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  • 2.4

    Hello chaps and chapesses

    Are all 2.4 engines susceptable to head problems ? or did the later models get sorted ?
    Death rides a Black Horse

  • #2
    I think.. (which doesn't account for much!) that they got better later.. but its all pot luck!

    Captain chaos had a K plate that blew an i had a J plate that didn't!

    Most have probaby been replaced by now. I wouldn't have an issue going back to another 2.4!


    • #3
      The last of the 2.4's on a k & l Plate should of had the 3l heads fitted as this was when Toyota realised there was a problem with the older heads.It should be the later "93"s that should have the 3l heads.

      It all comes down to how the previous owner looked after the truck.
      I had the late 93 2.4 and that is still going strong on the head that was on it when i had it.Its been in this country 5 years and 2 owners from import.


      • #4
        my 2.4 the only thing i have never had to spend money on is the head or owt joint to it (yet)
        god nows how its not gone after being with me for 6 years nearly 7 now
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Thankyou for your observations, most useful

          Yes George I am surprised you haven't killed your truck on a number of occasions !
          Death rides a Black Horse

