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Greenlaning insurance.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by nero279 View Post
    well in that case, it's the grassroots stuff that takes balls, trailers are for pussies. Anyone can do anything in a motor they can drag onto a trailer at the end of the day, real men drive home too


    "proper" offroading in a road legal truck is driving in, driving out, AND driving home, any fool can launch their truck at full bore in to the scenery. The real skill is knowing what you can't do.

    The rest is just macho bull$hite, and i'm not interested in it.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #32
      What he said D

      There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #33
        Originally posted by nero279 View Post
        See, you can't offroad a road vehicle, even at an organised event.
        That's gonna need major work or a trailer home.

        Wishing I was as rich a rodp so I could afford some 'real' offroading

        It's not called rich, it's called old. You "acquire" stuff through your life, the longer you live the more you get. At this moment in time, after just closing the works due to reccession, I'm skint. and owe thousands, but do I moan, no.


        • #34
          Originally posted by rodp View Post
          I'm skint. and owe thousands, but do I moan, no.
          Top man. About time someone sported the good old fashioned stiff upper lip on here again.


          • #35
            Originally posted by MattF View Post
            Top man. About time someone sported the good old fashioned stiff upper lip on here again.
            No good whingeing is it, I made it while it was good (and spent it) and lost it (what I didn't have) when it went tits up. If I have enough years left I'll do it again, if I don't the son will (I aint told him yet though)


            • #36
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Top man. About time someone sported the good old fashioned stiff upper lip on here again.
              You could kick it off Matt??


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                You could kick it off Matt??
                Why? I have the utmost respect for people who can take a good groin kick and yet still keep trudging onwards.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MattF View Post
                  Why? I have the utmost respect for people who can take a good groin kick and yet still keep trudging onwards.
                  Cheers mate


                  • #39
                    Cant think of anything worse than spending £30 to get stuck for 3 hours, have to repair the truck every other weekend, and go home smelling like festered dogshit. If thats offroading, well, call me a pussy!

                    I'll stick to going where I know I've got a very good chance of getting home again without the neighbours laughing at me cos I've bust the car again, and seeing some varying countryside rather than the same big mud hole over and over.

                    Takes all sorts I suppose
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Cant think of anything worse than spending £30 to get stuck for 3 hours, have to repair the truck every other weekend, and go home smelling like festered dogshit. If thats offroading, well, call me a pussy!

                      I'll stick to going where I know I've got a very good chance of getting home again without the neighbours laughing at me cos I've bust the car again, and seeing some varying countryside rather than the same big mud hole over and over.

                      Takes all sorts I suppose
                      Well said that man! If I want to go hell for leather into a pond that I'm not sure of the depth, or drive over a summit without knowing what's on the other side then I'll buy some old banger with a bit of tax and test on it and double my life insurance!

                      If I want to enjoy a day out, in a vehicle that I can drive on and off road, and as Andy says enjoy the scenery, then I'll go out with people who are knowledgable and well prepared, in my current mode of transport (that's the Surf in case you were wondering).
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by wishbone View Post

                        Wishing I was as rich a rodp so I could afford some 'real' offroading

                        The smiley was meant to signify that I was joking there - it was more a gentle dig at the 'in order to be a proper off roader you have to write the truck off every time you go out ' statements of rodp. (alluding to the cost of constantly repairing the truck)

                        Guess I was just being too subtle.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MattF View Post
                          Why? I have the utmost respect for people who can take a good groin kick and yet still keep trudging onwards.
                          It was more the endless complaining about people who don't meet your exacting standards that I was thinking about


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                            It was more the endless complaining about people who don't meet your exacting standards that I was thinking about
                            No-one will ever live up to my expectations. Even I can't totally achieve that level of perfection. I do respect a good bit of spine, however. Too many blokes around these days who make even the women look butch, (and I ain't referring to just the scary women either).


                            • #44
                              Come on guys, stop the bickering. Offroading comes in all guises and it's everyone to their own.
                              I like a gentle potter around the plain or a greenlane, especially with a camera. I also like modified trials (for those that don't know, it's the class right at the top, anything goes within reason)
                              By definition a gentle amble around a field IS offroading, by competition classification it doesn't exist and that's all I was saying.

                              I was fortunate enough to be able to have dedicated comp motors, and still have one, but I do realise that it's not everyones cup of tea. Some folk just don't get the thrill of finding that last bit of grip, the knowing that just 1mm more on the throttle would have blown it or the buzz of coaxing it around just inside the canes.
                              As for offroading your road motor, if you intend to win you have to go as slow as possible but as fast as neccessary, and sometimes, as fast as neccessary breaks the motor.

                              Everyone to their own, just enjoy it.


                              • #45
                                I know what you mean mate. You're in a fortunate position.

                                Personally, owning my 4x4 would be about overlanding if I could afford it, so greenlaning and an occasional trip abroad will be as close as I can get.

                                However, if money was no object, offroad racing certainly appeals! I would give YOUR left arm for this truck!

                                Cutting steps in the roof of the world

