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Linda desperately seeking a man – or woman!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by That Ruddy Squirrel View Post

    But you forgot something !!

    They start with 5 trucks, by the time they finish they have enough parts left to keep 1 going to the end
    very true, thats the only way i keep my discovery going is by robing parts from scrappers
    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


    • #17
      Originally posted by mud skipper View Post
      very true, thats the only way i keep my discovery going is by robing parts from scrappers
      dont knock it
      we all know thats how most surfs are running too on here anyhow
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #18
        its funny because it's true


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tom McG View Post
          Ah, you’ve missed the vital point gents. Obviously none of you looked at the event website at www.landyrally.com If you had and scrolled down on the home page you would have read ...

          IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Under the overall banner of Landy Rally, 2009 will see the introduction of the Landy(ish) Rally.

          Featuring all makes of 4x4 SUV vehicle whether European, Jap or Jeep, entrants in the Landy(ish) Rally will in essence be competing for exactly the same trophies/prize money as their Land Rover counterparts, whilst following an identical Road Book and identical itinerary. Basically if your 4x4 SUV vehicle is anything other than of Land Rover origin, then via the Landy(ish) Rally it will be eligible in its own right.

          Also, I did say in my original post “Linda is seeking some kind soul with a 4x4” … not an oil-dripping Land Rover! See, no excuses not to go now!
          Yes, but then you would be putting your Land rover crews at a serous disadvantage as all the top winning places would be taken by superior Japanese vehicles.

          There are a fair few people on this forum who have owned Land Rovers in the past (myself included) who then saw the light and switched to Toyotas and would never go back to those unreliable rust buckets with the green oval badge.
          Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tom McG View Post
            Featuring all makes of 4x4 SUV vehicle whether European, Jap or Jeep,
            I didn't know Jeep was a country? Where is it?
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #21
              Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
              Still no pictures
              you know.....Linda .........
              Attached Files
              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


              • #22
                ooooooohhhhhhhh..........not mcartney
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #23
                  or maybe this Linda
                  Attached Files
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #24
                    i finish work on wednesday with nowt better to do!... can i use a ford focus??
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #25
                      Jeep is that odd make of vehicle made in Jeepland who 90% of TV presenters and journalists describe a vehicle that has 4 wheels, a steering wheel and looks vaguely as if it could go off-road ... regardless if it's a Suzuki, Land Rover or a Hilux. Tits!

                      ... tried typing t*w*a*t*s but the software would'nt let me. Opps, seems I've by-passed the system!!!


                      • #26
                        I thought jeep was the capital of frontera,in the province of L200

                        or am i being foolish

                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #27
                          Sounds tempting. Shame mines all in bits in the garage at the mo, and is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future.
                          Born a free spirit

