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How long before alcohol is banned?

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  • #46
    hope you all feel better soon .all the best mate


    • #47
      Originally posted by wiggy View Post
      well its still 29 degrees out ere ..... not taking the .... but we all have colds now with the temp change ....if its any help was about 38 last week and plays havoc with the lil uns. Not rubbing it in greecysurf.... will back me up... hot is not always good....would rather be back in scotland truth be told!
      It's a balmy 19 here just now. But you're right, I'd rather be 'home' too!
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #48
        Originally posted by steve s View Post
        hope you all feel better soon .all the best mate
        Cheers Steve vino will sort out the grown ups and ice crem for the lil ones!
        ciao for now!
        The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


        • #49
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          It's a balmy 19 here just now. But you're right, I'd rather be 'home' too!
          I know its bella vita... life is good over here but.... miss the west coat....holli is american and misses it too and thinking about maybe going there for the lil ones once i get out..... no jokes as she is only second gen (from argyll.. whats the chance?) ...oh sh&t will get battered! lol.
          ps owe you a beer if you are around when we are over in islay
          The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


          • #50
            Originally posted by wiggy View Post
            ps owe you a beer if you are around when we are over in islay
            Why do you owe me beer? Not that I'll refuse it mind!

            Do you get the Ileach electronically?
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #51
              Wiggy, you are dead right about the heat, yes the sun is lovely, but after several months of frying your nads, it gets a bit much. If you put the aircon on its fine for a while, but then you end up with a cold from the aircon. The worst bit is when its still 33 degrees 3oclock in the morning,
              Both Matt and Steve s have good points, but you could take it to extremes, more damage is done to health and the enviroment by cars and trucks with the fumes and smog. But it would be a brave goverment who banned cars.
              I smoke, its my choice, if people do not like smoking then thats their affair, they probaly do things i do not like, as long as they leave me alone i do not mind. If the goverment spent as much time and money telling people how bad the cars are for there health, not to mention the trucks and planes as they did getting smoking banned, then i wonder if your replys would be the same.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Thrifty
                that's why i ficked off in the first place to Romania...same stuff bored stiff with he grief..much better a life of relaxation and chill out time..
                Whereabouts in Romania are you? On the Serbian side? We have a mental off road club over here.
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #53
                  Originally posted by steve s View Post
                  rob im not trying to be holyer than thou


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MattF View Post
                    go have another fag mat you know its good for you and as for the blood when you cough that's normal .better still find some kids the younger the better and blow smoke all over them M8


                    • #55
                      You shouldn't have let on you were a 30 year smoking veteran Steve. Your evangelism in this matter just makes you sound misguided and as long as matt trolls you and you keep responding... Cest la vie'
                      every thing anyone does is their own choice, and if it's legal getting irate about it ain't going to help. You and I have met and I smoke, but why an issue now, why... Because your allowing yourself to be trolled. There are a couple of forum members who's views I dislike intensely, I just choose to not be able to view their posts... Works for me
                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #56
                        your right


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                          You shouldn't have let on you were a 30 year smoking veteran Steve. Your evangelism in this matter just makes you sound misguided and as long as matt trolls you and you keep responding... Cest la vie'
                          every thing anyone does is their own choice, and if it's legal getting irate about it ain't going to help. You and I have met and I smoke, but why an issue now, why... Because your allowing yourself to be trolled. There are a couple of forum members who's views I dislike intensely, I just choose to not be able to view their posts... Works for me
                          I'd like to add "& their own Business also"

                          There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n ya won't know when !!!!
                          Buncefield Burner

