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  • #16
    Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
    Absolutely correct.
    Try living in the Great U.S. of A.
    Not a day goes by that someone dosen't ask me why I live here instead of there.
    Try this on:
    You just got laid off from your job in the states and your unemployment benefits run out in 9 months. - thats it, no more, no job seekers allowance, no dole, no council flat, nothing
    so now you and your family live in the back of your Surf

    Your young daughter gets ill and because you have no job, you dont have any health insurance, so no doctor will see you. - no NHS, no walk in clinic, nothing

    apart from welfare and Medicare, which if you think the NHS is bad..........

    your kids want to go to college - £30K per year - no interest free student loans, no aid, nothing

    I could go on all night

    so ,YOU tell me, why do I live here...

    The company I sub to is American, I usually have a couple of months a year there. I 100% agree with you.
    Good for a holiday,
    live there? f**k that.
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #17
      Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
      Absolutely correct.
      Try living in the Great U.S. of A.
      Not a day goes by that someone dosen't ask me why I live here instead of there.
      Try this on:
      You just got laid off from your job in the states and your unemployment benefits run out in 9 months. - thats it, no more, no job seekers allowance, no dole, no council flat, nothing
      so now you and your family live in the back of your Surf

      Your young daughter gets ill and because you have no job, you dont have any health insurance, so no doctor will see you. - no NHS, no walk in clinic, nothing

      apart from welfare and Medicare, which if you think the NHS is bad..........

      your kids want to go to college - £30K per year - no interest free student loans, no aid, nothing

      I could go on all night

      so ,YOU tell me, why do I live here...
      Well said, all countrys have good and bad, it's the people who can change it, if they want, look at Obama and healthcare, rumour and supposition will ruin it, it's the same with fear of something, it needs people to change all this.


      • #18
        Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
        BTW how's the surf going??
        Haven't had the chance to properly test it, but im taking it fishing down the beach in a couple of weeks, the interior is completly stripped ready for the sound install and other things i have planned all will be revealed pics aswell. Thanks again, i was never clued up on politics or anything like this hehe
        If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


        • #19
          Tis the never ending story, mate.
          Time the ordinary law abiding working tax payers had a say.

          Where ever you can get owt for nowt they will be there!!
          I wish they would pi55 off and leave us alone.

          If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


          • #20
            Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
            Tis the never ending story, mate.
            Time the ordinary law abiding working tax payers had a say.

            Where ever you can get owt for nowt they will be there!!
            I wish they would pi55 off and leave us alone.

            Sadly very unlikely to happen, but you have to have faith in human nature, sooner or later, enough will be enough, i feel sorry for the people killed and maimed while politicians faff about, and make grand statements.


            • #21
              Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
              Sadly very unlikely to happen, but you have to have faith in human nature, sooner or later, enough will be enough, i feel sorry for the people killed and maimed while politicians faff about, and make grand statements.
              Pi55ig about don't help, but it's a feeling of something
              might happen, that keeps us going. human nature means
              WE will survive.

              If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.

