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Tooth for a tooth

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  • Tooth for a tooth

    Been reading, and hearing, tonight, about the father, murdered, by thugs
    living near where he lived, and the puny sentence handed down by the
    law courts. Is it not about time the punishment should fit the crime? like it
    used to? "Bring back hanging". I say, These young thugs should be sent to
    the old style borstals type thingies, and the parents made to pay for their off spring to stay there. If they can't afford it, STOP the benifits payed to them!! and get RID of the do gooders in our country. Rant over.

    A Very Angry. And really really PI55ed OFF with this country.

    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.

  • #2
    I had this arguement while back with some mates, my arguement was what about the wrongly accused? Bit unlucky being hung for something you aint done lol. Altough i strongly agree with the borstals, chain gang them up and make them do something usefull, i hear what you saying though
    If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


    • #3
      Originally posted by mousey View Post
      I had this arguement while back with some mates, my arguement was what about the wrongly accused? Bit unlucky being hung for something you aint done lol. Altough i strongly agree with the borstals, chain gang them up and make them do something usefull, i hear what you saying though
      Hi James,

      Proof with out doubt, and they did it.
      (innocent 'till proven guilty).

      If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
        Been reading, and hearing, tonight, about the father, murdered, by thugs
        living near where he lived, and the puny sentence handed down by the
        law courts. Is it not about time the punishment should fit the crime? like it
        used to? "Bring back hanging". I say, These young thugs should be sent to
        the old style borstals type thingies, and the parents made to pay for their off spring to stay there. If they can't afford it, STOP the benifits payed to them!! and get RID of the do gooders in our country. Rant over.

        A Very Angry. And really really PI55ed OFF with this country.

        Society is slowly going down the ####er, what about the mother and handicapped daughter, the yobs that drove her to that, because they had nothing to do, you see the stories every day, till enough people get together and say enough is enough, it will never change, decent people need to talk and stand together, against the soft judges, and yobs, that through fear and stupidity let this happen, then and only then will things change.


        • #5
          Hi Steve,

          Suppose your right, also the statment

          "The law, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

          Comes into it's own and is so very true
          If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


          • #6
            Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
            Society is slowly going down the ####er, what about the mother and handicapped daughter, the yobs that drove her to that, because they had nothing to do, you see the stories every day, till enough people get together and say enough is enough, it will never change, decent people need to talk and stand together, against the soft judges, and yobs, that through fear and stupidity let this happen, then and only then will things change.


            Yeah, but faster, untill the ordinay folk say that's enough, and take the
            law into thier own hands, nothing, will be done by the spineless
            governments and law courts, of this 5hit hole of a country.

            Still not calmed down.

            If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


            • #7
              I think it was the genius Clarkson..

              Who said "How can you agree that its right to Murder, murderers"

              Going on the "dont drop to there level".

              One thing i'll say.. I'd be interested to know how many attacks are totally unprovoked.

              An old school friends step dad was beaten to death on the estate he lived on.. paper reports of this hard working, family man who did what he could for his family!!" If you ask someone who knew him they'd tell you he was a abusive drunk!!

              I dont for one second believe he deserved to die! But i wouldn't be suprised if he was the architect of his own demise!!

              I agree something needs to be done!! But i dont have any good ideas what!


              • #8
                apart from a rant on an offroad forum, what else can you do?

                not getting at you, i'm seriously asking the question.

                what else can one do?
                私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                  apart from a rant on an offroad forum, what else can you do?

                  not getting at you, i'm seriously asking the question.

                  what else can one do?
                  You're right, and as for blaming the country, it can happen anywhere.
                  I get sent all over the world, and I had a choice to live anywhere. I done a lot of searching before making my decision.
                  You know, for all it's faults, England ain't a bad place to live.
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mousey View Post
                    Hi Steve,

                    Suppose your right, also the statment

                    "The law, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

                    Comes into it's own and is so very true

                    James, It's Biblical,

                    You still have so much to learn,

                    But only the BLIND can see, is also another saying.

                    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                      You're right, and as for blaming the country, it can happen anywhere.
                      I get sent all over the world, and I had a choice to live anywhere. I done a lot of searching before making my decision.
                      You know, for all it's faults, England ain't a bad place to live.
                      Very true, but you can still change things, by bringing back a sense of community, if people look after each other, talk and help each other, then the yobs get to see the fear does not work, once you have that, then people stand for each other, and society can improve. Fear only works if people let it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
                        James, It's Biblical,

                        You still have so much to learn,

                        But only the BLIND can see, is also another saying.

                        BTW how's the surf going??
                        If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                          You're right, and as for blaming the country, it can happen anywhere.
                          I get sent all over the world, and I had a choice to live anywhere. I done a lot of searching before making my decision.
                          You know, for all it's faults, England ain't a bad place to live.
                          Absolutely correct.
                          Try living in the Great U.S. of A.
                          Not a day goes by that someone dosen't ask me why I live here instead of there.
                          Try this on:
                          You just got laid off from your job in the states and your unemployment benefits run out in 9 months. - thats it, no more, no job seekers allowance, no dole, no council flat, nothing
                          so now you and your family live in the back of your Surf

                          Your young daughter gets ill and because you have no job, you dont have any health insurance, so no doctor will see you. - no NHS, no walk in clinic, nothing

                          apart from welfare and Medicare, which if you think the NHS is bad..........

                          your kids want to go to college - £30K per year - no interest free student loans, no aid, nothing

                          I could go on all night

                          so ,YOU tell me, why do I live here...
                          私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
                            James, It's Biblical,

                            You still have so much to learn,

                            But only the BLIND can see, is also another saying.

                            It is, but you're taking it out of context
                            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                            • #15
                              You get the usual bleeding heart moralists stand up in court and say "the poor boy cant help it as he is the product of a broken home" what the tw@s dont say is that it was the little shite who broke the home in the first place.
                              These people are never the ones who have to go around and try to pick up the pieces of lives shattered by the scum. They have absolutely no idea of the devatation that the scum leave behind.They may know intelectualy but have no experience of it. In my opinion they are more dangerous to society than the scum.
                              We know how to deal with the scum and would if the moralists would go and do something useful like counting daisies on the centre reservation of the M1, but we can't deal with the well meaning tw@s who unfortunately by accidents of birth went to the same private school or went to the same univercity as the people we rely on to make and uphold our laws. As usual it boils down to the old school tie and its not what you know but who you know.

                              O.K. I've put my soap box away now.

                              Bugger me it took me longer to type this up than I thought
                              Last edited by Brummie; 3 October 2009, 00:29.
                              I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money

