "u" instead of "you" and "r" instead of "are" etc etc etc etc.
          its more of a bad habbit than a lack of care. one that is very easy to adopt. im sure that many people on here old or new are on or have been on other internet forums where the typical age often is a lot lower than it seems to be on here. IMO anyway. this is the perfect grounds for such language to be passed around and before u know it (hehe), your doing it yourself.
          i got really bad at one point but i now make the extra effort to type correctly. not to make you or anyone else happy but to ensure i dont sound like a child if im emailing a client or a supplier.
          anyway its the bluddy northerners i cant bluddy understand on here!

          and just becasue a yellow card can only stay in place for x amount of time doesnt mean it wont be a strong enough deterant. its a similar priciple as a drivers liscence. your points stay on for x amount of time and if you rack up 12 then your banned!
          if people are going to be persistant in acting like a fcuking child then im sure they will soon rack up the 12 points and in time they will be asked nicely to #### off!
          if they dont rack up the 12 points then it will be clear that the system is working.
          why dont you try it out mate? let us know what happens if you get 12 points on here?
          its reallly very simple. if people cant hold their tounge behind a computer screen then i feel sorry for them. what gives someone the urge so bad that the HAVE to say something hurtfull to someone else is just pathetic and most often cowardly as its easy to get verbal behind a computer screen as opposed to in person.
          i've had a few people give me shit on here before and i bet my left bum cheek they wouldnt say shit if i was standing infront of them.
          these are not the kind of people we want on this site really. i dont hold grudges. i find it very hard too but if these ####s are prevented from even speaking to me then thats a bonus. lifes too short to hold a grudge but its also too short put up with bullies and other idiots.
          respect.....peace.......bum love..........I MEAN ONE LOVE!!!!


          • Originally posted by Apache View Post
            I kind of agree with the big picture in that there is no need for personal attack, however, I too do not agree with point 5. Everyone here has had at least 17 years to learn to use *their own* language properly. Even those here afflicted by genuine problems, or with another mother tongue at least attempt to get it right.

            It may be because I am a generation apart from some of our younger members but I truly believe that this 'cant be ar5ed to do it right' philosophy, whether applied to spelling, grammer or anything else is generally a reflection on the attitude of the person in question to pretty much everything!

            If you dont care that your point comes across clearly, then why would you care about anything else? This is an tiny indicator of all that is wrong in society these days. We cant be ar5ed. We expect that if we do the bare minimum, 'someone else' will sort it out for us.

            Personally, I think that attitude stinks. If I want to get a point across, I try my level best to do so clearly. Granted, I dont tend to pick holes in someone's spelling - but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy the hell out of me. I guess a lot of you think I'm nit-picking, but lets look at the state of literacy in this country in 10 years and then come back and tell me I was wrong. Anyway - I'm getting off track here.

            I think the best approach I can take is to simply ignore the requests of newbies who dont make any sense to me, yes?
            Andy i think your looking at it wrong aswell. its not an "attitude". i dont know why some of you are looking at it as people just cant be arsed to make sense to you!? why would they not want to make sense to you??
            a lot of people on forums are accustomed to text typing and probably assume you are aswell.
            oh anyway i got 2 go 2 wrk! lol


            • Originally posted by goodcat View Post
              Matt i think your looking at it wrong mate. its not that some guys cant be "ased to make the effort" to type properly.......its very common these days accross the internet, forums and texting to use what they call "text chat/typing".
              e.g. "u" instead of "you" and "r" instead of "are" etc etc etc etc.
              its more of a bad habbit than a lack of care. one that is very easy to adopt. im sure that many people on here old or new are on or have been on other internet forums where the typical age often is a lot lower than it seems to be on here. IMO anyway. this is the perfect grounds for such language to be passed around and before u know it (hehe), your doing it yourself.
              i got really bad at one point but i now make the extra effort to type correctly. not to make you or anyone else happy but to ensure i dont sound like a child if im emailing a client or a supplier.
              anyway its the bluddy northerners i cant bluddy understand on here!

              and just becasue a yellow card can only stay in place for x amount of time doesnt mean it wont be a strong enough deterant. its a similar priciple as a drivers liscence. your points stay on for x amount of time and if you rack up 12 then your banned!
              if people are going to be persistant in acting like a fcuking child then im sure they will soon rack up the 12 points and in time they will be asked nicely to #### off!
              if they dont rack up the 12 points then it will be clear that the system is working.
              why dont you try it out mate? let us know what happens if you get 12 points on here?
              its reallly very simple. if people cant hold their tounge behind a computer screen then i feel sorry for them. what gives someone the urge so bad that the HAVE to say something hurtfull to someone else is just pathetic and most often cowardly as its easy to get verbal behind a computer screen as opposed to in person.
              i've had a few people give me shit on here before and i bet my left bum cheek they wouldnt say shit if i was standing infront of them.
              these are not the kind of people we want on this site really. i dont hold grudges. i find it very hard too but if these ####s are prevented from even speaking to me then thats a bonus. lifes too short to hold a grudge but its also too short put up with bullies and other idiots.
              respect.....peace.......bum love..........I MEAN ONE LOVE!!!!
              only thing i can say to that is well except yr bum love lol,anyways night,been up since 11am yesterday


              • Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                Andy i think your looking at it wrong aswell. its not an "attitude". i dont know why some of you are looking at it as people just cant be arsed to make sense to you!? why would they not want to make sense to you??
                a lot of people on forums are accustomed to text typing and probably assume you are aswell.
                oh anyway i got 2 go 2 wrk! lol
                have fun cya m8 have a gd day


                • Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                  not sure what that was for exactly,but anyway thankyou,i'm doing just fine,from the amp that people here wern't to keen on it looks like i may be doing one of their demo cars and the celica is going to be magazine featured,but thanks anyway,btw i simply pointing out that you didn't need to post on a thread if you didn't want to
                  Oh FFS!

                  Go and look up paranoia in your dictionary.

                  Genuine question to others. Can anyone else here read what I wrote as some sort of attack, or goading of this guy???

                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    Oh FFS!

                    Go and look up paranoia in your dictionary.

                    Genuine question to others. Can anyone else here read what I wrote as some sort of attack, or goading of this guy???

                    just saw this before i logged off lol,i'm not paranoid,notice how u randomly started on about my airbrushing(which tbh i wouldn't post up but people always ask to see it) for no real reason,same goes for my comment about goading,so who is paranoid?


                    • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Genuine question to others. Can anyone else here read what I wrote as some sort of attack, or goading of this guy???

                      No. But, to be honest, I have been elsewhere for some months so haven't seen all of this drama that seems to have been going on.

                      Do go back to your other question, yes, just ignore requests that you don't understand.


                      • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                        Oh FFS!

                        Go and look up paranoia in your dictionary.

                        Genuine question to others. Can anyone else here read what I wrote as some sort of attack, or goading of this guy???

                        yes. You asked a question and got a dissafected , hurt, what have I done reply. That's perfectly reasonable ... Well seems the norm these days.
                        And andy. I followed the spats between you and matt...and innocent you ain't. You even felt it necessary to "dig" on a tech thread. You didn't get back any abuse you didn't initiate.. The little digs here and there. Even in your reply to nigels post... Why did you feel it necessary to even mention matt?
                        Look a little closer to home before playing the holier than thou card... Jeez man you ripped the guy for having a forum...then set one up yourself. It's become excrutiating to read.(and it's hard to avoid Reading). I really don't like the notion of ignore lists, so it seems we may have to rely on good old self regulation.but acting like teachers pet...and taking offence at apache... Fir what exactly?
                        Bad spelling and grammar annoy him, so what, he doesn't feel the need to tell anyone... Ever. And you taking offence at his observation is indiciative of what nigel gas spoken of. It's not all a conspiracy against anyone.. Least of all you.
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • Too late for some people ....... i am keeping to what i said at the start of this thread ........ Get IOTY done and i'm off ..... and if others follow look at all the experience that will be lost

                          Koi and Jotto I commend you for your efforts but you cannot be here all the time and that's when the shit flies
                          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                          • why guys do you have to keep it going instead of letting it go!!
                            you ask for opinions n dont get the answer your looking for!
                            you ask for advice n dont listen!
                            you ask for help n dont appriecate it when you get it!
                            easy answer dont ask!!!
                            god i thought i was the only ignorant one on here!!
                            ok my grammer isnt good so what! thats me like it or lump it!
                            i do at least try to get things right but cant always if people want to answer me
                            then fine if they dont fine also.
                            i cant do alot like you lot can n have to have help do things or fix things couldnt
                            without you guys.
                            i know ive let people down on here but not intentionally but if iwas really stuck i know i would still get help of some.
                            some people dont understand my disability so what some do it's life.
                            if we have to have a red card system whats that showing us???
                            people like stormy,apache,gwh,stein,tonyn n
                            many others have been here before i even joined about 3 years ago n are respected
                            alot for their advice n knowledge.
                            one of the reasons i dont come here alot now is 1 becuase of things that happened at home
                            2 all the arguements its getting like a war zone.
                            ask stormy even we have our arguements but laugh it off after a day or so.
                            im to scared on here to ask for help now days!!! it shouldnt be like that!!!
                            come on guys thought i was the only one with mental health issues on here but seems i maybe wrong after all
                            have your say n let it go thats it over n done with..

                            p.s bio can i come to m8 ???
                            Last edited by pirate-storm; 25 November 2009, 11:07.


                            • Oi will stop goin on... Your getting on my nerves
                              Non intercooled nothing.


                              • Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                                Oi will stop goin on... Your getting on my nerves
                                One day at the time I guess..

