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Who's side are these 'Judges' on ????

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  • Who's side are these 'Judges' on ????


  • #2
    Yeah its a F***in joke, this country and europe in general are pi55 weak, save the money just shoot the #######s. H


    • #3
      Definitely not on our side that's for sure !

      just think how many rounds you could buy for that much money
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #4
        ###### human righs campainers, i wonder if they would feel the same if one of thier children or relative was killed, or abused or raped. complete bunch of ######s,


        • #5
          Makes ya wonder if there is any common sense present in those that judge
          or are they so far removed from reality they just dont see the obvious,
          what with bailing out the banks who have been ripping us off for years and houseing terrorists in mansions, paying em a fortune in benifiets, giveing em compo etc etc etc the list goes on and on, gave up long ago, just watch "cops with camers" and the like and see the paultry sentances dishd out to these scroats, no wonder they dont give a f##k,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            One also has to look at the flipside of the argument, however. This Govt. will create a new law in the blink of an eye for their own benefit or to further screw the supposed liberties which we are supposed to have. How would anyone here feel if they were imprisoned at the Governments whim? Personally, those bent gets are far worse than any terrorists they are supposedly protecting us from.

            At the end of the day, one has to remember one simple fact. Many of these terrorists who are supposedly trying to kill us all these days spent years being armed and trained by the British and American Governments whilst it was serving their purpose. One might even call it poetic justice. A so-called civilised nation can inflict atrocities on other countries and deem it as being for the greater good. These so-called backwards countries are classed as being full of religious zealots and fanatics when they finally decide to turn on their 'benefactors' who have been using and abusing them for decades, however.

            It's amazing how the labels change depending upon the situation.
            Last edited by MattF; 19 February 2009, 15:30.


            • #7
              Is one stirring the sh#te there sir ??
              I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


              • #8
                No he is asking you to view the situation from over the fence.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Brummie View Post
                  Is one stirring the sh#te there sir ??
                  His reputation is for bluntness and grumpiness, not for being a troll so the answer is probably not.

                  In this particular case its clear why people react badly, but Matt has a perfectly valid point. The day we let our government off with banging people up willy nilly is a bad day. Its all very well to start ranting and raving about shooting people because they are "alleged" terrorists but there is always another side to consider. Perhaps this guy is lucky thats hes just a mad mullah. Think what might have happened to him if he was Brazilian and an electrician. Just look at what your elected representatives are doing in the name of "terror". They want to bang people up for 90 days without charge. They are going to nick you if you take a photo of plod. At the same time its OK for them to photograph and video you as you attend a football match or a legit demonstration. Of course those laws will NEVER be abused will they. Our law enforcement agencies are much too nice for that.
                  After youve had a think about how you might feel if a relative was raped or killed , take a breath and think about how you might feel if the same relative was mistaken for a terrorist and shot. Then have a think about you might feel if you were banged up for taking a photo which had plod in it, or if you were banged up without charge for 90 days because someone with a grudge fingered you as a terrorist. Theres always the extremes , which get headlines, but overall human rights are no bad thing.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    I'm with Matt and Bogus.

                    If he's dangerous, put him on trial. If he's found guilty, lock him up.

                    If we're not willing to put him on trial, set him free. That's not to say he should be free, but if he should be in jail, prove it in front of an open and fair court.

                    It's a simple principle, innocent until proven guilty. It's also one that the UK and US have both decided they need to find a way around in recent years, to disastrous effect.


                    • #11
                      can i have 2,500 please cause you lot scare the shite outta me


                      • #12
                        Thing is, a judge only enforces the law that the idiots in power write. If you want to stop nonsense like this, stop voting for ########s.
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #13
                          I am needed as a witness for the prossicution in a case being brought by the local authority, I know things have to be planned but as a self employed person how the F*** can I foretell just what may happen in the next 6 months business wise and as yet I still havnt had a reply as to what I can expect for loss of earnings, or how long I might be tied up or what happens if I have an oportunity for work and have to cancell or keep a customer waiting. You can bet the apperance date will be set for the convenience of the law breaking scroat
                          rant over....ish
                          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
                            Thing is, a judge only enforces the law that the idiots in power write. If you want to stop nonsense like this, stop voting for ########s.
                            I gotta say though, the BNP are looking more favorable every week.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              I gotta say though, the BNP are looking more favorable every week.
                              You live in a great mongrel nation, formed from the invading hordes of centuries worth of invasions, settlers and immigrants, welded together from 3 1/2 different nations and yet you want to kick out anyone who's skin colour is a bit different?

                              Make no mistake - BNP are not pro this that or the other, they are racist. And remember how the Nazis were voted in to power 'cos they looked likely to be able to solve the Jewish problem.

                              If you want to live in a society that locks people up without trial, deports based on skin colour and freely uses the death sentence, feel free to move to Zimbabwe.

