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This month's TOR again!

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  • This month's TOR again!

    It's arrived!

    There is a reply from the GLASS rep in it to the letters about the incident on Strata Florida which just beggars belief. Roger Fairclough either is, or should be a politician as he doesn't answer questions, but rather poses new ones in response. What a ######!

    Remember, this guy wasn't there and has gained the info something like 3rd hand.

    In his initial letter he was moaning about there being one group of eleven vehicles. I corrected his misinformation and now he is 'maintaining that eleven vehicles is too many' even in two groups. Hang on... that's in their OWN rules!

    Also, we didn't need to move the vehicles that were blocking the route because, apparently, GLASS say it's legal to drive round them. Oh yes, very helpful. I'd already told him in the last letter that the ground was very soft to the edges and breaking up due to the other two vehicles passing. Seems to save face, he'd rather we'd left the rusty heaps there, squeezed past, risking ripping out the undergrowth or rolling down the hill.

    Seems he'd rather get his info from the mysterious bystander (who as far as I can tell, is a figment of his imagination, because there were no bystanders) than from people who were actually there.

    I for one wont be renewing my GLASS membership if their public face represents their overall views, which seem to be 'do as we say because we are always right, you are always wrong'

    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Hmmmm, why do I get the feeling that some of the people who run these organisations don't even own an off road vehicle?

    Just like child care and welfare officers who don't have any kids, but think they know better than those that do because they've taken a course on it!
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      I didnt renew my GLASS membership last December.

      One reason is because of this morons comments (by the way I WAS there) and the other being an incident at Wayfarers Way.

      I pulled aside, off the designated route to let a group go by. The chap got out of his car,representing himself as a GLASS something or other and told me what I was doing was illegal. I replied that I pulled over (onto another not so designated routethat someone else had started, you know tracks through the mud) to let his group go past. He indicated that it was fine this time but not to do it again. What a TW*T. What am I supposed to do?

      I think GLASS has no control over its associates and they probably dont represent GLASS views on every ocassion correctly.Basically theyre too big.I applaude what the stand for, but think the members Ive come across are just idiots.

      and thats why I am no longer a member.
      私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


      • #4
        Isn't this exactly the same with Green Peace!?

        The amount of cr*p people pull in the name of green peace... mostly enviromentally damaging!!

        I wonder if there as pi$$ed off as we all are?!

        maybe we should all hug and make up!


        • #5
          Originally posted by RodLeach View Post

          maybe we should all hug and make up!
          easy tiger !!

          This guy just spouts absolute rollox. Im reasonably incensed at his oddness now. I am of a mind to contact GLASS right now and tell them to reign in their idiot rep, because his behaviour has now gone from questionable to plain old bare faced lies.......in fact im gonna do it right now
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
            I am of a mind to contact GLASS right now and tell them to reign in their idiot rep, because his behaviour has now gone from questionable to plain old bare faced lies.......in fact im gonna do it right now
            Why bother. You may as well attempt to plait snuff. Although G.L.A.S.S has done some good, they are like all other institutions. Egotistical pricks with a God like complex. Their opinion, (in their eyes), will be correct, no matter how wrong it is. As will any opinions of their representatives. (Do you honestly think they would admit to making a mistake in their judgement)?

            If they had the slightest interest, they would have come down on that rep the first time he appeared spouting crap in TOR. Face the facts. They really do not give a toss. They are practically Gods in their own eyes.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Why bother. You may as well attempt to plait snuff. Although G.L.A.S.S has done some good, they are like all other institutions. Egotistical pricks with a God like complex. Their opinion, (in their eyes), will be correct, no matter how wrong it is. As will any opinions of their representatives. (Do you honestly think they would admit to making a mistake in their judgement)?

              If they had the slightest interest, they would have come down on that rep the first time he appeared spouting crap in TOR. Face the facts. They really do not give a toss. They are practically Gods in their own eyes.
              Well since i seem to have a lot of time on my hands, i might just make this rumpus more public.A healthybdebate is one thing, being called a liar...im not prepared to have that levelled against me.
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                Go for it Gra!! No harm in trying to put them in there place... If they dont know theres something wrong how are they going to act against it?!

                This sh!t just got real...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                  I didnt renew my GLASS membership last December.

                  One reason is because of this morons comments (by the way I WAS there) and the other being an incident at Wayfarers Way.

                  I pulled aside, off the designated route to let a group go by. The chap got out of his car,representing himself as a GLASS something or other and told me what I was doing was illegal. I replied that I pulled over (onto another not so designated routethat someone else had started, you know tracks through the mud) to let his group go past. He indicated that it was fine this time but not to do it again. What a TW*T. What am I supposed to do?

                  I think GLASS has no control over its associates and they probably dont represent GLASS views on every ocassion correctly.Basically theyre too big.I applaude what the stand for, but think the members Ive come across are just idiots.

                  and thats why I am no longer a member.
                  O how I wish I had been with you


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                    being called a liar...im not prepared to have that levelled against me.
                    Cannot fault you for that. I would be piqued exactly the same over such an accusation. Might one ask, however, that you use correct grammar and punctuation in this response to them? Make everything perfect and they have no comeback.
                    That also includes no insults. Belittling any petulant or derogatory comments they may have made is fine, but direct attacks without cause will benefit nothing.

                    Put yourself above their level and you can preach from the soapbox all day long. That approach has never failed me yet.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF View Post
                      Cannot fault you for that. I would be piqued exactly the same over such an accusation. Might one ask, however, that you use correct grammar and punctuation in this response to them? Make everything perfect and they have no comeback.
                      That also includes no insults. Belittling any petulant or derogatory comments they may have made is fine, but direct attacks without cause will benefit nothing.

                      Put yourself above their level and you can preach from the soapbox all day long. That approach has never failed me yet.

                      cant say we had noticed

                      Seriously,i have not used any derogatory or belittling comments thus far, and intend not to full stop.I am though figuring a strategy that involves firstly, letting TOR know that passing my comments to this guy so a response can be formulated is a complete cnuts trick,indiciative of sly underhand journalism (im not pepared, in other words,to be someones patsy in the name of a bit of sensationalism)

                      Ireally cannot tell you how much this sanctimonious,odious little man has riled me
                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                        Seriously,i have not used any derogatory or belittling comments thus far, and intend not to full stop.
                        I wasn't intending to suggest that you had thus far. My apologies if I worded it in that manner. I was merely suggesting to refrain from that at all costs.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MattF View Post
                          I wasn't intending to suggest that you had thus far. My apologies if I worded it in that manner. I was merely suggesting to refrain from that at all costs.
                          Oh i know mate. I was just reitterating my intent to "rise above",because as soon as the insults start, the argument is effectively lost
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #14
                            I commend you for taking the time to ensure this issue is brought to the attention of the GLASS board.
                            Irrespective of their oppinion whether their representative is correct or not.
                            You may add that at least 2 members from your club have terminated their association and indeed membership with them.
                            Dont think theres any point contacting TOR, until you get a reply from GLASS

                            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                            • #15
                              G,day mate.

                              Apparently, as an american, you would tell me to put my money where my mouth is (see the reply), now i thought more along the lines of

                              "Goddam white trash"
                              Non intercooled nothing.

