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Who's side are these 'Judges' on ????

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
    Calm down mush, wind yer neck in!

    I didn't say I want them running the country, just that SOME of their policies seem appealing recently..
    I'm not racisist, never have been, never will be.
    What about those Pm's you sent me about hating them "pasty faced freakin white boys?!"

    Everyone needs to calm down, Have a meatball sub an pester Ian into finishing the stein model quick so we can have some updated pictures!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      I'm not racisist, never have been, never will be.
      Glad to hear it. Don't go voting racists to represent you then



      • #33
        Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
        Glad to hear it. Don't go voting racists to represent you then

        Shurrrup ya gawd damn white boy!!


        • #34
          i don't like BP either. they're too expensive and sainsbury's own filling station is much better.
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #35
            TROLL ALERT!!!

            Vince didnt say he wasnt RACIST, he actually said he wasnt RACISIST, do you think hes playing with words ?? being a bit subtle ??

            Or maybe a keyboard glitch, D

            Сви можемо


            • #36
              Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
              Fatfires, sorry, just noticed I phrased last response at you personally, where you'd just agreed they were a bunch of racists...
              Corr.... I was just about to leave my pram, toys had already been thrown!
              Was really aimed squarely at anyone with little enough sense to think the BNP would sort out anything (BUSHWHACKER).
              Originally posted by Sancho View Post
              Let's not get over excited here. I think what Tony's alluding to is the BNP's great skill at identifying what matters to the man in the street and homing in on it as their manifesto pledges. If you actually ask them what they're about, or watch an advert on TV or something, they sound great.
              like most, they do say things that make sence, unfortunately it is a minority of their views, one thing for sure IF they got in the more outlandish views would be at the forefront im sure - but is that any different than the others?
              I took the time at the last election to read their manifesto and a lot of it seems like common sense and good ideas. If you dig deeper into it however, it is deeply fascist. Unfortunately, most people don't dig deeper (or even read it), they see the advert or hear the speech and think the BNP are the people to vote for.

              Incidentally, it's not a matter of 'tending to agree' that they're racist. They openly oppose non-white people being in Britain and make no bones about it.
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              Calm down mush, wind yer neck in!

              I didn't say I want them running the country, just that SOME of their policies seem appealing recently..
              I'm not racisist, never have been, never will be.
              likewise....generally, I tend to try to treat others as they treat me, again unfortunately I have had to work with racist folks from other ethnic backgrounds to myself and when I moved from london (high ethnic populas) to devon (low) the locals could not understand my views having not been exposed to racist people who were not 'white cocaisian'
              Originally posted by logey79 View Post
              i don't like BP either. they're too expensive and sainsbury's own filling station is much better.
              wish I had a local other than Morrisons - their prices differ hugely store to store!!
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #37

                I think you'll find that it was the European Court of Human Rights that put the boot in not our lot ........

                The problem is that European Human Rights Legislation doesn't tie up with British legislation so the clever lawyers play one against the other with predictable results. It still comes down to our stupid electorate cos they voted in the w@nkers that took us into Europe in the first place.

                Personally I think they should enlarge the immigration service & HMRC and then do 100% checks on everything coming into the country - illegal immigrants/asylum seekrs can then be sent straight back to whence they came. I'm not being racist - I just find it hard to accept that we take people who travel across Europe and only declare their asylum seekers when they land on our doorstep !

                It won't actually make much difference to things here but at least we'd have a few less extremists to worry about

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #38
                  Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
                  Glad to hear it. Don't go voting racists to represent you then

                  who the #### are you to tell people who not to vote for ??
                  thought this was a "free" country where people can vote for who they like
                  if i want to vote for bnp or any any other party it will be because i may agree with some of there views
                  Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by joker?? View Post
                    who the #### are you to tell people who not to vote for ??
                    thought this was a "free" country where people can vote for who they like
                    if i want to vote for bnp or any any other party it will be because i may agree with some of there views
                    You gonna vote for them then Dave?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                      You gonna vote for them then Dave?
                      if i thought they would do any good, yes

                      but they would be the same as any other
                      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                      • #41
                        would ya vote for me then joker sir i certainly wouldnt let anyone in without secure checks first n if they were suspected terrorists i certainly wouldnt give them 2,500 if only our goverment was like the aussies.
                        im not racist but you cant help think along the lines sometimes its cruel world.
                        but like someone said 2.500 can buy a few bullets etc.
                        it seems this country gone to the dogs
                        does that mean cheyenne can get 2.500 for what happened to her no i dont think so
                        but like you said joker we all free to vote for who we want to vote for good or bad but who ever in power it will still be the same.
                        i fed upto the teeth bout hearing bout human rights one law for one n another law for someone else


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                          His reputation is for bluntness and grumpiness, not for being a troll so the answer is probably not.

                          In this particular case its clear why people react badly, but Matt has a perfectly valid point. The day we let our government off with banging people up willy nilly is a bad day. Its all very well to start ranting and raving about shooting people because they are "alleged" terrorists but there is always another side to consider. Perhaps this guy is lucky thats hes just a mad mullah. Think what might have happened to him if he was Brazilian and an electrician. Just look at what your elected representatives are doing in the name of "terror". They want to bang people up for 90 days without charge. They are going to nick you if you take a photo of plod. At the same time its OK for them to photograph and video you as you attend a football match or a legit demonstration. Of course those laws will NEVER be abused will they. Our law enforcement agencies are much too nice for that.
                          After youve had a think about how you might feel if a relative was raped or killed , take a breath and think about how you might feel if the same relative was mistaken for a terrorist and shot. Then have a think about you might feel if you were banged up for taking a photo which had plod in it, or if you were banged up without charge for 90 days because someone with a grudge fingered you as a terrorist. Theres always the extremes , which get headlines, but overall human rights are no bad thing.


                          its enlightening to have someone let you see the three sides of the coin.
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
                            You live in a great mongrel nation, formed from the invading hordes of centuries worth of invasions, settlers and immigrants, welded together from 3 1/2 different nations and yet you want to kick out anyone who's skin colour is a bit different?

                            Make no mistake - BNP are not pro this that or the other, they are racist. And remember how the Nazis were voted in to power 'cos they looked likely to be able to solve the Jewish problem.

                            If you want to live in a society that locks people up without trial, deports based on skin colour and freely uses the death sentence, feel free to move to Zimbabwe.

                            its either the green party, or the monster raving looney party who are the favourites next election.
                            Oh Nana, what's my name?


                            • #44
                              I don't know what happened to Cheyenne, Will, and that is a private matter, but there is a Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and they do pay money out (eventually).

                              Aussie government is a lot better these days, but they used to (up until about a year ago) leave whole boat loads of people floating, and occasionally drowning, in the middle of the Pacific because they didn't want them with no particular concern over whether they lived or died. Those that did make it ashore were sent to prison camps on remote islands.

                              I personally don't want to be part of a country that does that to people.

                              Anyway, the guy wasn't given £2,500 he was awarded it in a court of law for being unlawfully detained. It sucks, but the judge gave him the least he possibly could.

                              As I always say at this point, the country is not going to the dogs, we are not at any heightened risk from anything and nothing has really changed for the last 100 years. Please, everyone, go out and have some fun before you're too old to enjoy it.


                              • #45
                                i was looking around the net to show a flyer that was posted through our doors:

                                i also stumbled upon this other forum:

                                Re: BNP Flyer St.Pauls
                                by Zaskar Wed Jun 02, 2004 18:29 markdwatson at blueyonder dot co dot uk
                                These are the addresses of the candidates standing the SW in the euro elections.
                                [addresses omitted]

                                Re: BNP Flyer St.Pauls
                                by eels Wed Jun 02, 2004 19:03
                                cheers zaskar your a star
                                there is a lot of people who hate a lot of people it seems!
                                where's the love?
                                Oh Nana, what's my name?

