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Brakes failed yesterday!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
    Do you mean this one?

    Mine wasn't so bad, just surface corrosion that was easily rubbed off.

    hi vince what have you used on your chassis looks great .need to do both of mine this summer looking taty


    • #17
      Satin black, smooth Hammerite sprayed on with a touch-up gun and compressor.
      Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 7 June 2009, 22:19.


      • #18
        wow glad u are ok mate....
        One day at the time I guess..


        • #19
          Glad you're OK. Also good reminder for the rest of us to check ours (thanks for the pic Vince)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            Biggest problem will be the exhaust, the front downpipe is cracked. Hopefully he'll weld it for me?
            If it's owt like mine was, it will be well and truly sh@gged. Once they start going they're practically rusted through.


            • #21
              Lucky escape that Andy, Glad there's nothing more serious to report !!
              Fore armed is fore warned ......

              There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #22
                yes it were me that put a warning out, mine went further back, from that pic the pipes go over the top of the cross member and they rusted in the o/s front corner above that member - I think impossible to see unless you can fit your head above the rear axle! I replaced mine with cupro nickle tube rather than copper with all new nuts, not the easyest of jobs flaring the tube but I replaced everything from under the drivers door rearwards - should be good for another 15 years or so!
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #23
                  I'm not sure where mine went and I've put it in to get it fixed, so won't know exactly where. Fluid is dripping onto the O/S/R corner of the fuel tank.

                  Only issue for the Local Surfers is that Jimmy Ryan now knows it's a weak point. Sorry Alan, but he'll check now! That said, better to have it fail an MOT than fail like mine did?
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                    I'm not sure where mine went and I've put it in to get it fixed, so won't know exactly where. Fluid is dripping onto the O/S/R corner of the fuel tank.

                    Only issue for the Local Surfers is that Jimmy Ryan now knows it's a weak point. Sorry Alan, but he'll check now! That said, better to have it fail an MOT than fail like mine did?
                    thats where my drips landed, the rot was caused by an acumilation of mud and gunk on top of the cross member - not easy to clean out but once the tank and the spare wheel were out a pressure washer got most of it, I replaced the cr@p with waxoil
                    Did I mention I have a BLUE one

