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  • Originally posted by si tate View Post
    Well i was almost right.

    Last night one of my step sons friends "18" hit a man round the corner from us.

    He was racing with another car on a main road about 9.30pm, both cars were doing about 70 in a 40 zone when a man was crossing the road.

    He did'nt stand a chance & was struck at full speed, not 100% sure but i think he's died of his injuries & to top it all off the driver never stopped, police caught up with him about an hour later.

    My step son is on holiday at the minute but he knows whats happened, maybe this will be a wakeup call for him & the rest of his mates who think they are "the best drivers".
    i swear new drivers should walk round our yards,we had a nasty one thurs night,18yr old in a borrowed 325i,on a staraight built up area rd on the seafront,concrete bollards down one side(cause it goes into the sea)he spun it,hit 5 bollards and a lampost,at sum point it stood up on its end(on the boot),no damage to front,after the bollards it hit the lampost sqaure on the passenger door(where his gf was sat),they are both now paralised and in comas.
    same day hgv goin thru arundel,just after it was serviced,n/s.r outer wheel came off at 56mph,straight into a bloke waiting to cross the road


    • Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
      i swear new drivers should walk round our yards,we had a nasty one thurs night,18yr old in a borrowed 325i,on a staraight built up area rd on the seafront,concrete bollards down one side(cause it goes into the sea)he spun it,hit 5 bollards and a lampost,at sum point it stood up on its end(on the boot),no damage to front,after the bollards it hit the lampost sqaure on the passenger door(where his gf was sat),they are both now paralised and in comas.
      same day hgv goin thru arundel,just after it was serviced,n/s.r outer wheel came off at 56mph,straight into a bloke waiting to cross the road
      I hate hearing things like that. Im not sure i could do what you do mate.

      I saw a newish clio in a scrap yard whilst looking for odds an sods. It had the windscreen all cracked with a head shaped hole. Blood everywhere in the car. suspension done for.. whole front end was trashed.

      The crazy f**kers have no idea how bad it gets how quick when you go too fast! Thank god i had the surf as basically a first car... that teaches you to go slow!


      • Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
        i swear new drivers should walk round our yards,we had a nasty one thurs night,18yr old in a borrowed 325i,on a staraight built up area rd on the seafront,concrete bollards down one side(cause it goes into the sea)he spun it,hit 5 bollards and a lampost,at sum point it stood up on its end(on the boot),no damage to front,after the bollards it hit the lampost sqaure on the passenger door(where his gf was sat),they are both now paralised and in comas.
        same day hgv goin thru arundel,just after it was serviced,n/s.r outer wheel came off at 56mph,straight into a bloke waiting to cross the road
        I know non of us are angels & that we have all put our foot down at some point, but there is a time & a place for acting like a tw@t & last night on a main road in the rain was just plain stupid.
        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
          Maybe the sons only outlet was ragging a car around not thinking of his dying brother... Nothing like that to cause someones life to fall off the rails.
          Bollox! Stop making excuses for the parasite. What if it was one of your mates he'd hit, would you still be saying "Ach, it's ok, his brother's got cancer"?

          Shirley has had breast cancer, lost a breast, went through chemo and all the crap that goes with it, I didn't go racing folk round the streets, my life hasn't fell off the rails. But then, arguably of course, I'm not an irresponsible arrogant fukwit.

          I hope he rots in hell for what he's done. I have no sympathy for him, the worst thing is he'll now be a martyr in his mates' eyes.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            Bollox! Stop making excuses for the parasite. What if it was one of your mates he'd hit, would you still be saying "Ach, it's ok, his brother's got cancer"?

            Shirley has had breast cancer, lost a breast, went through chemo and all the crap that goes with it, I didn't go racing folk round the streets, my life hasn't fell off the rails. But then, arguably of course, I'm not an irresponsible arrogant fukwit.

            I hope he rots in hell for what he's done. I have no sympathy for him, the worst thing is he'll now be a martyr in his mates' eyes.
            Whoa!! hold your horses mate.. Im not giving him an excuse or saying thats a justified reason. I think hes a f**king tw*t. End of... Just because things are bad for him isn't an excuse to be a tw*t an its not a good enough reason to have a man killed.

            I would never try an justify what the kid has done. I said i hope he serves a long stretch for it! I mean it.. The dumb sh!t needs to learn his lesson.

            All i was suggesting is that whats going on with his brother caused him to just go off the rails. We dont know the kid... we know he made a f**king terrible mistake..but thats all.


            • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
              Whoa!! hold your horses mate.. Im not giving him an excuse or saying thats a justified reason. I think hes a f**king tw*t. End of... Just because things are bad for him isn't an excuse to be a tw*t an its not a good enough reason to have a man killed.

              I would never try an justify what the kid has done. I said i hope he serves a long stretch for it! I mean it.. The dumb sh!t needs to learn his lesson.

              All i was suggesting is that whats going on with his brother caused him to just go off the rails. We dont know the kid... we know he made a f**king terrible mistake..but thats all.
              Thing is though Rod, it was a terrible mistake as a result of immature stupidity.


              • Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                I know we have all been a young driver passing tests at 17 year old, but my view on passing ur test has strongly changed now for some reason, Heres how it is, a 17yr old died last night on a back road that i travel every day to work, lost control and hit a tree, passenger lived with minor injuries. Poor wee lad he was just a kid, how can the goverment put a killing machine n the hands o a child and tell them to get on with it, Thegoverment should raise the test to 20 or restrict cars for young drivers. Sorry for the rant but everyones view on this would be good to hear. I know we have ll been there being a boy racer and all that, young and daft, dont even realise the dangers in front o u, poor wee Lad, all it probably was, was a bit harmless fun to him. God Rest the Wee Mans Soul
                If you pass the test you should be able to drive. Age does not enter in to it.


                • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Thing is though Rod, it was a terrible mistake as a result of immature stupidity.
                  I wish i could've put it across like that...


                  • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                    Thing is though Rod, it was a terrible mistake as a result of immature stupidity.
                    I suspect tolerance to the type of stupidity he displayed decreases with age?
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                      I hate hearing things like that. Im not sure i could do what you do mate.

                      I saw a newish clio in a scrap yard whilst looking for odds an sods. It had the windscreen all cracked with a head shaped hole. Blood everywhere in the car. suspension done for.. whole front end was trashed.

                      The crazy f**kers have no idea how bad it gets how quick when you go too fast! Thank god i had the surf as basically a first car... that teaches you to go slow!
                      u kinda get used to it bh,just odd ones that stick in yr mind.17yr old lad face down in a stream off his bike,big accident on dual carraige way,i arrived to see a baby seat sat upside down on the outside lane


                      • Originally posted by si tate View Post
                        Well i was almost right.

                        Last night one of my step sons friends "18" hit a man round the corner from us.

                        He was racing with another car on a main road about 9.30pm, both cars were doing about 70 in a 40 zone when a man was crossing the road.

                        He did'nt stand a chance & was struck at full speed, not 100% sure but i think he's died of his injuries & to top it all off the driver never stopped, police caught up with him about an hour later.

                        My step son is on holiday at the minute but he knows whats happened, maybe this will be a wakeup call for him & the rest of his mates who think they are "the best drivers".

                        It gets even worse.......
                        The man that was killed had a 2 month old baby & to top it all off he was the best friend of the idiot drivers dad.

                        HOLLY SH*T, this is turning out to be a right fcuking nightmare.
                        Ive messed this post up a bit, read edit above. sorry.
                        Last edited by si tate; 8 March 2009, 23:17.
                        If its not broke don't fix it.


                        • Originally posted by si tate View Post
                          Ive messed this post up a bit, read edit above. sorry.
                          Don't apologise mate!

                          I sincerely hope your step-son learns from this, I really do.
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Don't apologise mate!

                            I sincerely hope your step-son learns from this, I really do.
                            Well if this does'nt bring it home to him then nothing will.

                            He got in about an hour ago & went streight to his room, not heard a peep from him.

                            I think i'll leave him for tonight but me & his mum will be having a chat with him tomorrow.
                            If its not broke don't fix it.


                            • Originally posted by si tate View Post
                              Well if this does'nt bring it home to him then nothing will.

                              He got in about an hour ago & went streight to his room, not heard a peep from him.

                              I think i'll leave him for tonight but me & his mum will be having a chat with him tomorrow.
                              This will be a delicate time for you all, can I suggest you let his mum speak to him alone first? Been through a similar thing with my ex a while back, letting her speak first and alone was definitely the best thing to do.
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                              • Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                                This will be a delicate time for you all, can I suggest you let his mum speak to him alone first? Been through a similar thing with my ex a while back, letting her speak first and alone was definitely the best thing to do.
                                Your probably right there mate, cos i know what im like & i'll end up going in with all guns blazeing & make things worse. Cheers for the advice.
                                If its not broke don't fix it.

