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Vegetarians!! your thoughts please ???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ian2144 View Post
    It's that Quarn thing!! (Forgive the spelling)

    Lasagne, Sausages or Burgers. Who eats this sh!t any way???

    Idiots evidently.


    • #17
      Your looking at it from the wrong angle there, meat's made into different shapes, styles and textures to suit different recipes. A beefburger is only round and flat so it fits into a bun and makes a yummy sandwich so one of the reasons fake meat copies it is so that it can be easily substituted into existing recipes. I can't really see the probblem with it.
      It's weird that so many people have a problem with vegetarians, I don't know if it's something to do with a meat eaters idea that they are being judged by someone who thinks they are holier than thou, but there seems to be equally narrow views on both sides of the argument


      • #18
        Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
        I think for the most part you don't know who's vegetarian most of them don't bring it up in conversations, it's only the minority of idiots that spout off about it, and thus it's only those that people remember.

        It's the pasty pale complexion, underweightness, and lack of enthusiasm when I suggest a BBQ that generally gives it away ...

        A lot of my friends are veggies and I always go to great lengths to make them something nice if they're over for dinner..

        However !!

        Why is it if a veggie comes to yours for dinner you cook them a veggie dish, but if you go to theirs for a meal they'll not serve you a meat dish ?

        Like I'm gonna be converted by a 'meat substitute' version of a proper meal ?

        It must just be your mates then, cause my veggie friends are just as healthy as the meat eaters (I honestly have no idea whre this pale and weak thing comes from) and they've no problem handling and cooking meat for other people. I think it's thy way some people implement vegetarianism rather than the act itself that some people might have a problem with.


        • #19
          Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
          Your looking at it from the wrong angle there, meat's made into different shapes, styles and textures to suit different recipes. A beefburger is only round and flat so it fits into a bun and makes a yummy sandwich so one of the reasons fake meat copies it is so that it can be easily substituted into existing recipes. I can't really see the probblem with it.

          A big arguement is that in the 'real' version of a beefburger you get a 'fairly' balanced meal in that you have a large bit of protein and fat from the meat, simple carbs from the bun, and a cheeky bit of 'good' carbs from the tomato and onion dressing.

          The veggie version is just carbs carbs carbs....
          unless there's a serious amount of nuts in there somewhere...



          • #20
            Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
            Your looking at it from the wrong angle there, meat's made into different shapes, styles and textures to suit different recipes. A beefburger is only round and flat so it fits into a bun and makes a yummy sandwich so one of the reasons fake meat copies it is so that it can be easily substituted into existing recipes. I can't really see the probblem with it.
            It's weird that so many people have a problem with vegetarians, I don't know if it's something to do with a meat eaters idea that they are being judged by someone who thinks they are holier than thou, but there seems to be equally narrow views on both sides of the argument
            If you want to eat a fake meat copies, please carry on........... it's cr@p!!

            I will never ever be a subsitute for the real thing.

            Stop kiding your self.


            • #21
              Originally posted by wishbone View Post

              It must just be your mates then, cause my veggie friends are just as healthy as the meat eaters (I honestly have no idea whre this pale and weak thing comes from) and they've no problem handling and cooking meat for other people. I think it's thy way some people implement vegetarianism rather than the act itself that some people might have a problem with.
              The pale thing probably comes from lack of iron in the diet. I never mentioned weak...

              None of my veggie friends (~ 10 people) have ever dished up meat to me and my missus at meals....

              Most of my friends don't eat meat as they believe it is animal cruelty. That is why they refuse to handle dead animal products.



              • #22
                jeez handbags! I'm only trying to give a little balance to the discussion.
                You can debate the nutritional qualities of burgers (veggie or otherwise) all you like, i'm just saying i've never met a vegetarian that looked unhealthy and trust me I meet alot of vegetarians and meat eaters alike.
                If people want to be vegetarian or if people want to eat meat, that's fine by me it's when each side starts saying their way is 'the one true path' it just starts to grate.


                • #23
                  i was vego for 14 years
                  in the end it made me very ill
                  we need meat end off init
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #24
                    Jud you don't 'need' meat. It's just easier to eat it than mess about with veg versions of protein to get your proper daily intake.

                    Me personally I love meat. I also love veg. I hate brown rice though...

                    The problem most of my friends have is they don't like veg much either.

                    One mate hates mushrooms, courgettes, cucumbers, peppers, meat..

                    Others hate nuts.. About the only decent protein / fat source available to veggies...

                    Most rely on eggs for the protein. No offense but surely eating chicken periods must be somewhat 'non vegetarian' ?

                    Funny the amount of veggies I've seen wolf a bacon sarnie down after the pubs closed


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
                      jeez handbags! I'm only trying to give a little balance to the discussion.
                      You can debate the nutritional qualities of burgers (veggie or otherwise) all you like, i'm just saying i've never met a vegetarian that looked unhealthy and trust me I meet alot of vegetarians and meat eaters alike.
                      If people want to be vegetarian or if people want to eat meat, that's fine by me it's when each side starts saying their way is 'the one true path' it just starts to grate.
                      Fair enough....every one is entiteled to their own opinion. it's the one's that whinge on and on about it that get's on my t+ts,

                      Oh, and by the way I eat more than my fair share of vegetables......along with meat.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by oneidadan View Post
                        If people want to be vegetarian or if people want to eat meat, that's fine by me it's when each side starts saying their way is 'the one true path' it just starts to grate.

                        I'm in total agreement with you there - I quite happily cook for my veggie mates... i really don't give a shxt if they eat meat or not - why would I ?

                        As someone who eats meat and veg I couldn't possibly criticize someone who eats vegetables without being a hypocrite. (as I eat them myself)

                        However, people who just eat vegetables (oh and hen periods / bacon / chicken) usually have loads of reasons why I shouldn't eat meat.

                        My only gripe was about the meat substitute products....



                        • #27
                          I was raised by a vegitarian.

                          My mother is a life long veggie, but she is a veggie because she doesn't like the taste or texture of meat. No idealogical thing, no lectures, and she does cook a good roast.

                          I never knew about these idealogical poeple until that Beetles singers first wife started harping on about it. As my mother used to say, if we didn't eat meat chances are we'd have wiped out all the herds.
                          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                          • #28
                            Both my Aunt & Uncle are vegetarians and they have this vision of a world where humans don’t eat meat. They would like to see farmers fields full of happy, content animals enjoying their lives. I tell them that farms are not rescue centres or sanctuaries and then explain that while yes, you can get milk from cows and there is still a limited market for wool from sheep, there is no justification for keeping pigs, chickens, turkeys, etc. If you’re not going to eat them or their eggs!

                            A similar situation exists with wild game and fowl. A lot of time and effort goes into the management of deer species and pheasant etc.

                            If we stop eating animals the countryside will be a very different looking place..... and not for the better.
                            Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                            • #29
                              But you dont understand... Sir Paul McCartney told me that if we stop eating cows, global warming will stop and Polar Bears will roam free once more.

                              Then again, he may have said that because he's feckin deranged...
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Apache View Post
                                But you dont understand... Sir Paul McCartney told me that if we stop eating cows, global warming will stop
                                You forgot one thing Apache, part of the cause of global warming is methane from farting cows !
                                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

