A long way off topic here but I'd be interested to know how domestic fuel bills compare in different areas. Naturally some people won't want to share personal information so you may just want to quote 'more' or 'less than what I've just been billed.
I've doubled checked the bill and it is correct, to say I got a shock is a bit of an understatement!
We live in a normal brick built, 3 bedroom semi, gas central heating from a combi boiler, gas hob, everything else electric. Just me and Laura at home, Laura works from home and has her 'office' in one of the bedrooms (normally heated by a halogen heater).
This quarters bill:
Gas £330.07
Electricity £158.60
A grand total of £497.71 for the last quarter! Is it just me or does that seem a hell of a lot?
I've doubled checked the bill and it is correct, to say I got a shock is a bit of an understatement!
We live in a normal brick built, 3 bedroom semi, gas central heating from a combi boiler, gas hob, everything else electric. Just me and Laura at home, Laura works from home and has her 'office' in one of the bedrooms (normally heated by a halogen heater).
This quarters bill:
Gas £330.07
Electricity £158.60
A grand total of £497.71 for the last quarter! Is it just me or does that seem a hell of a lot?