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i think it may be time

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  • #31
    Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
    but thats hardly a reason to pull out
    You'd know that how?


    • #32
      Originally posted by MattF View Post
      You'd know that how?
      Sarcastic b*rstard!

      An even removed from context that doesn't make a huge amount of sense! You ginger dildo!


      • #33
        Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
        Sarcastic b*rstard!

        Ah, an Albannach reference coming up here.


        Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
        An even removed from context that doesn't make a huge amount of sense! You ginger dildo!

        It does. (In my mind anyhows, but that don't mean much, apparently).


        • #34
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          Ah, an Albannach reference coming up here.

          I dropped the 'sarcastic' line because of the spot in that thread!

          Dont fancy calling a scots man that hes a sarcastic.. ahem! As he would probably "see me jimmy" followed with a headbut! Im already ugly enough without being headbutted!

          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          It does. (In my mind anyhows, but that don't mean much, apparently).
          Well, with the greatest of respect matt... you are a scatty mare!


          • #35
            Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
            Im already ugly enough without being headbutted!
            Really? I always thought there'd be many a ravishing young la(d|ss) chasing after someone like yourself Wod.

            Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
            Well, with the greatest of respect matt... you are a scatty mare!
            It has been mentioned in passing before.


            • #36
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Really? I always thought there'd be many a ravishing young la(d|ss) chasing after someone like yourself Wod.

              I do ok!

              Especially now i do mo'jive!

