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Any one thinking of leaving UK - Emigrating ?

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  • Any one thinking of leaving UK - Emigrating ?

    Here is a wide open topic.
    Now, who just thinks that they have had just enough of the UK, enough to make them want to up sticks and move?

    Are there any one in the process of moving, even just on the very bottom step, and again, are there persons almost ready and packing up by now.

    Where are you going, and why ?


  • #2
    Not realistically, but as a pipe dream we would like too (and may do eventually).

    Possibles Canada an NZ..


    • #3
      I'm too old now, just, but wish I'd gone to NZ, AUS or even the states, I've been back to all three for hols and would go tomorrow if allowed, I've told the kids (2 at uni) to leave this craphole as soon as they've qualified and make a decent life for themselves where they have a chance of not tipping up their entire wages to brit governments in hidden taxes while working their nuts off here. This country is a total disaster. H


      • #4
        I'm finishing my degree next year, going to get a year or so experience (at most) and move to NZ. My parents lived there up til a monthh before I was born and I have never forgiven them for moving back to the UK ;-)

        You asked for reasons why:
        Quite simple, I am sick of being treated as a second class citizen in my own country. No racism, fascism or any other ism about it, Britain should be for the brits and we seem to be doing everything we can to make it difficult for honest, hard working Brits and easy for scummy dole dossers and inviting every man and his dog to live here rent free. Who pays? You and I. No wonder there doesn't seem to be any money left in the pot to buy food with.
        I have already been offered a job with the NZ Army, who are in dire need of my skills (not degree related) and would welcome the chance to earn my right to live in that country. At least they have a fair immigration policy, if you are no use to the country then on yer bike. And the money they are offering out there for engineers is phenomenal.

        I think that got a bit away from me there. Like I said, no fascism involved.

        And one other reason: The country there was built for Surfs. Not the other way around...


        • #5
          if i could i would move to canada,i have alot of family there,but i'd never have the money to move


          • #6

            I'm too old ......

            BUT I'm working on my three 16 year olds - the plan is that they get qualified, move to NZ and then claim me and the Boss

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #7
              Hi, emigrated 3 years ago, got fed up with the weather, tax etc, we have a severally mentally and physically handicapped daughter, she had major back surgery and after that suffered every winter, so we upped sticks sold up and have never regretted it, will not say it has been easy, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Greece has good and bad, same as any country, we can go out without having to listen to police sirens, walk about at night with no worries about drunken yobs, council tax is in the electric bill same as the telly licence, about 900 pounds a year for everything, we have water delivered by truck and pay 60 euros for 20.000 litres. Gets very hot here, over 50 sometimes, but winter is short, december we were still walking about in t shirts. gets to about 7 in the evenings, then feb it starts to rise again. Some foods here are expensive, but with good friends who go back and forth it is not a problem, Property is a lot cheaper, we live 500 metres from a little cove with a lovely beach, with views of the sea. We paid 100.000 euros for a 80 square meter house with 2000 square meters of land. spent about 45.000 on refurb, now worth 295.000. Hard work but worth it. Unfortunatly due to our daughters health we will probaly relocate to France, as disabled facilities are not good here, and her spine is now deteriorating, but would not move back to UK., sorry if i have waffled to much.


              • #8
                Waffle all you like mate. Hope the possible move to France goes well for you and your family. Its sickening that you cant rely on your native country to give your daughter the care she needs, and her family the support.

                You place in Breece sounds idyllic though.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  for those who maybe interested

                  Thanks for your reply Apache, the problem with the UK is to many people trying to take up to little facilities, you tend to get bogged down in the rat race, and then forget you only have 1 life, sometimes by the time you realise this its to late, we all have one shot at life, so for all those who are thinking about the grand move, give it a go, you will learn alot about yourselves and other people. How many of you go to work,come home ,food, telly, bed, then back out again. Take alook at how much time you spend together as a family, quality time, and more importantly, what you really want out of life, not materialistically,those things come and go. Hope this helps those who are thinking about it, you are never to old for lifes adventures.
                  If anyone is interested have a look at this,
                  Last edited by greecysurf; 19 April 2009, 10:58. Reason: add more info


                  • #10
                    Been to Canada 5 times got married there. Lived there for 6 months little town just north of Toronto called Penetanguishine. Given the choice I would go tomorrow, but the wife will never leave.


                    • #11
                      Just got back to the UK after 20 years of being elsewhere.... at the end of the day... there is no place like home.

                      Should really change the name


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by uk_vette View Post
                        Here is a wide open topic.
                        Now, who just thinks that they have had just enough of the UK, enough to make them want to up sticks and move?

                        Are there any one in the process of moving, even just on the very bottom step, and again, are there persons almost ready and packing up by now.

                        Where are you going, and why ?

                        What prompts the question?


                        • #13
                          Thank you all for the replies.
                          I never realised just how bad UK is until I spent the last year in Oslo.
                          Now, of course, Oslo isn't my chioce place to live. It's very expensive, however, that said, I can just earn a good wage here.
                          It's just such a very cold winter, and long.

                          So I am off (or plan to be off) to Sunny Cape Town.
                          OK, not every one's choice, but I lived there for 14 years when I was younger, and married my SA wife.
                          Now we are lookin at returning.
                          Not all places are as bad as the TV and press make it out to be.
                          There are many, many very nice areas, and some of the greatest beaches in the world.



                          If all run's to plan, then we could be there before the end of the year.
                          Work wise, well, I will never work in Cape Town, just not really enough money, and I would always want to be on the beach.
                          I am fortunate that my work can be done seveal places, and hence, this is why I am in Oslo for this past year.
                          I think my next 12 months will be in either Singapore, Korea, or China. I don't know yet, 'Stay close and follow the money' !

                          I hope all the persons who replied will also have the courage to say, 'enough is enough - were going ' !
                          It's not easy, but I have heard from so many friends, and people who have done the Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, etc, it didn't work for the all, but the one's who stuck out the first 12 to 24 months, will probably never look back, come back for a holiday, yes, but probably not live in the UK again.

                          Last edited by uk_vette; 20 April 2009, 21:31.


                          • #14
                            As many others, worked all my life to pay our way and all those little things we did'nt really need and now too old to emigrate anywhere, $hit we cant even afford to move out this poxy ex council house and get the bungalow we'd like, and now my wifes disabled and reliant on disablement benifiets you could say were f##ked, Aus would be my choice tho (if i had one)
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              I've met 3 tradies recently on building sites (all of them around 25 years old) who have left the UK for the same reasons 'Passtheremote' mentioned.
                              - It's interesting to read this thread from the other side of the planet.

