Thought id share the progress on the model of my truck, the little crag wheels were sodding fiddley and thanks to Avabananna (in a big up stylee) for the alloy bar from which i managed to make the centers, bit to do yet but should'nt be too long before it joins stien!!
anyone got any links to surf models? the few i was watching are gone and not relisted, (found a couple but mega bucks, germany!) the blue wide body's not relisted anywhere as far as i can see and just missed a nice red wide, with red five spoke rims, bugga, bothe were around 20 quid plus mark,

anyone got any links to surf models? the few i was watching are gone and not relisted, (found a couple but mega bucks, germany!) the blue wide body's not relisted anywhere as far as i can see and just missed a nice red wide, with red five spoke rims, bugga, bothe were around 20 quid plus mark,