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  • #16
    Originally posted by Philip View Post
    I don't think you can get the kind of cradle you want, only Bluetooth cradle. I had same problem and thats why i kept my 6230i for so long as couldn't get wired up caradle for anything newer.
    Now proud owner of Nokia N96 and have Mini Parrot, which cost me £37.95 which wasn't bad. When i get some money!!! i will get wired in Bluetooth.

    Antone know where you can go for evening classes to learn how to use the N96 ????????????????
    got a link to the parrot,thats a good price!


    • #17
      Originally posted by goodcat View Post
      yes but if its not wired up then they are just for charging the phone only. via the ciggy lighter
      new one on me,must look intresting with a whole wiring loom chopped down to fit a ciggy lighter


      • #18
        Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
        new one on me,must look intresting with a whole wiring loom chopped down to fit a ciggy lighter
        i couldnt see a wiring loom in the pic. it just looked like a phone charger. they are very similar. some are just chargers.....some are both.


        • #19
          308 WALWORTH ROAD , LONDON , SE17 SUPPORT:020 7708 3868
          Their shop on Ebay is called Dynamic Sounds Ltd
          Proper Parrot stuff, not Dodgy.
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington


          • #20
            I've always got the cradles for mine from Mobilefun.co.uk

            THB area always bringing out new cradles for them plus you have the bluetooth cradle that works great but you would need a separate charger. Speech quality on the bluetooth one with my XDA Orbit 2 is really good.

            I certainly wouldn't change it out for a different make, I think they are probably one of the best made of all of the kits, my Parrot bluetooth kit that I replaced with the THB was flakey beyond belief connecting to my then 6310i and the handsfree quality was awful, that being said it was an early one and I am sure they are lots better now.

