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  • #31
    Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
    Moved out here permanantly 4 years ago, used to live near the top of Colville Rd, should think its changed alot in 4 years.
    Not really,still pretty much the same, but i'm sure your weather is 100% better. no doubt the restaurants are also better. Not knocking the UK because I still enjoy living here even though the country is run by corrupt M.Ps. the PC brigade and elf and safety morons.Woah there get off your soap box Barry. Was Oulton Broad your hometown? or did you move to it from elsewhere.
    Come Hell or High Water the Surf will get through


    • #32
      Originally posted by Knownothow View Post
      Not really,still pretty much the same, but i'm sure your weather is 100% better. no doubt the restaurants are also better. Not knocking the UK because I still enjoy living here even though the country is run by corrupt M.Ps. the PC brigade and elf and safety morons.Woah there get off your soap box Barry. Was Oulton Broad your hometown? or did you move to it from elsewhere.
      Moved there from Hertfordshire, my son still lives there, liked living there, only thing that spoiled it was the cold cold wind in the winter, the UK could never be as corrupt as this place, it runs on black money and backhanders. The UK mps could learn a lot from this place. Health and safety doesn't exist, and neither does political correctness.

